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First killing the legacy desktop app now the 50 notes limit. Goodbye evernote.

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With the free account starts the 2 device limitations. "It's ok" I thought, no problem.

Then the new desktop app, senselessly heavy compared to the old one. But hey, the legacy ("old") version is still available and working. Nice.

2 or 3 days ago it stopped syncing. Ok time to update. Did today and LOST THE LATEST NOTES NOT SYNCED DURING THE UPDATE. Well..........ooook, those weren't important (and I managed to restore them from a copy/paste manager app). It's ok. I can bear it.

Ok. New app. That's right. Need to save those notes I recovered so WELL WELL YOU HAVE NOW LIMITATIONS OF 50 NOTES.
And you even ask 99 euros yearly. With that I can obtain 1TB of cloud space synced on my pc + office package.

That's it. Goodbye Evernote. It was NOT a pleasure.

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Agree, I had been using the Legacy Desktop, ever since the absolutely abhorrent new desktop was introduced. I too have now to switch to this horrible UI, trying to add fonts to it and its soooo frustrating.

Are you aware of alternate options?


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@Baboo85 The legacy client is deprecated since 2020. Since 6 months there are warnings showing that this software is outdated. Anybody had time and lead information enough to make the change -. either by switching to the new client, or by leaving and moving to an alternative. Ignoring it and sticking with legacy was at your own peril.

@Niall O'Reilly You can't add fonts - use what's offered inside of the app. These fonts do not require a license and work in all EN clients on all platforms. They make sure that notes will not change their layout just because viewed on a different platform.

Don't like it ? Go watching ...

(We have had these discussions 40 months ago, when v10 was launched. Everything is discussed, we are bringing the used plates and glasses to the kitchen right now, when you show up and want to join the party).

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3 hours ago, Niall O'Reilly said:

Are you aware of alternate options?

Welcome to the forums. If you do a search for something like "alternatives to Evernote" you'll find lots of suggestions and lengthy discussions.

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The slow deterioration of this once invaluable app has been a real beat down over the past several years. With their latest hack-job on the free accounts, and no reasonable paid subscription options, bailing on the service was a no-brainer. 3,000+ notes in 3 dozen notebooks, acquired over the past decade finally have a new home.

I found that Joplin was just what I needed for my notes and checklists. Joplin's import function worked better than expected (although I found that some notes imported better as markdown instead of html, so I'll keep my Evernote account as an archive in the event I need re-export/import specific notes in a different format). The lion's share of my Evernotes were images that I was using with Evernote's OCR function, which Joplin doesn't have, unfortunately. So, for my notes requiring OCR, I transferred them to one of my Googe Drive accounts using the CloudHQ service, which again was pretty painless, but took more than a day to complete... And no longer will I have to endure the incessant Evernote pop-ups telling me it is my "last chance" to get a X% discount. 

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8 hours ago, RJameson said:

The lion's share of my Evernotes were images that I was using with Evernote's OCR function, which Joplin doesn't have, unfortunately. So, for my notes requiring OCR, I transferred them to one of my Googe Drive accounts using the CloudHQ service, which again was pretty painless, but took more than a day to complete... 

There's a preview version of Joplin that has OCR.  😃

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) | Joplin (joplinapp.org)


Just sharing, I don't know the extent of the functionality or ability to handle files like PDF's, so still might not work for everyone's needs.

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1 hour ago, sl1200mk2 said:

There's a preview version of Joplin that has OCR.  😃

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) | Joplin (joplinapp.org)


Just sharing, I don't know the extent of the functionality or ability to handle files like PDF's, so still might not work for everyone's needs.

Wow. Thanks. Was not aware of that... And how timely. Assuming it proves to be functional, it will likely be the last needed incentive for many to make the move.

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  • Level 5
12 hours ago, RJameson said:

The slow deterioration of this once invaluable app has been a real beat down over the past several years. With their latest hack-job on the free accounts, and no reasonable paid subscription options, bailing on the service was a no-brainer. 3,000+ notes in 3 dozen notebooks, acquired over the past decade finally have a new home.

I found that Joplin was just what I needed for my notes and checklists. Joplin's import function worked better than expected (although I found that some notes imported better as markdown instead of html, so I'll keep my Evernote account as an archive in the event I need re-export/import specific notes in a different format). The lion's share of my Evernotes were images that I was using with Evernote's OCR function, which Joplin doesn't have, unfortunately. So, for my notes requiring OCR, I transferred them to one of my Googe Drive accounts using the CloudHQ service, which again was pretty painless, but took more than a day to complete... And no longer will I have to endure the incessant Evernote pop-ups telling me it is my "last chance" to get a X% discount. 

