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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. I experimented with ways to avoid 'accidental' erasures for a while.  The easiest and most effective was to give 'view only' rights so notes couldn't be changed.  There's also a backup copy of the entire database and/ or shared notes or notebooks.  Another option was to keep a special notebook for each person or group in the share,  and to copy files into that as necessary.  I always had an original.  Or you could keep the content of the file in a passworded PDF file in the same note as a ride-along backup.  Or use a premium subscribers 'step back' into the note history to recover from changes.  


    Some of those don't prevent notes from being deleted completely however - and if they're not in Trash and you don't have a backup,  you do have a problem

  2. Took me a while to connect the dots,  but there's another thread about annotations where we found that rotating an image somehow 'locked' the content so that once rotated,  further changes don't save,  and that Korean edits had the same problem,  where English did not.  Seems like Slovak might also be affected,  unless you rotated your images before... ?

  3. So:  I have a scanned receipt for my car insurance.  Do I file it under Personal > Car > Insurance?  Or under Insurance > Car > Personal?  Or Expenses > Car? 


    Or should I just file the thing and add Personal / Car / Insurance / Expenses as tags and find it any way I search?


    If I missed my nested folder structure,  I could nest tags in similar ways,  but that's just a convenience.  Or you could have tags nested under A, B, C so your tags window is 26 lines long,  and you can look up names quickly.


    Nested folders aren't efficient or logical.  Tags are far simpler and more flexible.  Just my opinion.

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  4. I was just using Paypal to pay for a Premium update and a Moleskine notebook, but I gave up immediatly  when I realized that the applied change rate between USD and EURO was 1 to 1. I really don't appreciate this policy, as the change is nowadays about 1.14 USD for 1 EUR.

    OK, I agree this is a very little problem, for a single customer, but I don't agree that in this way you have a wrong, undue, huge amount of $$$ from your european customers.

    Just my two cents... that are 2.28 cents in USD...


    Hi.  The exchange rate is applied by Paypal,  not Evernote.  Maybe a different method of payment will have a more reasonable option?

  5. Well let's see.


    Evernote not listening to subscribers? - that's a subjective view;  Evernote don't comment about what they have in the pipeline,  or when new features will be released.  They also conduct their own focus research on the next best direction for their product,  and are influenced by Apple and Google's design guidelines for their own respective products.  Having said all of which,  when were Ford last accused of listening to their customers in new car designs?  It's a big company.  They do their own thing.


    "Breaches of privacy numerous times in the past?"  Are you reading a different forum?  There was an unsuccessful hack attempt.  Once.  Users would like various levels of encryption,  but Evernote haven't decided to implement this (as far as we know) - see para 1 above.


    A lot of the 'power users' looking for alternative apps seem to be saying that there's not much out there to offer a viable option.  They're mumbling a lot but sticking with Evernote and hoping things get 'better' (whatever that is...)


    If you do find a better option I think a lot of people would be glad to know it - please post back when you make your choice!

    • Like 7
  6. Hmmn.  My current browsers are Firefox and Opera (I fell out with Chrome using too much memory) and annoyingly neither of the current pair allow me to export bookmarks. Don't know why Clipper would be unable to clip that page,  unless you're clicking the 'Article' option,  which won't work.  Try highlighting some or all of the text and clip 'Selection'.


    Second option would be to email the page / content from your browser to your Evernote email address...

    • Like 1
  7. I don't believe that PayPal is an option,  but submit a CS support request to check by choosing "payment issue" in the first dropdown after logging into logging in to this link > https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action


    It's not usual for the Forum to ask for a new user name,  and the Forum uses your Evernote ID as a reference,  so logging in as above will check if there's a problem with that too...

    • Like 2
  8. Less than 2 years after it launched and with way fewer users,  it's possible most of those requests were coming from new users who were still wedded to the traditional folder system.  Since then it's either proven much harder than was originally thought to crowbar the existing code into allowing multiple levels of folder,  or a growingly sophisticated user-base lost interest in the topic and got distracted into other areas. Either way,  the basic facts remain:  despite being discussed in circles here for 37 pages,  multi-level folders didn't happen (yet).  


    Meantime I'd far rather see rock-solid syncs / no freezes / faster and better searches (amongst many other things) at the top of the agenda.

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  9. Bump for a key feature missing in Evernote ..


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      Missing this key feature strays me from Evernote to use other programs (that all seem to contain subfolder heirarchy's except Evernote)


    You did notice that the (Evernote's choice) Best Answer in this thread is from 2008?  And since it mentions nested tags but not notebooks,  rather suggests that they aren't interested?  Lots of discussion in the forums if you search...

    • Like 3
  10. ? Had a quick look at the mfrs website - there's no mention of Evernote sync that I could see.  What does your Android pen actually do when it syncs with Evernote?  Does it create a new note in a special notebook?  And if it uses a bluetooth link,  is it paired with your laptop?  Do you have your phone nearby when you try to use the pen with your laptop?

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