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(Archived) Evernote for Android 4.0 Beta 1


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Hi All,

We've just published a new update of Evernote for Android version 4.0 beta1 (revision 223484).

The new features in this update?

- Video playback: first step in adding videos in notes, you can try to attach a file and select a video file. The thumbnail should be generated in the note view. More to come soon.

- In app customer support: we have improved the process to submit a ticket to our support if you have an issue with your app. Less information to fill, the new system is smarter and get the information it needs so we can help you out more efficiently. We also report automatically the crashes when it happens (that explains the "crash button" you may discover in settings. Don't feel forced to press it).

- Auto-title detects now the events in your calendar if there is any to add more context to the note title.

We have also improved some small things such as making copy paste to a note easier (still working on copy paste from a note) and corrected a few bugs.

Please give it a try and let us know if you have any issue.


Thank you.

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I've been playing around with search on my HTC EVO. I've noticed that if I search on a word, the highlighted result is not overlying word but is about a half inch above the word. This seems to only happen on images and not on text. Not sure if that was the case before this latest build but it seems to be that way now.

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  • Level 5*
I guess I don't understand how it suppose to work. How do you think this app with web account? I can't find any way to configure it

Your notes live on Evernote servers, and all of the various clients (Windows, Mac, Android and the web client, etc.) access the Evernote server to retrieve notes (the desktop clients also keep a copy of the note database locally on their hard drives). The normal procedure is to log in to your account, and your notes are available to you.

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Hi there,

I am using the Meshin Recall beta so are there any issues with me trying this beta?

Also can you pls provide a bit more information on the point below ie how should it work?

- Auto-title detects now the events in your calendar if there is any to add more context to the note title.



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@JOHNCESTA: the quota will remain the same as far as I know. We will be working on a process to capture videos which remains free-user friendly.

@rockky: we will be working on supporting the existing videos so you can see a related thumbnail. You should already be able to play them in a note if the format is supported by the phone.

@Bartman001: thanks for reporting this issue.

Thank you all for the feedback.

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Can the lack of indenting ordered and unordered lists please be addressed?

I understand there are limitations - since most on screen keyboards lack a tab key. But other options are available like hitting enter/return if blank indents if blank again gets you out of the list.

This is a major feature that has been lacking from the andriod version on both phone and tab.


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What is the status on copy and paste? More importantly copy. Do I still have to edit notes to copy stuff? Having to edit notes to copy stuff is a setup for disaster. How is copying in a note taking app not a top priority? It works fine in version 2.6.1. Do you use this app ? As a developer do you find a 3 to 4 step process to copy information in a note taking app intuitive? Sorry for my Richardish tone, but I can't imagine if any real world testing was done how this could slip by.

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  • Level 5*

There is no current support for due dates or alarms in Evernote products. Due date support is a long wished-for feature for all clients, and from what Everntoe has posted publicly, they are working on implementing them, but no ETA has been published (as is Evernote's practice).

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Apologies for possibly cross-posting - I raised this as a question elsewhere and xdelplanque gave me a link for feedback which pointed to a v3.5 thread. In fact, this relates to a v4. feature, so…

Re Auto Titling of notes, although I can understand the intention, I'm not sure the current implementation is entirely successful.

Typically, I have four diary entries each day, representing four customer appointments at 9am, 11am, 2pm and 4pm. For the next month, I also have a daily 9:00-9:30 'appointment' to remind me of an event happening every day which I would like to attend on one day if time permits.

If I make a note at 2:15pm, it would be helpful it the note title auto-filled with the title of the 2pm appointment but, in fact, every note is auto-titled with the 9:00-9:30 appointment, which is not too helpful. If the auto-title picked the event closest to the note creation time, you'd be onto a winner.

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I found a strange behavior in working with tags:

i have tagge some notes with tags like: .S. Math

i try to search my notes with this tag by typing the first letters of my tag. Then i do a long press on the suggestion .S. Math and select "edit before search". The searchbar shows me now: "tag:.S. Math" and i typ some other words to specify my search. If i hit the search button, evernote shows me all my notes with the selected tag an the words BUT just a few seconds and then every note disapear. I tried it with different types og tags and i think the problem is, that those tags habe two or more words in it. If i select the tag from the andvanced search everything work fine. I don´t think it´s a bug, just the way evernote handle the queary. It would be nice if someone can clarify me :)



I made a few more test and now i´m sure the problem is related to multiple words in a tag. If i search it this way tag: ".S. Math"everything wokrs fine so in my opinion it´s a bug ;)

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