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Opening recently closed notes

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I have been carrying forward a set of 20 notes that I always have open for various reasons. They always come back up automatically every time I launch Evernote.


But the last time I relaunched Evernote, all I got was my default view, none of the open notes were restored. I don't have a list of these, but I know I want these open for reference. 


How do I get Evernote to open recently closed notes? 

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  • Level 5

If you edited them, sort by „change date“ and look among the younger notes.

Beside this EN doesn’t have views or „recently closed tabs“. You can set frequently used notes as shortcuts.

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1 hour ago, JeepJeep said:

How do I get Evernote to open recently closed notes? 

Evernote has an option to "show recent notes in the sidebar". However this will only show you the 5 most recent notes.



What I do is to tag all my currently important notes with a tag called $current. The $ insures it is at the top of the tag list so easy to find. You could obviously also make this tag a shortcut - and don't forget keyboard shortcuts - the first item in the shortcut list is ctrl+1 and so on.

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I add an icon to important notes and have a saved search for 🔸which finds them all.  If you Ctrl+A select all and use the three-dots menu in the blue pop-up (we're talking desktops here) there's an "open in new windows" option to get them all with one click.

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Thanks.. these were just notes that I wanted to keep open and hadn't touched many of them in weeks/months. Most (I'm guessing) of them were tagged with an 'Important' tag but there are many more notes with this tag that weren't on this particular set of open notes. 

So I guess I've lost that particular view for good 😒😠

Evernote needs to add a way to reopen recently closed notes


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  • Level 5

Actually as posted above you have a selection of 5 recently opened ones. No selection of „recently“ will help you if you keep a note open for days or weeks. It is always „recently openED“, not „recently open“ - which means notes open but untouched will be pushed down the list. No list can be as long as your habit to keep notes open.

If you want more, tags are the way to go. As always tags require a little discipline in applying and removing them. 

Or install a TOC note, that holds links to all notes you want to bundle in a context. Name it after the context, and you can open them in a breeze.

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On 2/20/2024 at 11:51 AM, PinkElephant said:

No selection of „recently“ will help you if you keep a note open for days or weeks. It is always „recently openED“, not „recently open“ - which means notes open but untouched will be pushed down the list. No list can be as long as your habit to keep notes open.

Respectfully differ with you on this. 

For one, I'm looking for a feature that would allow me to reopen *recently closed* notes not just some random subset of recently open notes.

Secondly, most (all?) web browsers for instance allow opening recently closed tabs/windows (plus months upon months of history of all webpages opened) regardless of when they were last engaged with. Surely for the average user (even a heavy user like me) the number of open notes (which is anyway limited to 20*) shouldn't be much harder to track and reopen than the number of open browser tabs/windows?

I get the impression that the scenario doesn't resonate with more users here, but I'd imagine a lot of serious Evernote users would have faced this issue at some point. I feel most users would be conditioned by the behaviour of browsers I've described above to expect to be able to reopen recently closed notes. And like I say, I feel this wouldn't be too much of a challenge to implement. For these reasons, I feel this is a fail for Evernote.  

* I do have a TOC note that I've been using to track notes that I'd have liked to keep open but have been forced to close because of this 20-note limit. 





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  • Level 5

Interesting thoughts. I'd think that, if this is important for you, using Evernote Web, opening notes in separate tabs, and then looking for recently closed tabs in the browser, might be one way to go. I don't think the desktop apps are trying to imitate browser behavior. TBH, I have seen recently opened/closed notes float to the top of the list--before the bug that marked them as edited got squashed.

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