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Posts posted by JMBTX

  1. I have the dot, clicked it many times and it takes me to the calendar settings (which don't allow me to change anything). I have no calendars connected and never plan to, I guess it's there hoping to nag me into connecting? It'd be even better if I wasn't forced to have the calendar tab in my sidebar. 

  2. I have never used the calendar and now it's in my side bar with an annoying purple notification dot, assuming it means I have something due or to review but clicking it only takes me to calendar preferences, none of which I am allowed to uncheck. I'm assuming it is there to annoy me into connecting my calendars, but I never will. It would be great to be able to customize your own sidebar. 

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  3. Much like the other errors on their programs, there is no scroll bar on the drop down, as would indicate to do so, but like others on your many many posts have pointed out your condescending tone is so appreciated. Not everyone can spend their life making 23k posts about Evernote. Another reason this is so terrible, the attitude of people like you on a help board, it's worse than X. If you have all this knowledge, try being polite. 

  4. I'm not sure you read my post fully before replying. As I stated the login issue happens every single time I try to clip, even if I had logged in moments ago and clipped another page and the blue "log in" notification never goes away suggesting web clipper is signed out consistently. And if it is signed out and making me sign in why is it connecting to my desktop or web app as logged in and pulling in suggestions/related notes from my account in web searches (despite that being turned off in web clipper)? 
    Also as mentioned, there is no support to contact about issues any longer. Any link to Support now takes you to the "Submit a request" page which only offers three selections "Evernote Teams - Accounts and Billing", "Account Management" (and the sub selection under that is only to cancel), or "Billing Issues". 

  5. Since the last Web Clipper update my web clipper always shows not logged in (blue dot) and any time I go to use it, it then opens a new tab, makes me sign in and then takes me to a random open tab rather than the one I was trying to clip. Once back on the original tab I can clip but the process starts all over if I want to clip a different page. More frustrating than that is every time I make a search on the web, web clipper brings up "similar results in personal notes" in the side bar. This option is completely turned off (never has ever been enabled in the first place) yet continues to connect my searches to Evernote, even though the clipper is always signed out when I try to clip. It's not only annoying but invasive as I do not want my personal and private notes appearing on my searches. There is no longer any technical support as the support links only go to billing and account deactivation, which they seem to be encouraging at this point, so there is no way to get help other than ask a forum of users despite what they are charging premium members these days. 

  6. I don't drag and drop since I don't have the two notes open simultaneously usually, it's always been a quick note image I added and going back later to include it in the associated note by copying it and then finding the relevant note to paste within where I would like it inserted. Now it only allows to be inserted in the end or rebuild a note of 20+ images one by one just to add the new one in the correct order. 

  7. Web Clipper always now shows as signed out (blue dot) and whenever I click to clip it goes through signing in, another bug, so that isn't it. I did just try uninstall and reinstall and no change, Web Clipper is still accessing my searches and adding a panel for "related notes" (that actually are not related). How can I contact support? The support links I have tried only offer billing support now, nothing for technical. 

  8. Since the latest update I can no longer paste a picture or graphic correctly into an existing note from another note. After copying the image from one note, I go into another to paste it, click in the space between two existing notes and hit enter to create space, nope, Evernote then jumps your selection to the very bottom of the page. I constantly need to add new photos/grahpics from other notes into existing notes but need them in a certain order for continuity. This never used to be an issue but now I can only paste them at the bottom of a note or create a brand new one and re-copy every single image over just to get the images in the order I want with a new one. 

  9. Recently I am getting almost daily push notifications from Evernote about "tips", "updates", and "marketing messages". Even though I am a paid subscriber Evernotes reply was "We are really excited about all of the new features and wanted to make sure all of our customers were introduced to them" and I can turn off push notifications to stop those alerts but then I no longer will get actual reminders I have set. My choices are get my notifications and get spammed with marketing messages ornate get my set notifications? So much for "premium". 

