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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. I'm presuming there's no way to export my notes through the web client, since I don't run MSWin or MacOS.


    Don't believe so - unless you can use a desktop Win or Mac machine to access your account and export the notes,  then move that file somewhere else...

  2. I'd think IFTTT might be able to help with this,  or as @SebR suggests a rule within your mail could help.  To take it one stage further you can set up 'sub' emails in some web clients like Gmail,  so could maybe create something like a norm3.archive@gmail address which would allow you to openly CC a copy email and then use Gmail rules to forward that to your Evernote address.  Maybe.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi - at the moment there isn't one.  You can create a style in another word processor (like MS Word) and copy/ paste into a note,  and/ or you can embed the file into the note to allow for future editing. There's an expectation that the Evernote editor is being upgraded 'soon',  but don't hold your breath..

    • Like 2
  4. I would also like to request the ability to associate multiple accounts with a single Evernote account. As I increasingly use Evernote to take and share screenshots, I find it frustrating when for some situations, I have to copy the image out of Evernote and paste into the e-mail rather than just send from Evernote. 


    Just a thought - if you paste the shared page into your email with another utility and add your Evernote email address as a BCC field you can probably save some keystrokes...

  5. What a great product!  I can use this for almost everything.  Wait...I cannot sort my lists like within the note?  OK, I will just export, sort and import.  Wait, why don't I just use an application that does sort.  OK.  Sounds good.  Wait, why do I use EN now?  I guess i don't now.  Bummer.


    It has been said that there are a low number of users.  Wonder why?


    It has been said that it EN does not re-invent things.  How can you re-invent things when they are already invented and only need to be implemented?


    Sorting is basic.  Can use say alphanumeric?  You don't provide a car without seats.


    And finally, sorting is integral to EN.  Notes are nicely sorted.  It is just the notes themselves are not.  Strange.


    -and as to "low number of users" I believe the current total is somewhere between 80 and 90.  Million.  According to Wikipedia that makes Evernote's user population bigger than France or Germany.

    • Like 2
  6. There's also FollowUp.cc - pretty much the same service as far as I can see;  you can email reminders to your Evernote address (if you set it up) so you get a correctly dated note for each repeated event.  CC your own email address for a direct headsup.

  7. Same problem with me, but my friend suggest me SysTools Hard Drive Data Recovery Software its help me to recover or restore files or folders in a previous manner. So try this, i hope it also work for you...... :)


    Thanks for the tip,  but if you have access to the drive and know where the folder is,  you shouldn't need to purchase extra help to get to it - and if you reinstall Evernote (free download) and sign in with your user details,  Evernote will always download (for free) any synced notes to your computer.  

    • Like 1
  8. I'll +1 that - it has been suggested before, with variations;  and I'm not sure how Evernote would engineer that (please don't tell me how they could..) but I can see it would be a bit of added protection for public use when a user might click the wrong notebook and open up something unexpected.


    Against that there's the fact that you can lock your screen when you are away from your desk / keep a separate free account for private stuff and switch to/from it easily from Premium / or password protect note contents in a word-processor file to prevent accidental display.


    Still,  the devs do read these posts...

  9. I agree with Kismetique. I'm on a Win 7 - 64 machine. It used to be that evernote was just fine, then it started losing the icon. I created my own icon and added it in Properties. Now, the Change Icon functionality is greyed-out. So, no icons (Start Menu, Desktop or Taskbar) and no work-around. I'm find it difficult to believe that I'm the only person in the world that's having this problem.


    I'm sure you;re not,  but it's also not a routine issue.  First thought is Revo uninstall and reinstall (with backups) - see the forums for more detail on that if you need it.  Second thought would be - Support Ticket.

  10. Oh but YES, Evernote does and has ALWAYS had this weird little problem.  And yet AGAIN today after an update, the little icon on my toolbar is sitting there - BLANK - AGAIN!  I'm sick to death of this issue.  Every flipping time I upgrade the stinking interface, I get a blank shortcut on my Windows toolbar.  I have to go and find it in my start menu and put the shortcut on my toolbar, each and every time.  


    I just surely do not understand why I can update and upgrade ANY other program without this happening, but I have always, since day 1 had to replace the Windows shortcut after an update of Evernote and this happened under XP and now on Windows Vista - 2 different OS's and 2 different machines!  Irritates the ***** out of me - so bad in fact, that today I came here looking for these forums to ***** about it.


    Personally, I see it as a bug that needs to be fixed!


    Actually I just updated an XP machine - no icon issues;  and I'm running a Vista laptop that's being chugging along for ages (through three hard drives so far) and neither has had this icon issue.  Not saying it doesn't exist,  but AFAIK it's not consistent,  and it's not a recognised bug.  I'd suggest you raise a support ticket -see below- (if you haven't already) to let someone have a look at this in more detail.

  11. I just meant that sometimes when I don't have easy access to Evernote (or I'm too lazy) I'll send myself a reminder or start off a longer piece of text to my Evernote email address.  It might be a recipe,  directions to a meeting or a few lines of text that will start me off when I sit down to write the thing properly.  I just bang that into an email and complete the notes later.  



    • Like 1
  12. Lots of prior discussion on this - we're still waiting for the complete overhaul,  though bits and pieces have been getting through like image editing and annotations...


    At present the Android editor isn't a full-service operation; it's for text notes and screen clips, and some of the latter include HTML codings and ...
    Editing problem with a note - posted in Evernote : Hi, I am having trouble editing one of my notes. I can edit it on the PC but on the phone I'm ...
    bug: editing a note on Android removes all tabs! - posted in Evernote : Hi, I've stumbled on a really debilitating bug: whenever I edit a note on ...
    discussion.evernote.com/.../21587-bug-editing-a-note-on-android-removes- all-tabs/
  13. If you are on a mac cmd-opt-v would paste without source formatting. (I imagine ctrl-alt-v would be the Windows counterpart, Gazumped might confirm this??)


    Depends what and where you're pasting I think.  c-a-v will pop up a 'Paste Special' menu in some apps so you can choose how to show your content.  I think we need the OP to tell us a little more about the OS and use case here..

  14. Hi.  Evernote does OCR images so they're searchable,  but the text is not extractable from the image.  OneNote is better for that specific use case - the text (or the best approximation of it) is available in a separate window to be copied and pasted elsewhere.  Voice to text is part of Evernote,  though you'd need to use one of the specialist pen inputs if you want to choose specific parts of the text to hear again.

    • Like 1
  15. Hi - welcome to the forums.  Evernote doesn't have weird little problems like this - at least not in my Windows Vista / 7 / 8-64bit experience.  I can only suggest you Revo uninstall and reinstall your version of Evernote - backup your database first and search the forums for more specific instructions if you need them.  If that fails - see the support ticket link below.

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