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Unable to UNSHARE a notebook

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Hi all,

I am using Evernote windows based client and have purchase the PREMIUM version. I am having a problem with sharing a notebook with another user.

The user received the email and when he tries to connect or view the folder he receives this error message:


Shared notebook assigned to another account

This shared notebook is assigned to another user. Contact the notebook owner to obtain an invitation."

And when I try to unshare the notebook I do not see any option when I click the share note option: see attached photo.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi canuck,

That screen shot implies that a person was not invited to 'share' the notebook.

Can I suggest you try inviting the person again and see what happens to their 'invite' this time. Also check the 'share' window again and see if it changes after you have invited.

Have you re - booted the software/computer? Might also be worth trying.

Best regards


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Tried reboot and even re-install of EN. Still same problem. I attached another snapshot showing that I have 2 notebooks that show that I am sharing (bleu people icon) but I am still unable to manage any sharing properties and the person invited is unable to connect.


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  • Level 5*

Tried reboot and even re-install of EN. Still same problem. I attached another snapshot showing that I have 2 notebooks that show that I am sharing (bleu people icon) but I am still unable to manage any sharing properties and the person invited is unable to connect.

I would contact support. I have had a case in the past in which I removed several shared notebooks from my Mac, but they continued to show up in Windows and on the Web. No amount of removing on Windows could get rid of them, and the Web lost the ability to remove notebooks. In fact, it is still the case that you cannot "leave" joined notebooks (not business ones, but personal ones) on the Web. Eventually, support and I worked it out, but I literally could not have done it on my own. This was obviously a problem in the system.

I know your case is different, but it may simply be that something is not working right, and support can figure it out for you. See my signature for the link. If I were you, though, while I was waiting for a response from support, I'd make another notebook, move all of my notes into that, and try sharing from there.

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  • 1 month later...

 I just wanted to say that I experienced the same thing. I have a blue icon for the notebook indicating that it has been shared and my activity stream confirms that the person I invited did indeed join (I also confirmed this with him verbally). However, if I right-click the blue notebook it only gives me the option to share (not unshare) and gives me no indication that anyone has been invited before! 


My only recourse will be to create a new notebook, copy the data over, and delete the original notebook.




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I just performed a small test and learned that the behavior is repeatable so it may be "by design". If you share a notebook with an individual, there is no way to remove that individual from that notebook.

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I just performed a small test and learned that the behavior is repeatable so it may be "by design". If you share a notebook with an individual, there is no way to remove that individual from that notebook.


OK thanks a bunch for the help.



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That's definitely not by design.

You should be able to uninvite anyone you've invited to a notebook, at any time. If they're not showing up, that's a bug.


Can you check on Evernote Web to see if they're showing up there, and just missing from the desktop client?

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That was a great suggestion!


I created a test notebook on the desktop version (in Windows) and shared it with an individual. If I go to the web based version of Evernote I am able to see who I shared it with and modify it. Going back to the desktop version I have no such options.


Wait a minute! I just went back into the desktop version and I now can edit those invites/permissions! Not sure what is going on here.

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  • 1 year later...



Same problem (i think) on Mac 10.9 using desktop and web to figure this out and i'm totally confused. Sharing permission control seams intermittent. Will make contact with support and work it through...


As the admin for our business account i do have some permission control via web under shared notebooks but these seams to be limited to the business notebooks which seams fair. 


Just need to figure how i un-share items within my personal and work notes that i seam to have no control over. Shared and now cannot unshare... Will try moving them around and see if things reset....



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