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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Not sure how long this has been happening for me, but yes - I now also get all links pointing to the parent URL. Not a major hassle on odd occasions to go back to the source page and jump from the original material, but a definite and annoying speed bump in any operation.
  2. Hi. You are correct that there is no way to turn off the update process, but what should be happening is that your version will update in the background - you should not see a 'prompt' requesting that you download a new package, just confirmation that you now have an updated version - no action required. That is happening rather frequently at the moment, but since these are bug fixes and new features it's generally good news. I'd suggest you uninstall Evernote from your device, restart your system, and download and install the latest version. Then, if you see a prompt at the next update, copy the window and post the image and your EN version back here.
  3. Hi. Your form is weird. There are a couple of random notes in there - dinner plans?? Plus one difficult-easy measure that doesn't have a question attached. Good luck with your survey...
  4. Hi. Probably all you need is patience - the thumbnail has to be created and synced with the note... give it a day or so and an image should appear if it's scalable.
  5. Hi. I think you mean 'without it' and I think you're wrong. I've struggled to 56,000 notes and counting without this particular feature (although I admit I use Workflowy when I need it...) and whilst (I think) this is the most requested feature, the fact that it's not happened yet suggests that either 1) Evernote have this on their route plan for some point when the necessary code changes will be part of bigger upgrades or 2) It ain't gonna happen. Your move...
  6. Hi. There seem to be some issues with Clipper in the latest version of Chrome (which updates rather frequently). There are other posts in the forums here - -and "Is there a way to adjust how this quick note functions?" - not that I'm aware of...
  7. Does your query have anything at all to do with Evernote??
  8. ...and: Desktop? Mobile? Web? Android / iOS / Mac/ Windows? How did you 'lose' your stuff?
  9. Hi again. I'm not having a problem with Chrome despite having the same version of Clipper, but as I mentioned above I have flagged this thread already for an admin to take a look at when they're available.
  10. Hmmn. Someone else was reporting issues connecting with the Support mail - looks like it may be more than just an individual glitch. I've seen somewhere that Support will now be unavailable from tomorrow until the 27th of December, so nothing much is going to happen quickly, but at least I can flag this exchange for the Admin staff who may be able to get things fixed up over the next few days. Meantime there's a Twitter contact here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  11. Hi. If you image the card with a device camera and the picture is not recognised as a visiting card, try clicking the thumbnail before saving the pic. In the 'old' mobile apps you would have several options including 'business card'. Don't know if that is still available in v10.
  12. I have no clue what or where this might be. However I'd imagine that whether or not this was an Evernote site all "Reports" received are examined to determine whether the post is acceptable or not, and whether any action is merited. No action would automatically be taken on the basis of your click.
  13. Hi. If you're a free user, have you exceeded the device limit? If you're a subscriber I'd contact Support. Understanding the device limit
  14. Hi. In the absence of any device / OS / Evernote version information - uninstall / restart device / reinstall?
  15. Recent updates to Chrome seem to have broken something - best action would be to report this to Support and get them to help. Meantime subscribers have access to an Evernote account email address to forward pages direct, and copy/ paste or third party copy apps will get content into a note. You also have the option to 'print' to a PDF file for email or later import to Evernote.
  16. Evernote don't react to individuals about specific issues, and some folks seem to be getting on with v10 just fine, so it's not an endemic issue - workarounds are - use Legacy where necessary in hopes of further development sorting this out, and report slowness to Support (which is not us) so they can tech your individual system and connection. Good luck, and let us know what happens!
  17. You could try the Legacy app to get back into your notes... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  18. Hi. Have you been using the app up to this point? Was there a recent OS or Evernote update? This would not appear to be a general bug that requires fixing, but a specific issue affecting your system. Please contact Support (we are a mainly user-driven Forum). Since this is a main holiday period, you may wish to try a quick fix by uninstalling Evernote and reinstalling with a current version download from Evernote.com. (Please restart your system after uninstalling and before reinstalling.)
  19. Hi. You may want to start here... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314458-Using-Evernote-Quick-Start-Guide If you have any specific tasks you want to accomplish, or any strange responses from the app, please feel free to drop by here and ask for more help! PS - Don't worry if you make a lot of mistakes while you learn. Everyone does...
  20. Hi. The clue is in the message. Some pages you (or Evernote) are not allowed to clip. Having said which any screen-grab add-in or a straight copy and paste will probably record most of the information shown.
  21. Hmmn. Sad - that would have been an easy fix! OK - when you do uninstall, please check that the %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote directories are gone after the uninstall process is complete. I think what happened is that installing the new HDD somehow disturbed Evernote's setup. Hopefully a refresh will resolve that. Good Luck!
  22. Well - a little good news for the present. Filterize seems like it will continue with new investors - there's an announcement on their Facebook page, nothing on the website (that I could find) yet....
  23. Hi. Is Adobe set as the Windows default file handler for PDF documents?
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