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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. Sorry but unless there have been numerous reports on this back to Evernote via their feedback email address or the Support link, I don't think line spacing is going to be high on their priorities at the moment.  They're still fixing the old database and server structure while also adding and developing a lot of new features.  Once they start working on that part of the code again they'll have a chance to upgrade it,  but it's unlikely to be anytime soon.

  2. Hmmn.  If you simply require a backup or human readable copy of your Evernote notes/ notebooks, there may be a rather clumsy work-around...see Postach.io.  

    It is possible to create an independent Postach.io version of the notes in HTML,  which will include valid links to attachments.  Those HTML pages will be readable independently of the Evernote app - although actual printing probably (not yet tested) will still break any links to local attachments.  (You would get a link back to the online file, not an exported attachment)

    Postach.io HTML pages are an independent copy of your account - even if Evernote is offline the pages should still be available.

    Up to 5 notebook-to-web page conversions are (currently) free.  The online pages are not routinely caught by search engines but beware that anyone with the URL of any note will be able to see the content.  Subscribers can password protect a landing page.

    EDIT: NB It is necessary to tag each individual note to be 'Postach.io'd' with the word 'published'

  3. I'd suggest everyone has a browse through Settings> Prefs> Tasks because there are some options there I hadn't noticed before re pre-set reminders for tasks.  I'm on a just-downloaded 10.93.2 (my previous install having mysteriously disappeared since I last logged in) but checking the web for the same features I'm on 10.93.3 via browser with an active "import files" which says "Evernote converts DOCX, HTML, TXT, and Markdown files into notes. Other file formats are saved as attachments inside notes."

    I must've missed a memo somewhere... :huh:

    • Like 1
  4. Hmmn.  Hate to throw you onto Support,  but if you haven't already done so,  I'd suggest you contact them.  Meanwhile one of the things they will ask you to do is to reinstall the app,  so you might want to consider that - a "clean" reinstall involves...

    (Short version:)  Sign out of Evernote / don't save your data locally / use Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) or Appcleaner (Mac) to uninstall the app.  Power off and back on,  then re-download and reinstall from Evernote.com and leave Evernote running to rebuild the local data.  The new install is still initially a little slow - things get better after a few days.

    All of the above will take around 20 minutes at the computer,  then a day or two after to catch up.  The process will clear out any corrupted information you may have on your PC.

    (If you can't afford the time for a full reinstall and only need a few notes copied,  you could try signing in to the Web version at Evernote.com and printing via your browser)

  5. On 6/19/2024 at 3:50 PM, ticzon said:

    Should I be concern? Should I be concern that my data might be compromised since the company doesn't have a regular brick and mortar location?

    The reason for the address change happened a couple of years ago when Evernote was sold to a big Italian IT provider called Bending Spoons.  There was a bit of a fuss at the time.  The HQ is a big new office in Milan -     15 Corso Como, Milano, Lombardy 20154, IT

  6. 2 hours ago, Boot17 said:

    They've just now implemented the pin feature so the end of reminders might be soon, unless anyone has heard otherwise that they've changed their minds and it is staying?

    No clue (as usual) exactly what is going on.  I can't believe that nobody uses Reminders - it was all we had before Tasks and Calendars were available;  but if it worries you that the feature might be removed - tell Evernote.  Use Feedback or Support to give your point of view. 

    It would be a good idea though to start using Tasks or Events (which seem to me to be far more flexible - YMMV) where you can,  just in case.  It will be a bind to move from one system to the other,  but if you consider the other option of changing provider you'll have a whole extra learning curve to deal with anyway. 

    Your choice which way to go.

  7. I just checked the process from my installed Evernote v10.93.1 app on Win 11.  I click on Add Accounts,  get taken to the web page to log in.  I'm offered the options of continuing login with my existing account / choosing a different existing account / creating a new one.  I chose different account and got told my password was too simple (it was - this was a test account) so I had to change the password,  but then was able to log in freely. 

