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Accidentally deleted a tag

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- Microsoft Windows 7 (6.1) Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 

- Evernote (276152) Public


I've deleted a tag tagged two notes, I thought that only this tag would be deleted, and these two notes would be untagged with it. But it turns out both gone away, and it is a thorough deletion, I cannot found these two notes in trash. This change has been synchronized in all my Evernote clients, including Evernote web, and I don't have a hard disk backup copy before delete operation, so that the recovery methods I found in Evernote knowledge and the threads about this problem in Evernote forum are not applicable for me. What can I do now?


Suggestion: I think the current delete operation on a tag is ambiguous, the delete confimation dialog should informing that the notes related will be deleted, but not only 'this operation cannot be undone'.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Deleting a tag does not delete the notes to which it is attached - and even if it did,  the notes would be preserved in the local Trash notebook.  Are you sure they have simply not disappeared back into the mass of your general notes without the tag to identify them?

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  • 8 months later...

I did a similar thing trying to delete one tag from several selected notes. i accidentally untagged the selected note thinking I could add another. however, when I deleted/untagged the selected notes the multiple notes disappeared so I had no way of reselecting them under  the "tag" to apply a new one. any way to recover the notes that are spread across several notebooks? 

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  • Level 5*

If there is something unique in the note and/or there are other tags on the notes, you can do a search to find the notes using those terms.  The same will happen if the search includes text and the text gets changed.  Best to open the note in its own window to do that kind of editing.

It is a PITA the first time one removes one of the search terms from a note.  I have the scars as well.

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  • Level 5*
15 hours ago, tommygun said:

when I deleted/untagged the selected notes the multiple notes disappeared so I had no way of reselecting them under  the "tag" to apply a new one. any way to recover the notes that are spread across several notebooks? 

Yep, the instant update of a search has caught most of us at one point or another.  In addition to, or instead of, opening the Note in its own window, you can just make sure you ADD all of your new stuff (tags, text, etc) BEFORE you remove/change anything that will cause the Note to no longer meet the criteria of the search.

To find the Notes that "disappeared", you can:

  • Clear the search and all filters, and sort on Date Updated, descending.
    • If the only change was to Tags for the Note, it may not update the Date Updated
  • Search for related keywords in the Note(s) body and/or Title
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  • 10 months later...

for anyone having the same problem, I have just come through the disaster and here's the ULTIMATE SOLUTION:

1. Stop editing or clipping any notes immediately.

2. Sort the notes by "SYNC" in the desktop version. ( no such option in web version )

3. Identify notes that just lost the tag by looking for the last note you were editing or have edited right before the accident, which means the ones that are sorted above this one are the notes in question.

4. Select them all and and add the new tag.

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