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Maria Sp.

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  1. I feel that EN has started crossing the border between "note" and "microsoft/google suite" already though. For example with the new range of options for editing docs and tables, or with the integration of a calendar that can be connected to Outlook or Google Calendar. And now the collapsible menus (that make my life easier)! Thank you Evernote @Federico Simionato for the collapsible menus!! Honestly, this made my day! 🙌
  2. I'd love to see this feature too - a ToC within a note. I don't necessarily mean long notes but I often find it convenient to have a ToC within the note I'm reading (plus a button to take you to the top of the page). Maybe one day.
  3. Came across your question by chance and thought I'd reply since I recently asked Evernote how to change my billing currency. I'm in Canada and wanted to pay in EUR but apparently we can't do this manually. Here's their reply: "Evernote's billing system automatically detects your location at the time of the upgrade and sets the currency accordingly. This means, if you're currently residing in a location where EUR is the standard currency, your upgrade will be processed in EUR." So, maybe VPN is your best bet - otherwise your local currency applies based on your IP. 🤷‍♀️
  4. Fantastic news! Today's updates for Windows and for Android solved the issue! I hope it's not just me - please check and confirm if it's solved for you too! I'm so happy right now!!! 🤩
  5. Just a sort-of an "update" I got from Evernote Support: "We confirm that our team is still running some verifications on what you kindly reported. This process might require some technical time, but rest assured that I'll get back to you as soon as I receive feedback." 🤷‍♀️
  6. I'm hoping too. I was using Legacy until this past summer, so I was unaware that this had occurred before. But like @4d4m it's driving me crazy the way it's messing up my notes... Anyway, last I heard from EN Support re my ticket, they were working on it and would get back to me (about a month ago but I know things are slow in December in every industry).
  7. Indeed weird! Thanks for the input everyone. I'm trying to find a pattern but it seems to be random. It does happen every single time I open a file that's within a note (an audio file or a pdf for example) but also randomly when I just view a note or copy some words from a note. I have submitted a ticket but haven't even gotten an acknowledgement receipt. [Edit: I got an autoreply from EN that they're restructuring their CS system and it may take longer than usual to reply to a ticket]
  8. I agree with @PinkElephant, the issue I think is solved for EN desktop, but definitely not for the Android app. I submitted a ticket because every time I read a note on my Android phone it considers it "updated" and pops it up to the top of the list...
  9. I, too, still have this issue every time I open a note in the Android app (I have the latest version). 🤷‍♀️
  10. Thanks. I know it can be done after 2-3 steps each time but am hoping EN can change it back to having this as an option for default homepage. Wow, 1.33s! Not sure why mine so slow. Wifi is pretty fast. I've been setting notebooks to download gradually (maybe 2-3 every day) and none of my notes is more than 30MB. Some I haven't edited in weeks or months and some I edit nearly every day. I read somewhere that having Legacy in one of the synced devices can be an issue and I wonder if that's the case (I have legacy on my computer). ?
  11. Been using 10.56 on my Samsung Galaxy A52 for about 10 days and I see three main issues: As others said, I'm frustrated with the phone's back button exiting the app altogether every time! Too much wasted time reopening the app and the note each time. Please bring back the normal use of Android's back button as in most apps. Note loading is veeery slow. I timed it and most of the time it takes about 10 seconds to open a note. 😒 Offline notebooks: out of my ~75 notebooks, I need to have 10-12 downloaded on my phone for offline use. It's been 10 days that I started gradually setting them as "offline" and most still have the green circle icon next to them which (if I'm not mistaken) indicates that they're still becoming available offline. Totally weird, especially for those with just a few notes! On another note, I really dislike that the homepage doesn't automatically show the list of notes sorted by date, like Legacy used to allow.....
  12. As a paying user for years and years (and as beta-tester) I decided to stick to the Legacy version because of all the bugs and missing features in the new version. The company doesn't seem to hear to their customers anymore. Have they perhaps been bought by a bigger company or a competitor that wants to drive EN out of business?? 🙄
  13. Ah interesting! I participated in the beta testing last year and I was wondering why I haven't seen any updates on my phone. Now I know and I guess, yes, I'm lucky...
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