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Evernote web site in Chinese - hacked?

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I am using the "normal" US-version of evernote and I'm currently in China. Until today, when I entered the URL www.evernote.com in my browser, always the English website showed up and I could log in as usual. But from today on, when I enter www.evernote.com, I'm always being redirected to the Chinese version (www.yinxiang.com/).

Is that a bug? How can I access my notes now?



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  • Level 5*


I am using the "normal" US-version of evernote and I'm currently in China. Until today, when I entered the URL www.evernote.com in my browser, always the English website showed up and I could log in as usual. But from today on, when I enter www.evernote.com, I'm always being redirected to the Chinese version (www.yinxiang.com/).

Is that a bug? How can I access my notes now?



I doubt this is the expected behavior, but idf it is, it is probably using the location data supplied by your computer. Have you tried changing your location data or using a VPN outside of China to test this?

I really do not like it when websites hijack me and take me to some other language version, so I hope Evernote is not doing this, because as a traveler and speaker of more than one language, it is often the case that the location/language of pages I want to visit, my physical location, and my computer location settings do not match.

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Yeah, I guess you are right... the website somehow gets the data from the computer / the operating system and adapts the language to that setting. With my personal (German) notebook, also the German version of the evernote website is shown when I enter evernote.com. In this case it is not so bad because the German and the US-version use both the same datacenter, the Chinese version however has its own Chinese servers... so I would much appreciate if the US-version could always be shown when one enters www.evernote.com instead of the localized version so I can access my database on the go on other computers...

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  • Level 5*

As I know, I afraid that Evernote have no choice but to do this in China. Evernote seems to be blocked by China's great firewall. So Evernote has to build another server in China known as yingxiang.

Just to clear this up -- Evernote is definitely not blocked in China. Evernote built the Yinxiang Biji servers to provide better service to their Chinese customers, who suffered from slow access. Chinese users can choose whether to use the new service in China, or the existing one in the US.


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  • 8 months later...

I encountered this issue today. Same thing where I get directed to a Chinese Evernote website when my destination's is the usual evernote website. At first I thought it was some hack scam, no offense to anyone... The problem here though is... I am not even in China! I've been using my computer at the same place since I created Evernote (I'm a new user), and for the past few days the web address led me to the 'correct' page, until now...


Any suggestions?

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  • 2 months later...
  • Level 5*

I went to evernote.com today and was surprised to see the top portion in Chinese.


The lower portion is still in English.  Additional pages are almost all Chinese.

Wonder what happened.




It seems OK now. My guess is that their Chinese counterpart (Yinxiang Biji) wouldn't hack them! Maybe they just read your browser / computer info as Chinese for some reason and served up the wrong site.

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  • Level 5*

Thanks, Grumpy.

On my computer it still shows up as the Chinese version.

I will clean my cache and reboot to see if fixes the issue.


Interesting. If I log in from Japan I don't get the Japanese version. I wonder why you would get the Chinese one.

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  • Level 5

Problem continues today. My browser is Firefox 24.0

I cleared my cache and rebooted, but the Chinese version still shows up.


I can log into the Evernote web version using my LastPass account.
I can log into the Evernote forum also by using LastPass.

I can log into the Support Request by using GrumpyMonkey's link.

But I cannot access Evernote's English website.
If I type in www.evernote.com, the URL automatically changes to http://www.yinxiang.com/

I don't speak Chinese and do not visit to Chinese websites.


Creepy! NSA?

I've submitted a support request. (ticket #200846)


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I wonder if our localization settings here are causing something to be screwy.  Have you checked into your browser language settings on Firefox?  If you go to the forum in Firefox, does it show the forum UI as Chinese?


I'd say check your Evernote settings, but I doubt that's causing it since you're seeing things fine in IE and Chrome...

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  • Level 5

My browser language settings on Firefox are set for English


The Chinese site does not have a forum UI.

Summary: Here is the head-scratcher issue.

If I manually type in www.evernote.com, I go to the Chinese site.

If I manually type in any of the following, I go to the English sites.








Update: Support asked me to run a full malware scan which I am doing now. (about 1/3rd finished)

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How about try to delete the Cookies of evernote.com and yinxiang.com?


"Options - Privacy - Delete Cookies", search for evernote and yinxiang, click on "remove all Cookies"


manually type in www.evernote.com, select "返回evernote.com" on the top left.


It should work for you.

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  • Level 5

Latest news from Evernote Support:


I see your language settings are set to English on our server, so that answers Geoff's question.

We're checking with our web team for anything else that this could be, but it looks like everything's "clean" now on your machine (or will be, once you finish the security scan.)

Yinxiang *is* our site, and we *do* have some bootstrap code that will redirect users to it if they are physically located in China, or if we detect that they are there, or if their computer's language settings are Simplified Chinese.

What you are reporting is none of that. So it is very strange but I am relatively sure that there is nothing sinister causing this to happen on your machine.

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  • Level 5


How about try to delete the Cookies of evernote.com and yinxiang.com?


"Options - Privacy - Delete Cookies", search for evernote and yinxiang, click on "remove all Cookies"


manually type in www.evernote.com, select "返回evernote.com" on the top left.


It should work for you.



Thank you for the suggestion.

It worked.

I will pass your solution on to Evernote Support.


In Firefox, I selected:

Options - Options - Privacy


"You may want to clear your recent history, or remove individual cookies."

I selected the individual cookies option.

I found over a dozen cookies that contained the word Evernote. I deleted all of them.

The Chinese web site has disappeared.

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  • 9 months later...

I am trying to LogIn from Singapore and i face the same problem.


I have been facing this problem since about a month now.

It's the same as described by jbenson2.

If I manually type in www.evernote.com, I go to the Chinese site.

If I manually type in any of the following, I go to the English sites.








Let me know how and if this could be resolved.



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  • 9 months later...

I am trying to LogIn from Singapore and i face the same problem.


I have been facing this problem since about a month now.

It's the same as described by jbenson2.

If I manually type in www.evernote.com, I go to the Chinese site.



If I manually type in any of the following, I go to the English sites.








Let me know how and if this could be resolved.



Yes. Its the same issue here. Browsing from India.

Clear cookies do not work

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