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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Shouldn't you be making this request to the Nixnote people? One possibility is to create a placeholder like Ω. You can followup on a different platform and replace them with checkboxes.
  2. >As you can see, the notebook structure has the disadvantage of blocking you from some features. I have three main notebooks - Inbox, Filing, Trash and other notebooks for their special features: Sharing, Local, Offline In putting my note in a specific notebook, I'm locked into its set of features. I've avoided this by using a tag organization structure instead of a notebook structure. Tags vs Notebooks - tags have unlimited hierarchy (desktop feature) notebooks have 2 levels via stacks - multiple tags per notes; single notebook per note - search for multiple tags; search only allows for one notebook - in a .enex export/import, tags are retained, notebooks are not
  3. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005177-How-to-set-up-offline-notebooks-on-mobile-devices >>i have quite a few notes i need which are structured across quite a few note books - i don't want to have to move them to one note book. You might want to think about switching to a tag structure. As you can see, a notebook structure has the disadvantage of blocking you from some features since you are locked into the features of the notebook
  4. You can have one notebook for offline sync. Store the required notes in that notebook. All your other notes will remain on the Evernote servers
  5. If you're not using offline books - your notes are not taking up much space on your iphone They are stored on the web server
  6. I don't get it - You have selective sync on your iPhone , so you're disappointed and have to leave Evernote? You might want to keep your account open at the free basic tier. It will give you access to your notes via the web platform. >>does anyone know how hard it is to save your files in another format HTML format can be exported on the desktop platforms. I think the only export format on the iphone is enex or mailing a note - and its on a note-by-note basis You can also look at the share list, there are some other options available; like pdf to ibooks - still only for single notes.
  7. To all you notebook and folder people I'm sorry to break this to you - for digital filing, there are no REAL notebooks or folders. You can't have notebooks inside of notebooks These are just labels assigned to a note. These labels go by various names: Notebook, folder, tag, keyword etc. But the truth is - they are just labels It doesn't make much sense when people are specifying their preference for tag, notebook, folder without consideration of the features and limitations of each. Its just a name. For example, this makes more sense: I used a notebook instead of a tag for these notes so I could share them.
  8. Great idea. Failing this, you might have your family members create free accounts, and make use of shared notebooks.
  9. There's no word from Evernote on Selective Sync, however I thought this was more of an issue for the desktop platforms. On the iPhone, you have the option of selecting which notebooks are sync'd to your device (known as Offline Access) >>can anyone give any advice on how to bulk save all my ever notes locally into a generic format so I don't need ever note to view them As part of my backup procedures, I store an export of my notes in iCloud in html format. This export option is available on the desktop platforms. I haven't used it, but I understand there's an service called Cloudhq which exports notes to Dropbox in pdf format. There is always the web platform to access notes. While you can't use Evernote Web with IOS, you can still access notes on your iPhone using the note link.
  10. I up-voted the feature request Have you looked a encryption? - Text within a note can be encrypted with a password - pdf attachments can be encrypted with a password
  11. If this feature request gets enough votes i'm sure it will be considered a priority. This seems to be a niche requirement - can you expand on the need for a word count feature.
  12. That feature has been demanded also The current vote for this feature is 37
  13. Its been discussed often in the forum. An alternative is to use tags You could even call your tags Folder-1 Folder-1.5 Folder-2 etc The Mac platform allows for tags to be arranged in a limitless hierarchy, for example Folder-1 Folder-1.5 Folder -1.5.1 Folder-2 Personally, I use tags for organization/classification; I use notebooks for their special features like Local and Sharing.
  14. Recurring reminders is not supported in Evernote.
  15. You might use numbers 10 20 30 .... It gives room to insert new notebooks into the sequence >>Poor design I see this repeated so much in the forums. "It's a poor design because Evernote doesn't have my feature." Its certainly a design decision, and it's a question of priorities if and when changes are implemented. Requests for changes can be posted in the feedback forums and users can vote as to the priority. It's a better process than tweeting the CEO.
  16. In the meantime, to make notes inaccessible, you can encrypt the text and pdf attachments.
  17. I don't understand the issue I retrieve the link using the share menu I paste the private link into a note - it pastes as a classic link To get the classic link - press on the link, then copy the classic link I agree it would be easier if the first dropdown included Classic Link.
  18. One approach I use is to share a master note that is a table of contents containing public links to the other notes in the collection. It requires setup, and each note contains a link back to the master note. The benefits are - easy sharing; it's just a link - you can organize the master list however you want it - recipients don't require Evernote to access the notes
  19. >>I just downloaded the trial version of that PDF encryption product, will see how that goes. I like how it lets you create inbox/outbox folders for drag and drop encrypting. Nice. Preference window is horrible. Unfortunately, the interface is just terrible. I hate that it gives me "low/medium/high" security options without telling me what those actually are. Lame. But the folder functionality makes it easy to encrypt this stuff, much simpler than using Preview. So I'll likely buy it when the trial period ends. Thanks for the recommendation. I agree and will be looking at adding this to my workflow. Thanks for the recommendation. I also will be using the "Hot Directory" setting and bypass the UI. I'm not enthused that the original pdf remains in the folder and has to be deleted manually.
  20. Thanks for pointing that out. I have removed the post until I can verify the facts (qualification for "Secret") To be honest, I worked in the corporate world and the highest level we had was Confidential. I was told it was equivalent to gov Secret, but there does seem to be a contradiction.
  21. afaik There is no read-only option Its been discussed in the forums. The workaround I use is to convert my note to pdf format.
  22. Its an idea discussed before in the forums. You might want to go this post in the product feedback area and up-vote it. https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/16567-collapsible-expandable-outlines-within-notes/?do=findComment&comment=82070 (voting buttons are at the top left corner)
  23. You are so right - there are many apps out there that handle table features better than Evernote Also other features, If that is of such a high importance to you, you should switch apps For myself, I'm staying with Evernote; I value the input options, multi-platform sync, organization features One way I handle table functions in IOS is to have templates set up. By copy/pasting I can create a table or add a row. Another alternative is to switch to the other app for the extended feature set, then store the output in Evernote
  24. I think you're looking at the wrong software. Evernote doesn't use a note folder methodology. I'd describe it more as a note label methodology. Its kind of the latest thing in organization. Even computer file systems are starting to use it by adding file tags
  25. Evernotes has notebooks/tags/searches as tools to fulfill user note collection requirements. I'm not sure what your requirements are but if you identify them first; I'm sure you'll see that there are tools for them. Its not a great process if you start your requirement definition by specifying a specific tool. Examples of requirements: - I need to identify all notes having xxxx in the text - I need to identify all notes that I classed as xxxxx - I need to share this collection of notes with other users - I need to keep this collection of notes local and not sync/d to the cloud
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