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Make notification icon/counter disappear

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(Posting here since I cannot post in Windows answers/solutions for some reason)


since a recent update on Evernote for Windows there is a notification/badge on the top left next to my account name with a red bubble that indicates unread notifications. How can I make it go away? It's distracting and frankly, I don't give two sh*ts about notifications, new product features, and the AI editor (it already gets pushed in almost every new note I open with a popup that says "try our new AI editor") - I just want the program to run smoothly without all the shenanigans.


So, how do I make this counter go away and keep it from popping up again without clicking on every single notification to mark it as read?





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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Click the icon / look for 'unread notifications' / click on each one to read it (yes,  6 times in your case) / and relax...

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  • 2 weeks later...

this counter is annoying and I cant seem to get rid of it .. for me its all notifications on whats new which to me is just spam.
I've been on evernote since 2013 and for the past couple of years they've ever more been giving me reasons to get off the platform and recreate / organize my notes elsewhere

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It's monday morning and I'm wasting time looking for a way to turn off the new notifications. Came accross your advice. Took me 10 seconds to mark 7 notifications as read and than I relaxed. Thanks, I needed that! ;) 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Came looking for this answer too. 

Clearing the notifications one by one and "relaxing" is a worthless answer.

Promotional badge notifications should be able to be toggled off. Period.

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3 hours ago, coche said:

Promotional badge notifications should be able to be toggled off. Period.

Since we're mostly other users here,  maybe you should tell Evernote directly...

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  • 2 months later...

I always thought the purpose of Evernote is to make my work and study more effective, by notetaking about things I care about. The product designers seem to think the most important thing is to distract me with random notifications, about things that I don't care about.

The red color makes it the most noticeable and irresistible content on the screen, a trick that Facebook has milked for years. As if that isn't enough, we are treated to a pop up box, complete with exclamation mark and arrow pointing back to the notifications icon. I did notice the notifications thanks guys.

Somebody will tell me to chill and relax. I will continue to maintain chill, while calling out mistakes. When I see design choices that get in the way of using the product, I see it as a form of disrespect against the users. We are paying for this product and deserve better treatment.

We're not talking about a one time click and it's done. It's a "click every time for every notification from now to eternity, haha you suckers." This is why it needs to be silenced.

And yes I'll be copying this feedback to the Evernote team. As soon as the feedback feature starts working on my app.

Michael J Salo


Screenshot (19).png

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Click on it, watch what’s behind, dismiss the message.

With the time and effort to write your post (that will do nothing at all, whatever you intended) you could have done this for all red dots you will see in the next 5 years.

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7 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Click on it, watch what’s behind, dismiss the message.

Lame, unhelpful response, dismissive of the user experience. Small distractions add up to a waste over time.

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  • Level 5
44 minutes ago, michaeljsalo said:

Lame, unhelpful response, dismissive of the user experience. Small distractions add up to a waste over time.

You have your user experience. I have mine. EN must be a perfect app by now if THIS is what bugs you the most (looking at your forum stats).

For a better audience 


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For @michaeljsalo and others tired of EN's barrage of marketing via the red notification badge (I've railed about it plenty so I count myself in that group, too), the latest Windows app now allows you to mark the notifications as "read" without needing to read the blog/watch the video. The notification badge goes away and, if you want to read an old notification, you can still go back to the bell and find them. This is on Win 10.103.3.

I'll continue to call out broken features and nonsensical UX decisions, but I genuinely want the app to improve and will celebrate wins, such as this, when they happen. That is, at least until my Pro sub runs out. 😁 

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