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Everything posted by HeBoIz

  1. The new app was constructed by the ground in a new technical environment. This leads to the point that every single functionality has/had to be rebuilt for the new app. There might have been no ability just to „leave in“ any function. The pressure to go public and to show progress after 18 months without bigger changes lead to this version 10.0 which may not have included all the big or small functions we all may have loved or used. But how the hack did you mange to do multiselect on ipad before10.0?
  2. I think there are more or less useful differences and needs for checkbox-list and single checkbox item: Checkbox button (list) from the edit menu inserts and reacts as list-environment starting with checkboxes as list item at any new line can easily be reordered by drag and drop shows as a strikedthrough line on Web-Frontend if activated shows a list indention in the web frontend will be created with [] if entered at the beginning of a new line Single Checkbox from the insert menu is just a single checkbox and is no list-item can't easily be reordered by drag and drop won't be shown as a strikedthrough line if activated shows no indention in the web frontend at line-beginning will be created with [] if entered somewhere else than at the beginning of a new line displayed as a screenshot from the actual web-UI:
  3. One possible explanation could would be avoiding updating the search on every single litter, This would even be a bigger issue if the 10.0 version would conduct and update the search for suggests by primarily connecting to the evernote-servers in the www rather than to first search local. The more I look at the complains about bad performance and slower actions the more I suspect evernote might have changed a bit to this kind of webdriven application service providing idea. (just take some fotos with evernote and upload them all at once. Instead of an immediately updated note with your pics to sync you have to wait rather long for getting an allready updated and synced note with pictures...)
  4. After another look in the actual web-UI I have to change my opinion once again: For a better and coherent cross-plattform design it might be better to adopt the concept of the web ui, which means: search field directly and top most in the sidebar followed 2nd by the new note button with dropdown for severel additional actions
  5. I'm not quite sure if I would agree with this. Isn't this button easier to reach with thumbs on iphone or ipad when it is placed like this? (What is annoying me more is the search button in the bottom-right. I'm used to allways look for search options and fields above the content...)
  6. Thank you for this info. If I had seen this before I wouldn't have posted this as an issue. (looks a little bit like version 10.0 is in fact a - rather good - late beta version, which now has to be end-tested and fulfilled with a couple of hopefully shortly comunc updates...)
  7. I have the same sync-problem once again, but only with new web-UI in my chrome browser: sync is frozen with last note from 9th september (there are quite al lot younger notes...) If I open evernote web with new web-UI in my vivaldi browser I get all notes, even the the freshest, only a few minutes ago. I guess, this could be a cache-problem? Probably lots of header and meta-infos like title, date edit, tags and so on might be locally saved in cache for fast response. (have you seen the update progress in waves, when you open for web browser after a cpule of days? note-header infos seem to be synced and updated in groups or waves..) If this would be a bug in a kind of check-load-update-check-load-update-progress, the web-UI-sync may freeze like we see. additional infos: frozen again with note up to the September 7th solved again in Chrome with logout and login on September 17th
  8. same sync-problem once again, but only with new web-UI in my chrome browser: sync is frozen with last note from 9th september (there are quite al lot younger notes...) If I open evernote web with new web-UI in my vivaldi browser I get all notes, even the the freshest, only a few minutes ago. I guess, this could be a cache-problem? Probably lots of header and meta-infos like title, date edit, tags and so on might be locally saved in cache for fast response. (have you seen the update progress in waves, when you open for web browser after a cpule of days? note-header infos seem to be synced and updated in groups or waves..) If the is ab bug in the check-load-update-check-load-update-progress, the web-UI-sync may freeze like we see...
  9. First: thanks for the new version, lots of steps in the right order, even if there are still som things to fix... What doesnˋt work is table editing. When I insert a table on my ipad, I get a table with 3 columns an 2 rows. But so far I canˋt find a way to edit width, to insert or delete rows or columns...
  10. Yeah sure, markdown coding is converted to html coding. But I think the main reason for most of these everlasting markdown diskussions may be the needs for fast formatting html via markup-codes and shortcuts, especially with headings. and you are right, fast table inserting supply like [][][]x3 for inserting a table with 3 columns and 3 rows is just a shortcut code and no markdown... (For me this just felt like markdown
  11. I‘m sure without any doubt that there will be a quite good if not very good inline markdown support in the final next desktop or mac version. just look at the actual web-ui which dynamically shows the development and the actual status of the most probably future editor. There you have inline markup formatting for headings, ordered and unordered list, text formatting, fast inserting of tables, hyperlinks and code blocks. Most of this rather similar to the above mentioned (very good an simple) editor of DropBox Paper. The so far only bigger advantages of the DropBox Paper editor IMHO are - non markup-specific - the distraction free look, the possibility to change paragraph order via keeboard shortcuts and the native and very good syntax highlighing in code blocks. That surely are good arguments to use DropBox paper additionally as a mobile and on different platforms working solution for writing and developing new texts an drafts. But for me this is no reason to move away from Evernote as my most central clipping, remembering, storing and knowledge-management-tool. (and by the way highlighting text in different colours allready works better in the new evernote web ui...)
  12. That was just the same with me, except from my success with logout and login. seems to be an issue for technical troubleshooting by the evernote development stuff regarding sync in the actual new web UI...
  13. I had a similar issue with the new web interface (only with the new web client) in Chrome. There the only way to force sync was to first logout and then login new again. see:
  14. Normally you can force sync as written by PinkElephant. But it may happen that there is an extraordinary sync problem like I had these days (only with the new web client). There the only think to force Sync was to first logout and then login new.
  15. Since only a few days my (new) evernote-web-version in chrome, evernote-web V6.18.0, only shows older notes (7th of september and older). My newer Notes are only visible if I change to the old evernote-web-version or if I use my Ipad, my android-Phone or my windows client. So sync in generally works and it seems to be a problem in or with the actual new web version. Reload etc. doesn't help Anybody knows how to solve the problem? original problem SOLVED with manual logout and new login, but still the question remains how to secure update note lists without time-spending checking out with logout and login...
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