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Everything posted by mi_cha

  1. @Dave-in-decatur I couln`t identify a systematic reformatting. Examples: Apart from Tahoma 10 > Sans Serif 16 (this seemed to be a uniform change), I noticed that many ocurrences of my original text in size 12 /14/16 changed to Serif 26 (converted to a header level, it seemed). Paragraphs: all paragraphs in the original text were justified > EN 10 changed paragraphs to centralized or left in the same text, for example: two first paragraphs justified, then one paragraph centralized, then justified again, then left alignment... Highlighted text from Webclipper disappeared sometimes (randomly again).
  2. Last week I installed EN10 but I reverted to EN6.x within a couple of hours. One of the scary changes: my Tahoma 10 notes were reformatted to Sans Serif 16. More specific formatting was gone or got scrambled. I panicked.
  3. Good news! I guess the negative feedback changed their mind. They plan premium features for Microsoft 365 subscribers in 2021. Here is the FAQ about OneNote https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/frequently-asked-questions-about-onenote-in-office-2019-and-microsoft-365-6582c7ae-2ec6-408d-8b7a-3ed71a3c2103 2025 seems to be the end date of extended support only, it does not mean it will discontinued (as implied before). The desktop version is bundled with Microsoft 365 subscriptions, while the Windows 10 app remains a free download. Whatever the life cycle of ON may be, one thing is certain: LOCAL notebooks work with the desktop version only. The windows app 10 saves all notebooks to the cloud. My ON is attached to a Microsoft 365 subscription, and it works fine. The mobile apps (Android smartphone/tablet) are really great. No problems with syncing. But, as I said somewhere else: I can't imagine managing +20k large notes in OneNote, as I do in EN6. I work in ON with shared business notebooks (once my part is over, the owner ceases sharing them with me, so the amount of information is temporary and easily manageable) but my "entire life" is in EN6. You just can't compare EN6 organization/search tools with ON, EN6 is much, much, much better.
  4. @lisec I am running the desktop app (OneNote 2016) and my export options are: Page - .one | .docx | .doc | .pdf | .xps | .mht Section - same formats as "page" above Notebook - .onepkg | .pdf | .xps | .mht You can still download OneNote 2016 and install it, but I am not sure if it opens a OneNote Windows 10 cloud database.
  5. @lisec and others, I checked it out: The desktop version (previous OneNote 2016) - which I use with Microsoft 365 subscription - ALLOWS local notebooks BUT this version will be discontinued in 2025. In the future it will be replaced by OneNote for Windows 10 (the stand-alone UWP app you mentioned), already available. This app is CLOUD ONLY (notebooks are stored in OneDrive). So, if local notebooks are crucial, ON is definetely not a long-term solution. See the story here (by the way, the ON community also criticized Microsoft a lot for killing the ON desktop, but to no avail): https://office-watch.com/2018/microsoft-kills-onenote-windows/ Hope it helps those looking around
  6. Well, this is a narrow conception of EN as a cross-platform cloud-based note editor - quite a commodity these days. Does the dev team share this opinion? A considerable amount of users (you may adjectivate them as you want) have been subscribing to the premium service for many years and using Evernote as a power PRODUCTIVITY TOOL. In this perspective, EN (up to v. 6.x) is matchless. That's why the new EN 10 - with so many long-established core features missing, slow navigation, and so on - delivers such a poor performance in the eyes of a relevant group of customers.
  7. You're right, my mistake: ON notebooks can be stored offline. Another missing feature for me: the tabs on the right (pages) are not automatically sorted (by title, date created, date modified, whatever), so, it is really hard to manage more than 50 pages.
  8. My first 5 minutes testing Nimbus Desktop client for Windows. Unsystematic impressions: pros: offline access (offline database synced to server NOT local notebooks as EN 6.x) sync button and status info available (peace of mind to me) folders show note count number color tags available for folders and notes web clipper for Chrome works fine cons: the Windows desktop client is written in Electron, just like the new EN 10. So, it feels like a web app, VERY little customization (no status bar, no toolbar for shortcuts i.e.!!) unable to open more than one note in different windows simultaneously title is incorporated to the note text, as a header - so it disappears as the user scrolls the text down, just like EN 10 internal links work, but they look like a https:// path, followed by a long alphanumeric sequence (you have to click to know what note it refers to] a bullet list is automatically created if the line starts with a symbol (no way to disable it, annoying) few fonts (default | serif | handwritten | mono) and sizes (S - M - L), just like EN 10 detailed note list view is not available (in fact, there is only one list view mode, which can be sorted by "title", "created date" and "update") In short, as far as I could see, Nimbus is no substitute for EN 6.25, but it might be a similiar competitor to EN 10, if it remains as it is. In this case, I will be forced to adjust to a new note-taking concept, with way less functions. For now: working with EN 6.25 and watching how EN 10 evolves (hope EN come to its senses!!).
  9. I`ve just found Nimbus Notes today and I'll give a try. Notion and OneNote do not seem substitutes to me. The prospect of so many definite changes in Evernote chills me. The Evernote I have been using for more than a decade is gone. I believe premium power users just became redundant to them, they are focusing on other customer categories. I am not willing to restructure my workflow to fit in Evernote. There are too much crucial features missing in v10. And abandoning us to an unsupported legacy version is unbearable...
  10. I am also a user of MS OneNote (collaborative work with some specific institutions). As far as I know, ON notebooks are stored on the cloud (OneDrive), notes are not local - just the same problem as EN v.10. Syncing is realiable, web-clipper for Chrome and the android widget work fine. You're right, the software is well written and stable. ON looks fancy (lots of color and icons, the design is very nice) but is not conceived to manage thousands of notes. It simply lacks the tools, I don`t mean that ON is technically unable to save thousands of notes. It works well for small-to-medium databases, but - in my humble opinion - is not a substitute for heavy users of Evernote with large databases.
  11. I gave up trying v.10 and am back to previous v. (last stable version). I use Evernote for work, not for leisure. The poor design and missing features affect my workflow. I just can't afford it. The whole situation is a true lack of respect. This release is an unfinished project - and a poor one. I'll stick to the older version for now.
  12. Just say that you made a mistake and that you are sorry, very sorry. Get everyone back to v. 6 and start all over. This version is *****, it shouldn't have been realeased as-is. Call it off.
  13. I`ve just installed the new v. 10 and I just couldn't believe my eyes: oh, no, they kept most of the horrible beta version they realeased a few weeks ago! I would't call it an upgrade. I see it as a new concept, a whole new design - and they turned the back to old customers, simple as that. I spend 90%> of my computer time at Evernote. It has been so for the past 11 years, my workflow is based on Evernote, I have thousands of notes. They messed everything up. My first shock (not yet recovered): they killed the local databases and syncing. Who asked me if I want to have all my notes on the cloud ALONE? I'm collecting a list of missing functions and I'll add to this node. For now, my statement is that the downgraded their own piece of software. They sacrified a robust desktop client in favour to an Andoid-like app: just the basics. Not my idea of a note taking software.
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