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Notes not showing in notebooks

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I recently opened my Evernote, and my evernote shows that I have 6 notes in one of the notebook folders. However when i click on the folder it only shows one note and not the list of notes in the folder.


What am I doing wrong?!


Many thanks.



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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Have you checked the contents of that notebook in another Evernote client?  Can you see the notes in EN Web,  or via a mobile device?  And are you using the desktop installed version,  or the web?

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I recently opened my Evernote, and my evernote shows that I have 6 notes in one of the notebook folders. However when i click on the folder it only shows one note and not the list of notes in the folder.


Sorry, I can't offer any specific fixes at this point, but it is interesting that there have been a number of reports of "missing notes" by other users lately.  I'm not sure if this is related to the Evernote update process, but it is on my "suspect list".  


Because this does not affect all users, it can be complicated to reproduce/fix.  So that the Evernote developers are aware of the specifics of each user having this issue, and to apply pressure to fix, I suggest that you:


Submit a BUG report via an EN Support Ticket. In the Support Form, select "Report a bug", and start the Ticket Title with "BUG:  " to make it clear.  Reporting a bug should be available to all users, including Free Account owners.  Other Ticket types available to Free users are "Data Loss", "Crash", & "Sync Issue".

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Just to be clear:  Evernote say -


IMPORTANT FOR BASIC USERS: Going forward, we are focusing on self-support for free users. In the future, this is what support free users should be able to expect: 

  • Continually improving Community, guide, and self-help (knowledge base) resources
  • Support from our agents for login/account access issues
  • Support from our agents for payment issues
  • Ability to report bugs to our developers (although we will only reply if more information is needed to identify the bug)


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@Gaz:  What's the point?   What wasn't clear?


Like always, ALL users are entitled to submit a BUG report (and several other types of support requests).


This auto-text on support that you keep pasting right after I suggest a BUG report comes across as trying to persuade users to NOT submit a bug report.  Regardless of whether or not the user gets a direct response to a bug report, they are beneficial to that user and others.

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There's a ban on adding extra information to previous posts now?  Regardless of how the post comes across,  it is exactly how Evernote themselves explain the support process in the linked information.

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First check on the web to be sure the notes are there.  If they are you might try modifying one of the notes on the iPad,or adding a temporary tag like Fix.It and then synching on the iPad and then your PC to see if it breaks the logjam.  You can also check the activity log on your PC to see if there are any error messages in there.


If it is the local DB on your desktop that somehow got out of "sync" then sometimes modifying a note forces the sync.  If not reloading your DB to the PC ends up being the solution.  As long as the notes are on the web.

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  • 9 months later...
  1. Hello, same problem. I only get the first note in the notebook and no indication the rest are missing aside from the note count being way higher. Given the UX the it is incredibly difficult to work out what I am doing wrong or if the interface is not working. I am, thank god, able to get into the web version, which is typically slow as cloud based solutions pretty much will always be, but I can finally get at the notes.
  2. I am using Evernote to get things done quickly, in theory, so not much time to do this post and certainly not much to self serve figuring out the UX of helping you with defects. Expect a fair number of people just leave the service rather than deal with the help pages and quirky behaviour.
  3. FYI not a fan of the stream of consciousness defaulting view where the latest notes take primacy in many situations. I am using Evernote as a repository for older content, not to recall what I was thinking about yesterday. 
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  • Ex Employees
On 3/19/2016 at 10:02 AM, grocket said:

Hello, same problem. I only get the first note in the notebook and no indication the rest are missing aside from the note count being way higher. Given the UX the it is incredibly difficult to work out what I am doing wrong or if the interface is not working. I am, thank god, able to get into the web version, which is typically slow as cloud based solutions pretty much will always be, but I can finally get at the notes.

Check to make sure you have your note list view enabled: View>Note List> Show Note List, or select the F11 key. 


On 3/19/2016 at 10:02 AM, grocket said:
  1. FYI not a fan of the stream of consciousness defaulting view where the latest notes take primacy in many situations. I am using Evernote as a repository for older content, not to recall what I was thinking about yesterday. 

You can choose your desired note sort order by selecting the sort option icon above the note list.  After choosing your desired settings, select: File>Exit, and then relaunch Evernote. Your desired sort order should now be saved. 




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  • 11 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • Level 5*
19 hours ago, hello@wonsong.me said:

Had a similar issue today in Windows client. Closed the app, deleted users/username/Evernote folder, restarted app and the problem was resolved. 

That's the nuclear option and not a good choice if you have (or had!) local notebooks.  Always good to try the simple things first...^_^

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  • 10 months later...

I am using Version 7.1 (456449 App Store) and I am having the same issue.

On a sporadic basis, I open a notebook (which displays the number of notes within) and I see the contents of the first note in the list (using Top List View) at the bottom of the page, but nothing displays in the list of notes at the top.

I have discovered a work around. By typing Command + N (New note), a new note opens and the list reappears, then I delete the new note. 

Is there a patch for this problem?


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  • Level 5*
On 29/04/2018 at 6:39 PM, ~AL said:

I am using Version 7.1 (456449 App Store) and I am having the same issue.

On a sporadic basis, I open a notebook (which displays the number of notes within) and I see the contents of the first note in the list (using Top List View) at the bottom of the page, but nothing displays in the list of notes at the top.

I have discovered a work around. By typing Command + N (New note), a new note opens and the list reappears, then I delete the new note. 

Is there a patch for this problem?


Hi.  This is a Windows thread - try asking in the release thread for your version,  although I don't think there is an update yet... https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/112708-evernote-for-mac-71-ga/


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  • 9 months later...
On ‎6‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 10:08 PM, hello@wonsong.me said:

Had a similar issue today in Windows client. Closed the app, deleted users/username/Evernote folder, restarted app and the problem was resolved. 

Thank you!

This happened to me today. Notes didn't show up on my laptop even though the "note counter" in the folders was displaying the right number of notes.

Logged in on my phone, everything was there. Edited notes on the phone, still didn't show up on the computer.

Created a new note on the phone, the new note showed up. Logged in and out again, changed my password and logged in again.

Started chanting and dancing around my computer, notes still missing.

Sacrificed a goat and three Virgins but it didn't help.

Went to the confession booth at the local church and admitted to all my sins but God didn't listen to my plea and the notes were still missing.

Hiked to the Himalayas to consult an eremite who, despite his vast knowledge of the World, could not help me.


After almost throwing my computer out the window I tried your solution and it worked like a charm! Thank you so much for the help. :)

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  • 7 months later...

Is the solution given by Justin and hellow@wonsong , the only solution for this is to delete the Evernote folder ? Just like Justin, I have tried everything. I reinstalled the Evernote app also but it just gives the same issues. Count and the actual number of notes visible are different and the notes are visible in Browser and Phone but not in windows app. 

Please help !!! And if I have to delete the Evernote folder. Anything , i should be keeping in mind or just delete the Evernote Folder that exist at "C:\Users \puneet" location. 



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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, Puneet Khurana said:

i should be keeping in mind or just delete the Evernote Folder

That's killing your database.  If it has fully synced and you have no local notebooks*,  all your information will be saved on Evernote's servers.  Personally I'd just find the databases folder (Tools > Options > General and scroll down - open databases folder) and rename it.  File > Exit Evernote and Go up one level in Windows Explorer to see the folder.  F2 to rename to Databases.OLD

That forces Evernote to refresh your notes from the server and rebuild its search index.  Also keeps the old information as a backup in case things go wrong.

What is a local notebook?

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