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Evernote consumes too much space on my mobile

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I have installed evernote premium on my mobile.

My mobile device has 4 GB internal memory, All the internal memory of my mobile is consumed and my mobile phone stops to function.

To release space i have to uninstall evernote, and this releases 1.5 GB space.

I have the following question:

Q. Is there any way evernote installs and saves it's notes on my 32 GB external memory?

As you can see evernote has taken almost 500 MB of size which is quite large.

The Red box in the attached picture shows data (space) consumed : 429 MB in two days today it is showing me data (space) consumed: 439 MB. 10 MB of more space consumed in two days. Looks like my Evernote is space hungry!

All my notesbooks are online only one notebook is offline which contains only text- no pictures, videoes or sound files, so why does evernote take so much space?

My mobile phone is left with only 300 MB space, and many application do not function.

Also, i tried to use evernote support a few years before, but i found evernote support followup is bad, and usually the question remains unanswered and the problem persists. Hope evernote support experience is better by now. I'll hope for the best.




In two days space consumed :



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  • Level 5*
13 minutes ago, DrBugs said:

To release space i have to uninstall evernote, and this releases 1.5 GB space.

Q2. How can i sync only a few important notes on to my internal memory of my mobile phone, leaving all other notes unsync'ed.

In IOS I have the option of specifying which notebooks are downloaded to my device (offline)

With no offline notebooks, you shouldn't be using this much space.

This resource might help https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005177-How-to-set-up-offline-notebooks-on-mobile-devices

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  • Level 5*

Hmmn.  My memory use is much less than yours.  There have been questions about memory use in Androids before,  but that's been about MB of data,  not GB. 

Evernote does not store copies of your notes actually on your phone memory by default;  as @DTLow has indicated,  you have to specify 'offline searchable' notebooks and download them from the server - where you have the space to do so.  Otherwise Evernote will use some permanent storage - the internal space,  never the SD card - and between syncs,  when information is sent to the server via your network connection,  it will keep lots of temporary files on your phone.  That space is exactly what it says - 'temporary' - and should be given up to any other app that needs in,  with an obvious preference for the 'phones basic OS.  Which is a long way of saying - it shouldn't cause crashes.

The only things I can think of that might soak up so much of your storage space are:  either that you have created offline searchable notebooks - in which case just change them back to standard settings to recover space;  or that you have been using the mobile app without syncing the data back to Evernote's servers,  which means your notes are precariously stored in temporary memory.

I have a small notebook specifically for my mobile - about 50 notes rotate in and out of there about current meetings / travel documents / reminders as required.  The rest are synced back to the server. 

If none of our comments seem helpful,  I'd strongly suggest you contact support to see if they can help.  It may be your device model,  or Android OS version that's contributing to your issue.  I'm on Android 5.1.1 and a Samsung Galaxy Note 4

For some reason best known to Android and Samsung,  only media files (pictures,  sound and video) can be stored in external storage.  Evernote's database files don't,  for some reason,  qualify - and while it is possible to move some apps core system there,  they generally perform slower and less effectively.  If you're prepared to root your phone and install another operating system you have much more control - but that action invalidates lots of protections on which most users like to rely...

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  • 1 year later...

Dear Matt,

I've got the same problem with my iPhone 6, 16 GB. More than 500 MB of my internal storage are occupied by Evernote and I'm sure all notes are synchronized because I can see them on other devices. I also checked for offline notebooks but there are non obvious. 

Thanks for your help. 

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, Alexa28 said:

Dear Matt,

I've got the same problem with my iPhone 6, 16 GB. More than 500 MB of my internal storage are occupied by Evernote and I'm sure all notes are synchronized because I can see them on other devices. I also checked for offline notebooks but there are non obvious. 

Thanks for your help. 

Hi.  Easy tech for mobile devices - uninstall Evernote (make sure you have synced all notes first),  restart your phone to clear the memory,  then reinstall.  Check storage use...

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