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Ability to transcribe existing audio notes to text.



Can we have or does someone know of a method to transcribe pre-existing audio notes into text? This is not the same as dictation, so pointing to that solution is irrelevant. 

I have found a way to acquire low cost and accurate transcriptions using a process developed by a third party. The trouble is that audios first need to be moved to dropbox, fed through the AI process and the destination for output is set to Notion, and as I understand it, the AI integration means the material is not private. https://thomasjfrank.com/how-to-transcribe-audio-to-text-with-chatgpt-and-notion/#overview 

It would be great if Evernote could implement a process or if there is already one to convert audio in EN to text directly with the app, or at least have the EN note as the destination. 

Is someone aware of a solution that is more integrated into Evernote?

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Are you able to use a Google search ?

Then do it. You get a ton of solutions, both online or installed within a few seconds. Since I don't know any of them, I can't tell more.

As far as I remember this was not discussed before here in the forum, and I doubt there is any standard solution somebody can contribute. But of course I could be wrong.

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If it ever was an option, this is a long time ago - or applied for clients only that I don’t use.

You can ask for anything. In general EN will NOT duplicate abilities that are already build into the OS.

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Pink Elephant: As I mentioned in my question, the Dictation solution you pointed to is NOT the same as Transcription. Transcribing text from previously recorded audio is not currently a standard feature of iOS. 

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No - use third party tools to do the trick.

I use JustPressRecord.

About grabbing audio directly with EN mobile, I can only warn against it. If the connection fails while grabbing, or you exceed the upload limit (for a note or globally), the recording ist lost. It can’t be recovered.

Thus I prefer Tools that save to local memory while recording, not to a cloud.

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Hello everyone! I just wanted to share a quick update on my search for a sound-to-text transcription tool https://gotranscript.com/audio-to-text
If any of you still need a reliable audio to text transcription tool, I recommend it!
Although I have found a transcription tool, I am still open to discuss other recommendations or insights for those who are still searching. Let's continue the conversation and support each other in finding the best solutions!

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I found a solution from Thomas Frank, a YouTuber that provides a lot of information about Notion. He has a script you can download, that converts audio recordings to text, using Whisper AI, and that places the text (plus selectable features like summaries etc) in a Notion database. The cost is very low! Even a half-hour recording comes in at pennies.

Plus, Adobe Premiere Pro video editing software has a built-in transcription function (to create sub-titles), that seems to work pretty well, and costs nothing per use.

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My main point was not about a transcription tool.

My main point was warning against using the audio recording in EN at all, at least in the mobile clients. Because the recording is not saved to local memory, but synced with the server it can get lost during recording easily. And the mobile EN client does not allow to recover a lost recording.

So whatever you use, don’t use the recording build into EN. And if you don’t, you can use an app that does the transcription in addition. Which avoids sending the audio to an external service like an AI tool - in many jurisdictions it will even be illegal to do so without the written consent of all participants. Processing on device is less critical.

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While I appreciate that at least one commentator here seems to be saying, "Go somewhere else for that feature..." it kind of defeats the point of giving Evernote ideas.

I, too, would like an Evernote-integrated capability of both capturing audio and getting the associated transcript. It would be a convenient way to get notes that could be summarized using AI. 

In the meantime, I'll look to use a non-integrated solution, which lessens the value of an all-in-one note-taking app like Evernote. 

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15 minutes ago, Dan N said:

I, too, would like an Evernote-integrated capability of both capturing audio and getting the associated transcript.

I'd love to see this as well in the future. Maybe Ai Edit could be used to manipulate audio & image content.

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I too would very much like to have Evernote have the capability to dictate using an AI Transcription service like Open AI Whisper directly into an Evernote Note. I am familiar with and have used the Frank Thomas solution that "SeeingHuman" referred to and can confirm that it is very effective and incredibly useful. If I had the needed skill set I would take a shot at creating the exact same solution in Evernote that he did for Notion. 

If anyone wishes to find out more simply do an internet search "Frank Thomas How to Take Perfect Notes with Your Voice Using ChatGPT". This kind of solution would be ideal in and for Evernote!

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It would be very helpful, if there would be an option to transcribe attached audio, similarly as it is done in Telegram and in some other messengers: either you press a button near your audio and get the transcription. Or some other messengers even transcribe audio automatically. Yes there are other services where you can upload MP3. But this would significantly save time for the user.

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I need to follow up on this because of something that suddenly appeared and that I can no longer seem to access. I have been making audio recordings on the iPhone. I will attach them to a note, and in a few recent cases, there was a "Transcribe" option appearing directly on the Audio title bar! I tried it a couple times and the results were quite good.
But, it only showed up a couple times and not since. I don't know what I might have done differently, to prompt it to show up - and I would really like to see this as a standard option.
What is going on?

Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 2.52.00 PM.png

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No idea - but maybe it’s now limited to Professional and Teams, as part of the AI-component of the subscription plans. It is not available on Personal.

You can try to find out via support.

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Working OK for me on Android v10.100.1 I'm not able to check on my desktop immediately but I would expect it to work as planned. I have a Personal level subscription.

Could it be the file size? My tests have all been smaller. Or the audio file format?

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