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Everything posted by Kaspar

  1. I hope the elephant doesn't turn blue without asking.
  2. Just as an observation about the regular Evernote backup errors: The notes themselves are not corrupted, the error occurs with larger than a few-note notebooks. The backup procedure needs to be performed multiple times, each time going further, past the previous error(s) until it manages to complete successfully. Seems to just be the Evernote's inability to manage "large" backups.
  3. My general advice to users who find the price increase unacceptable, is to cancel the paid plan and wait a few days for a discount. If the discounted price is still too big, then wait a bit more for a bigger discount. The discounts are not guaranteed ofcourse, but doesn't hurt to try.
  4. Nope, didn't see it, just got caught off guard by an update installing.
  5. No, the regular version. I'll look harder, maybe I'll see the notification in the future.
  6. Either I haven't gotten the "update now" or it has been well camouflaged, as I always get an unexpected surprise-update upon program startup (win11).
  7. Is it possible to have a list view with thumbnails, like in Evernote? That was one thing that kept me from going there. The thumbnails give me a quick way to navigate the list without reading each title.
  8. I don't know what carriage return means, but here the line spacing is uniform whether I do shift+enter or just enter for the line spacing.
  9. With the automatic update installs it's always a surprise how it's going to look this time.
  10. On a longer text the difference is more pronounced.
  11. Same here. Exporting a notebook takes 2-4 attempts, depending on the size. Each time it gets a bit further before it fails, until reaching the end "successfully".
  12. @PinkElephant If moving a note changes its modified state, then how do you know when the contents of the note was last changed? It's still the same content, but in a different place. I guess my workflow has to change - once the note is created, no later change in notebook structure is allowed.
  13. Happened to me when I moved a note from one notebook to another. This makes the sorting by "modified date" completely useless, as 10 year old notes are now on top of the list. I made a ticket about this issue too, but was advised to send this as a feedback to the development team.
  14. I think I got my deal by clicking the upgrade button in the email.
  15. @PinkElephant Auto gives the same dark grey.
  16. Anybody noticed, there's no black in the colour selection?
  17. Can't find the setting to disable it. I'm on windows, checking for updates gives me this: You’re up to date! Evernote 10.80.3 is currently the newest version available.
  18. Lots of threads here about alternatives: Notion, Obsidian, Joplin etc.
  19. Any mobile device with new enough OS should work.
  20. I rearranged my notes by moving them from one notebook to another. I didn't edit, tag or modify them in any way. Still this somehow changed the modified date of these notes to current time. Is there a way to change the date back to what it previously was? Or even to match created date? Right now sorting the notes by modified date has been rendered useless.
  21. Made a test: 1) Exported a notebook with notes while online 2) Imported the notebook while offline 3) The notebook is imported, note headers shown, but the notes are still unavailable! Even the notes that are on the PC for importing are unavailable to be shown by Evernote. For now the workaround is to import the notebook to another note app. But it's quite a bug not to have access to your notes that are saved on the computer.
  22. @PinkElephant Thats a shame! The older version had better system of explicit local database with the notes. I wonder why this was changed.
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