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Evernote for iOS v7.7.9 Released



  • Level 5

Hi all,


We released Evernote for iOS 7.7.9 this morning, and it should be available to everyone in the App Store shortly.


This release contains even more updates for camera stability including an updated camera SDK. You should see less crashes, better recovery from crashes (just restart the app and continue), better performance in document recognition, and faster start to capture processing. In addition, Moleskine notebooks should be recognized more easily.


Other notable bug fixes and improvements:

  • Updated note list Title sort order to a more intuitive sort method (now using localizedStandardCompare for those that might be interested)
  • Fixed some bugs with opening up web views (i.e. privacy policy, knowledge base, etc.)
  • Fixed an iOS 7 bug when dismissing the "Great things start here" screen

You can download the Evernote for iOS app from the App Store.


As always, please let us know what you think.




PS: If you are running iOS 9 Beta and encounter issues, please leave feedback on this thread: iOS 9 - Main thread.

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12 replies to this idea

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  • Level 5*

Hi all,


We released Evernote for iOS 7.7.9 this morning, and it should be available to everyone in the App Store shortly.

. . .

Other notable bug fixes and improvements:

  • Updated note list Title sort order to a more intuitive sort method (now using localizedStandardCompare for those that might be interested)


Thanks Cliff.


Could you please tell us what this ("localizedStandardCompare") is, and how it differs from prior versions?

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Hi all,


...This release contains even more updates for camera stability including an updated camera SDK. You should see less crashes...

Thanks for the update! I'm sad to report that document capture via the camera still crashes on my iPhone 6-plus. (Ticket #1036513)

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  • Level 5


Hi all,


We released Evernote for iOS 7.7.9 this morning, and it should be available to everyone in the App Store shortly.

. . .

Other notable bug fixes and improvements:

  • Updated note list Title sort order to a more intuitive sort method (now using localizedStandardCompare for those that might be interested)


Thanks Cliff.


Could you please tell us what this ("localizedStandardCompare") is, and how it differs from prior versions?



Hi JMichael,


Thanks for asking.


localizedStandardCompare is the sorting method that compares strings the same way that Mac OS X Finder does and is based on locale.


The prior method was not using locale and treated numbers differently.


The end result is that if you sort your note lists by Title, they should now be more consistent with how they are sorted on the Mac client. 





​PS: Who is Cliff?  

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  • Level 5


Hi all,


...This release contains even more updates for camera stability including an updated camera SDK. You should see less crashes...

Thanks for the update! I'm sad to report that document capture via the camera still crashes on my iPhone 6-plus. (Ticket #1036513)



Hi Tim,


I'm sorry to hear that you're still experiencing problems. Can you confirm that you've updated to the 7.7.9 release? Also, when that ticket was filed, your device was on iOS 8.3; have you updated to 8.4? The iOS 8.4 update has helped reduce camera crashes as well.




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Hi all,

...This release contains even more updates for camera stability including an updated camera SDK. You should see less crashes...

Thanks for the update! I'm sad to report that document capture via the camera still crashes on my iPhone 6-plus. (Ticket #1036513)

Hi Tim,

I'm sorry to hear that you're still experiencing problems. Can you confirm that you've updated to the 7.7.9 release? Also, when that ticket was filed, your device was on iOS 8.3; have you updated to 8.4? The iOS 8.4 update has helped reduce camera crashes as well.



Yes - confirmed iOS 8.4 and Evernote

Although perhaps now it is more intermittent. When I tried it earlier, immediately after updating, the first document I scanned crashed. I just tried again:. First scan worked, second one crashed.

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Again,...Another update,...camera STILL crashes ,yes I have updated to ios 8.4,..Evernote Moleskines STILL wont work , ,,,how do I get a refund on these?,..,..I Started using SCANNABLE ,but even this has got bugs,.crashes,.C'MON ,..SORT IT OUT!!!!!

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I am running 7.9.9 on an iPhone 6 that just got updated to 8.4.

I was able to to snap a business card as a document. Didn't crash. But that's the only way I was able to save it. I have not upgraded to Premium. Don't see the point if it saves the picture, I'm fine with that.

I am a bit bummed that I can't email pictures and notes to Evernote anymore. In the beginning, when it was free I could do that.

I wish they wouldn't have for just premium. I emailed things all the time. Now I'm limited to a certain amount. So, I send stuff to Things and the only reason I do that was because it was a free app that has stayed a free app.

Otherwise, Evernote is great!

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Running 7.7.9 (since 7/21) on iOS 8.4 (iPhone 6plus). I've just opened the app to discover that the pin and touch-id have been disabled (again). This has been happening for a while now and appears to be random - any idea when this might get fixed? At this point it might be better for you to remove the feature until it's working - at least then people won't have a false sense of security when setting up a pin.


If it helps, this time when I opened the app it looked like it briefly displayed a splash screen - like it wanted to show me new features. Not sure if that disabled the pin or not.

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  • Level 5

Running 7.7.9 (since 7/21) on iOS 8.4 (iPhone 6plus). I've just opened the app to discover that the pin and touch-id have been disabled (again). This has been happening for a while now and appears to be random - any idea when this might get fixed? At this point it might be better for you to remove the feature until it's working - at least then people won't have a false sense of security when setting up a pin.

If it helps, this time when I opened the app it looked like it briefly displayed a splash screen - like it wanted to show me new features. Not sure if that disabled the pin or not.


I'm sorry to hear that this happened. We thought we had fixed that issue. Can you please go to Settings > Support > Submit a Support Request and send in a request? Please make certain to include your activity log and any additional details (cellular/wifi connection, last time you opened the app, etc.). Please DM the ticket number to me.



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