    As @AlbertR said,  once logged in,  only the 2nd account was visible,  but I could switch back to the first easily.  You could share one or more notes or notebooks between accounts to exchange information between them more easily,  or export to ENEX files on one and import on the other.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, Feitz said:


    I feel like going back to my previous avatar "don't panic"

    So far we have one report of an issue which may or may not be server related,  and your single experience.  Feel free to contact Support (sorry) for their comment.

    Meantime I put my desktop into airplane mode and am looking at notes dating back 10 years.  Tried closing the wifi connection too*,  and still got most notes - TWO from the early 2000's weren't available and I'd suspect that was because the server needs to translate them into the current format.

    Evernote is also working on the new Server updates for RENT,  so could be running slow,  as with the backlink issue mentioned elsewhere.

    EDIT - I did reconnect to post this note,  obviously!

  9. 9 minutes ago, thefryhole said:

    It seems now that desktop also stores only those notes that were accessed recently.

    It would make the Settings option in my app to "keep a copy of my notes on this machine" a bit redundant if that were true.  I've not seen any statement from Evernote to suggest that local storage is being downgraded.

    2 minutes ago, alainfromepsom said:

    it would be great to have that the facility back

    I don't think it has gone away,  although you're obviously having issues with it - and it's not something we can resolve in time for your trip.  If you do have certain notes that you'll need,  and if this is practical - you could move them to a temporary notebook and export the whole thing to HTML files,  which will give you a local browser version of your content,  but otherwise you're dependent on your iPad by the sound of it!

  10. 14 hours ago, tekomikon said:

    Do you realise how unethical this is?

    Not supplying services that haven't been paid for?  There might be some arguments about that..  

    For information - we're mainly users here - you can feed back your concerns to Evernote via feedback@evernote.com.  Meantime if you have been locked out your notes are quite safe - you can wait out the suspension or re-subscribe on monthly payments with a view to unsubscribing again in a month or two when your access is sorted out.

  11. On 6/17/2024 at 2:11 PM, infrablue said:

    I just wonder why so many people around me are so dissatisfied with the new design.

    I tend to see comments from several forums (fora?) and my impression was that it was 50/50 - some people like the new layout,  some don't.  There was a poll on Twitter at one stage - people would have be voting for one version over another,  not against having some features.

  12. Has anyone actually bothered to contact Support?  Things still seem to be working for me - Win 11 and EN 10.92.3.  The website says the latest version is 10.93.1 - updating now.  If you're affected though,  get in touch with Support - the more requests they get,  the faster a bug will be fixed.

    Edit: Yup - on 10.93.1 it took a reload to get a backlink - it might just be taking longer than I was prepared to wait.

  13. Hi.  We're mainly other users here. Send requests and comments to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be very patient for a response here) 

    In general: it's far better to send feature requests and minor bug reports via feedback.  With millions of users,  Evernote can't keep individuals in the loop for bug fixes or possible future developments - if and when your issue is resolved it will come as part of a future update. Support is meant for major issues like access and subscriptions.

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  14. Send feature requests to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be very patient for a response here) 

    In general: it's far better to send feature requests and minor bug reports via feedback.  With millions of users,  Evernote can't keep individuals in the loop for bug fixes or possible future developments - if and when your issue is resolved it will come as part of a future update. Support is meant for major issues like access and subscriptions.

  15. We're mainly other users here. For a more timely notification please send a request to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be very patient for a response here) 

    In general: it's far better to send feature requests and minor bug reports via feedback.  With millions of users,  Evernote can't keep individuals in the loop for bug fixes or possible future developments - if and when your issue is resolved it will come as part of a future update. Support is meant for major issues like access and subscriptions.

  16. Don't see what we're discussing here.  Legacy no longer exists,  and v10 is the only Evernote option.  It MAY speed things up for you when processing lots of changes if you take it offline,  because whatever infinitesimal processing time is involved with sending every. single. action. to the server,  is held over until you go back online.  -And you can walk away at that stage while things update themselves.

    Evernote haven't published any comment,  because this was a user suggestion;  and it's not obligatory - if you find it doesn't work for you that's fine.


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