  10. Same issue. Whenever I try to use Web Clipper on an Amazon page (Safari 14.1.1 on Big Sur 11.4) it just sticks on "loading" and spinning. I try the "share" shortcut in the toolbar to add to Evernote or right clicking and selecting one of the Evernote options (full page, bookmark, screenshot) and still nothing. Right now I either just add it to my native notepad or copy the address and paste it into Evernote after going in a creating a new note. Either way it is not a convenient option. I have uninstalled and reinstalled web clipper but no change. It works fin on every other website though, odd since EN even has an "Amazon" choice in the clipping menu.

  11. With this new version of Evernote anytime I drag a file to the Evernote icon, not only does Evernote open and take over my screen, but then the note it created opens on top of that. When I am dragging and dropping multiple files into Evernote and have to stop after each one to close the note and then minimize Evernote itself, this is completely counterproductive and slows my productivity immensely. If I remember correctly in older version this was a setting you could disable? Regardless, now it is making completely updates so much more time consuming. Has anyone heard of a way to stop this from happening in the new version?

  12. Same issue, I do not need or want this in my menu bar, all other 3rd party apps have an option to remove it but this latest release of Evernote has taken away most all preferences. It's a continuation of the constant issues/bugs/unaddressed concerns of users that pay for this app.

    Thanks for your insight @rogbar, I've been trying to figure out away to move on from Evernote for quite some time now. Very interesting.

  13. This is not a note or connection issue and it has only begun since the update to the app. My up/down speeds are regularly above 330mbps each and it is not previous notes having the issue, it is any note I add whether it be a photo I add from my camera roll or (multiple) different links from Safari pages. iOS app will say it has synced, even after force syncing by pulling down but notes do not appear on the desktop or web version and still show the green indicator of needing to sync. At times there will be a message bar stating "syncing note 1 of 9 (or a correlating number)" and maybe after 24 hours that changes to 2 0f 9, but even then notes do not actually sync.


  14. Same version of others problems with the new iOS app. Saved 8 bookmarks from Safari on iOS into Evernote iOS, 2 days later they still are not in the OS app or the web version. I have pulled down to sync, gone into the menu to force sync and always get a "sync complete" notice but the notes never sync elsewhere. Not only that, they continue to show the green indicator in the iOS app indicating they are not synced.

    I used to sync large files in seconds on iOS but since the update I can't get a single bookmark to come through. I'm used to bugs with EN at this point but now I'm paying to not have access to my notes across devices?

  15. @Dave-in-Decatur Hadn't thought of that but I just tried it. Almost the same thing, shows working in the preview but if I "open note in new window" the note is completely blank but if I open it in "image gallery" I can download it and it works! I guess I will have to do that for all these files to save them. Although this is now the fourth or fifth issue at least that the answer has been "use the web version" which is usually pretty inconvenient and makes me wonder why they even bother with a Mac or iOS app if the features aren't working and you have to loop back to a web page. Thanks for the suggestion and helping me get these rescued!

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  16. That's what is odd @PinkElephant the file has not changed, the extension is still .gif, it actually still "plays" in the sidepane preview on Mac or the note preview in iOS but if you open the note, the animation stopsand then if you export/save/copy the file and move it outside of Evernote it is still a .gif extension but only shows as a static image. I honestly can't say when I notices this happen but maybe 3-4 months ago? EN support didn't give any details on  the issue other than it was a "known issue but will not be addressed at this time" (and even that took 3 contacts of support telling me it was not happening before being escalated). I was just hoping someone found else had run into it and found a workaround so these files aren't lost before my Premium expires (I'm not renewing, too many bugs have been happening the past 12+ months) and I move out of EN.

  17. Hoping someone has an answer for this, I have multiple GIF files that I moved to Evernote for ease of storage and sharing (as many are work related projects) which was fine up until a few months ago. The GIF's display correctly and animate in Evernote (Mac and iOS) until you open the note, then they are no longer animated. If I try to save the file back to my computer or device, or share it in any way, it also is no longer animated. It does save as a .gif but Evernote has done something to break the file where it will only play in Evernote in the note preview (not if you fully open the note). After much back and forth with Evernote Support, they admitted it was a known bug but they have no plans on addressing. So right now I am paying them to break files and I can't even export/re-save my current files to my computer because of this.

    Has anyone found a way to retrieve their .gif files from Evernote Mac/iOS since Evernote has admitted they have no intention of fixing the issue? I would really like to have my files back that I entrusted to the software.

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