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About DvirG

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  1. It's actually happening... Almost there...
  2. Finally this made it to the coming soon section of the what's new on Evernote... We may just see that happen...
  3. When the rest of the tools have already redesigned the entire note experience with blocks and dynamic content etc, we are still begging the new owners to implement a one day work feature. It's ridiculous, as much as the price increase that just landed in my account. Bending Spoons, if you'd like to implement this, it would be nice. When this feature has been asked 3 years ago, it would have been amazing. Today it's just one of the things you can't allow yourself not to do.
  4. Thank you @PinkElephant and @andreaa14 for your creative solutions. Keeping in mind the journey that all competing apps and platforms has gone since I have started to use Evernote back in 2012, I really don't want to "pollute" any notebook in order to get this basic functionality of pinning a note to the beginning of the notebook. Not that I am trying to be difficult, it's just that sorting for example, changes often depends on your current work with the notebook as well as tasks, which shouldn't be contaminated with fictitious entries to create this basic functionality. Evernote had been acquired and the new owners trying to make sense of it and convert more users to paid. They have to start with listening to the loyal base, otherwise I am afraid, the base will cancel their paid subscriptions. Looking forward to having this simple functionality implemented. Simple as that.
  5. Joining this request. This would really give us many use cases, for example, explanation note for certain notebooks on what supposed to be saved and how in this notebook, in other cases it can be used for index or registry of some sort, and in others for the most important notes in the notebook. Very simple request with even simpler implementation.
  6. I'd like to support this request. Especially these days, when we have many alternatives that offer much more options as far as design of the notebook and it's behavior, I think it is critical for Evernote to offer features like this. This allows lots of flexibility to the users and with on implementation of a simple feature you will empower many use cases. Especially for whomever uses Evernote for research and studying, it allows to create a note that is well designed and holds links to various notes within the notebook to put it all together and map the real world into Evernote, a bit better. Please, may this be reconsidered, now that Evernote is under new ownership and seeking ways to add atractiveness to the platform.
  7. Hi Evernote, When I try to make use of the Evernote Gmail Addon I get the following error from Google: Access blocked: Evernote is not approved by Advanced Protection Please can you certify your product to work in Advanced Protection environment. It is critical for our corporate security alongside using Evernote. Thank you very much
  8. The Penultimate for iPad will not survive without full support of Apple Pencil. The pencil provides the best stylus experience on iPad and Penultimate should follow if it wants to stay relevant.
  9. Is there a wrap to this context? Is the feature heading to development? Specifically I'm interested in seeing sub-tasks and the ability to add tags to tasks. This together is very powerful when it comes to project management.
  10. If a note is created from an email in Gmail extension, it would be great to keep the link to the note featuring on the email constantly. This allows to continue to the note to see if any new progress was added there from the email. This is being done by ClickUp and it is so helpful.
  11. The home screen is very cool but if we could have multiple named homes it would be even cooler. This can be used to have a completely different display when we deal with private life or work and when we dealing with specific projects. Perhaps this can be added to professional only to give another reason to upgrade.
  12. It would be amazing if we could pin notes to the top of notebooks. So all pinned notebooks will appear at the top of the notebook and sort between them in the same way the rest of the notes gets sorted. This will give many more uses to notebooks, for example adding at the top a description note, etc.
  13. Please can you simply add a feature in Evernote where it knows to provide XML of the calendar to Google and can be added as an other calendar in Google Calendar and allow the user to Register to evernote calendar via Google Calendar? This can assist all users to stay on top of their plans for the day.
  14. Hi admin, Any chance you can open a section on the feature request for Widgets requests? Going forward obviously this will become a very busy section.
  15. Thanks for the quick reply. The taking off of the notes in my case is not technical, just really wanting to move on and close a chapter.
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