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Search results come up empty for our largest notebook

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Hi, me and my work team are having a problem since Tuesday when we try to search for notes in one specific notebook (with over 3000 notes). Most notes don’t pop up in the search result, when we type in title name or part of the title. 

If we search for particular tags, then we do still get all the correct notes, but not if we type in specific words. All notes are still in the notebook, it's just the search that doesn't work. 

When looking to solve this I tried turning on the ‘Share link’ for some of the notes and after restarting Evernote, these do turn up in the search result, so this fixes the problem. It is however impossible to do this for over 3000 notes unless this can be done in bulk. Anyone an idea of what might be going on? This is a shared notebook already, so don't know why we would need to turn on the share link to fix this... 

I tried re-installing the notebook, re-installing Evernote, everything I could think of.


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  There aren't many Teams users in the Forums here - we're mostly just individual users.  No clue personally as to how to refresh a  Teams search index - the usual one is to sign out of the app and delete the local database,  then uninstall with Revo Uninstaller (win) or Appcleaner (Mac) to clear data that the OS doesn't remove,  then download and install a new version from Evernote.com.  No clue whether that's possible or safe in Teams.

The other option is to have a look through the help pages and see whether you can find something that helps - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006117-Evernote-Teams-Toolkit  (This is new today!)

There's a link to Support in there which you could follow - please come back here and post any ticket number you get;  we can flag it with the Forum Admins which might get you some priority...

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2 hours ago, Ineke Vandemeerssche said:

Anyone an idea of what might be going on?

Seems like an incomplete search index and|or incomplete sync. We have notebooks with 7.500 notes in sum whereby the biggest contains 1.550 notes and no problem to search within...

One idea might be: Try to export the desired notebook to an ENEX file. This will force all notes to be synced during the export. I hope this will also complete the index... But you have to take some time: Exporting thousands of notes is much slower than in older versions 😞


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Thank you both for your suggestions, 

I've tried lots of things, but nothing seems to work. Current ticket number is Ticket# 3858652. 
Currently the search function doesn't work and it seems to be linked an issue with  'shared notebooks', because when I opened  a new notebook and moved all notes there, it worked again. When I shared this new notebook with the team, everything was still good. But as soon as someone else made a change to one of the notes, the problem came back and we couldn't look up anything. We can only search by tag , not by words. 

When I exported the notes to an enex file and then imported them again to a new notebook, the search function worked again. When I then moved them to the shared notebook, it all worked up until someone else made changes and then it didn’t work any more for none of the notes. 

The Evernote developers are working on fixing it, but would be nice to get some priority since this database really is a daily tool needed for our team to function properly. 

Thanks so much for your suggestions, 



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The Search in my Windows 11 is not working. Every search I attempted returns no note. I can search on the web version, but not on my notebook. So frustrating! What to do?

Also I forgot how to contact Evernote support. Help will be very much appreciated.

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Our Team is having the exact same issue! We addressed this to Evernote support our ticket number is Re: Ticket# 3858652 - 
They told us that the developers are aware of the problem and we will need to be patient. 
It is very frustrating. We can still search based on 'tags' though. 

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9 hours ago, gazumped said:

See the previous suggestions about reinstalling / exporting.

See here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us

I have also been having a lot of search issues. Advanced syntax not always working, weird results, notes that don't show up. I see this suggestion to use the third party Appcleaner to uninstall Evernote a lot.

Is this really necessary? Can I just use the Evernote uninstall/delete files option within the app itself? I am using a work laptop and can't just download third party apps myself, and, having looked at the Appcleaner website, I sincerely doubt the IT folks will install this program for me.

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  • 2 months later...

iPhone, Similar problem.  Searching notes for “L.A.” returns only a handful of notes, even though dozens of notes contain “L.A.” in the title, and even more in the content.  Why?  It’s a simple request for matching terms.

Likewise, search-function within this forum is useless.  I found this thread via external browser search.

I just want to be able to locate notes by searching for a word I remember.  Why is that a problem?

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  • Level 5*
On 6/21/2024 at 6:26 PM, NådeNok said:

iPhone, Similar problem.  Searching notes for “L.A.” returns only a handful of notes, even though dozens of notes contain “L.A.” in the title, and even more in the content.  Why?  It’s a simple request for matching terms.

Likewise, search-function within this forum is useless.  I found this thread via external browser search.

I just want to be able to locate notes by searching for a word I remember.  Why is that a problem?

Well,  lets see:

  1. Where are you searching? iOS / MacOS / Web?
  2. Searching in the Forums is a third-party app; nothing to do with Evernote
  3. Searching for a keyword should work without issues.  Contact Support?
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We are having similar problems on Evernote 10 desktop on Windows 10.  Note list comes up blank even when we can browse to many notes matching the search words, sometimes even in the title!  We panicked for a while thinking our notes were gone, but they were all there, just not findable via search.

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, Steve M in San Diego said:

We are having similar problems on Evernote 10 desktop on Windows 10.  Note list comes up blank even when we can browse to many notes matching the search words, sometimes even in the title!  We panicked for a while thinking our notes were gone, but they were all there, just not findable via search.

Hi. All I can suggest is that you check out these links for tips on searching...




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