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Improvements to the Request Voting System

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  • Level 5*

Evernote implemented a voting system for requests, and are encouraging users to use it to indicated support

The following problems have been identified with this system

  1. Only exists in the product feedback forums
    We can't submit a request that extends across all platforms
  2. There are copies of requests posted, so the vote gets split between them
  3. Users add comments redirecting the request to other areas of discussion
  4. <to be updated based on feedback>

One suggestion is to have a curated request list that can be voted on.

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  • gbarry pinned this topic

Thanks for this. Pinning. I'm working on a number of changes in Q3 that should help drive voting further and welcome the feedback.

7 minutes ago, DTLow said:
  • Only exists in the product feedback forums
    We can't submit a request that extends across all platforms
  • There are copies of requests posted, so the vote gets split between them
  • Users add comments redirecting the request to other areas of discussion
  • <to be updated based on feedback>
  1. Is coming soon. We're going to reorg general feedback to have platform agnostic feature voting
  2. Unsupported at the moment by our forum vendor, but we've requested a change that would allow us to combine threads while retaining votes
  3. I think we'd rely on the community for this kind of redirect, largely
  4. We're working on continuing to close the loop on communicating back when fixes come out or features are added that have been either publicly requested or requested via ticket. (I think this is what you're suggesting?)

I would add to that very soon: 

  1. How to vote info will be placed on top of every product feedback forum (similar to iOS)
  2. As was pointed out in the editor thread, voting has been slow. That's partially by design, b/c we haven't pushed hard to promote it. Yet. I'm looking to increase chatter and promote once the general feedback portion is live, likely some form of regular campaign.
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On 7/22/2016 at 0:35 AM, gbarry said:
  • Unsupported at the moment by our forum vendor, but we've requested a change that would allow us to combine threads while retaining votes

How about asking them to suggest duplicates/related posts when creating a new post? Like how stackoverflow does. 

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