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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. On 6/17/2024 at 2:11 PM, infrablue said:

    I just wonder why so many people around me are so dissatisfied with the new design.

    I tend to see comments from several forums (fora?) and my impression was that it was 50/50 - some people like the new layout,  some don't.  There was a poll on Twitter at one stage - people would have be voting for one version over another,  not against having some features.

  2. Has anyone actually bothered to contact Support?  Things still seem to be working for me - Win 11 and EN 10.92.3.  The website says the latest version is 10.93.1 - updating now.  If you're affected though,  get in touch with Support - the more requests they get,  the faster a bug will be fixed.

    Edit: Yup - on 10.93.1 it took a reload to get a backlink - it might just be taking longer than I was prepared to wait.

  3. Hi.  We're mainly other users here. Send requests and comments to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be very patient for a response here) 

    In general: it's far better to send feature requests and minor bug reports via feedback.  With millions of users,  Evernote can't keep individuals in the loop for bug fixes or possible future developments - if and when your issue is resolved it will come as part of a future update. Support is meant for major issues like access and subscriptions.

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  4. Send feature requests to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be very patient for a response here) 

    In general: it's far better to send feature requests and minor bug reports via feedback.  With millions of users,  Evernote can't keep individuals in the loop for bug fixes or possible future developments - if and when your issue is resolved it will come as part of a future update. Support is meant for major issues like access and subscriptions.

  5. We're mainly other users here. For a more timely notification please send a request to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be very patient for a response here) 

    In general: it's far better to send feature requests and minor bug reports via feedback.  With millions of users,  Evernote can't keep individuals in the loop for bug fixes or possible future developments - if and when your issue is resolved it will come as part of a future update. Support is meant for major issues like access and subscriptions.

  6. Don't see what we're discussing here.  Legacy no longer exists,  and v10 is the only Evernote option.  It MAY speed things up for you when processing lots of changes if you take it offline,  because whatever infinitesimal processing time is involved with sending every. single. action. to the server,  is held over until you go back online.  -And you can walk away at that stage while things update themselves.

    Evernote haven't published any comment,  because this was a user suggestion;  and it's not obligatory - if you find it doesn't work for you that's fine.


  7. 13 hours ago, Katreya said:

    (I am subscribed to Premium).

    You show here as being Premium too,  though I didn't think subsidised accounts still existed.  The current options are Free / Personal / Professional and whilst (AFAIK) Tasks are available to all,  that feature was never part of a Premium account.  So yes,  they may be serious.  You can check your account level here - https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action

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  8. 12 hours ago, eburnson said:

    I currently have Evernote sessions active on Windows (app and Edge browser) as well as on my iPhone, iPad and MacBook Pro.  My Office 365 calendar is synced with all 3 IOS devices but not Windows (app or browser). This calendar issue seems to be Win specific. 

    Same question as before - is this a Teams (business) account?  Plus - what device,  and what are your OS and Evernote version numbers?

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