So, just to be clear: you used Evernote for free for 10 years, including getting a lot of images OCRed and searchable for free ... and you feel like you're the recipient of a "hack-job." You had plenty of chances at "reasonable paid subscription options" over that decade, but instead chose to never to pay for the value you were getting, while those of us who did choose to pay supported your freebie. Evernote is to blame for that, because they let that overly generous freebie hang out there for so long. But you're sense of aggrieved injury seems just slightly overblown. Good luck with Joplin. Frankly, for their sake I hope they figure out your game quicker than Evernote did.

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1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

So, just to be clear: you used Evernote for free for 10 years, including getting a lot of images OCRed and searchable for free ... and you feel like you're the recipient of a "hack-job." You had plenty of chances at "reasonable paid subscription options" over that decade, but instead chose to never to pay for the value you were getting, while those of us who did choose to pay supported your freebie. Evernote is to blame for that, because they let that overly generous freebie hang out there for so long. But you're sense of aggrieved injury seems just slightly overblown. Good luck with Joplin. Frankly, for their sake I hope they figure out your game quicker than Evernote did.

And the fanboys have awoken… Yes, you understood me clearly. I was using the free version that Evernote offered and it worked well for me for several years. You apparently had needs that exceeded the functionality of the free version and chose to get a subscription. Great. I hope that’s worked well for you (although it sounds like you’ve got some warped sense of resentment towards those of us who were doing fine using the free version in accordance with EN’s terms).

No “sense of aggrieved injury” here. Evernote essentially dropped the free version; I dropped Evernote. Simple as that. With regards to Joplin “figuring out my game,” you might Google “FOSS”.

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And so came the equalizer. And he made all users equal: After a trial run, everyone now needs more than the Free version provides.

And he made those who resist a fair treatment run into the dark, not even leaving their purse behind.

Just a little stink remained - but the wind of change will take care of that.


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  • Level 5
1 hour ago, RJameson said:

And the fanboys have awoken… Yes, you understood me clearly. I was using the free version that Evernote offered and it worked well for me for several years. You apparently had needs that exceeded the functionality of the free version and chose to get a subscription. Great. I hope that’s worked well for you (although it sounds like you’ve got some warped sense of resentment towards those of us who were doing fine using the free version in accordance with EN’s terms).

No “sense of aggrieved injury” here. Evernote essentially dropped the free version; I dropped Evernote. Simple as that. With regards to Joplin “figuring out my game,” you might Google “FOSS”.

Actually, I could probably have gotten by with the free version. But after a few months I realized I was getting something really valuable, and I thought I should pay for it. I don't know if that thought occurred to you or not. But hopefully we could agree that you got a long, valuable, free ride, which was, as you say, in accordance with the terms in which it was offered; and that you declined every reasonably priced offer of a subscription. Evidently the only reasonable price for the service, in your thinking, is $0. But when the free ride came to an end, as it had to, you declared this a "hack-job." Nope, no sense of aggrieved injury there. You got much more than you paid for for a decade; and you continue to refuse to pay $2.50 a week to keep getting that value. You came in here with a chip on your shoulder. So call me any name you can think of. But don't expect the people who pay the bills to be sad to see you go.

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Fun fact for the 2 trolling lvl5 fanboys: you all are using advanced functions of Evernote.

I was using it like a post-it. Yes I had about 160 notes but they were just annotation. Maybe 3 or 4 of them were long text, the other one were like sticky notes.

And now to have a faqing post-it I need to pay the same price as having 1TB of cloud space, office applications (including also an advanced "notepad" like Evernote), etc?

No thank you. MAYBE if Evernote tought something for "simple" user like me at low price I could have considered (but again: paying for some word noted? How about no. Google Keep is free without limitations for example).

Yes you can't run any business offering only free things. But FFS you don't care about users. You just tell users to faq off, don't even care to try to pull in free users to paid users. Because that's what happened.

Also I found out that Evernote was acquired by an italian company in January 2023, accidentally the same year when all this started. Being italian myself I know too well that the majority of us cannot take decent decisions in business sector, and here's why this all happened.

Anyway, luckily for me it was relatively easy to copy paste all my notes in Google Keep because YES. I only had simple notes, but I wasn't different from user that attached images, use OCR, etc. Well done Evernote.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Baboo85 said:

I found out that Evernote was acquired by an italian company in January 2023

I don't think that was a secret...  and yes - since you clearly don't need any of the bells and whistles - you should definitely use a simpler note taker.  Had you done a little more research,  you might have realised that the "Italian company" is worth several hundred million of any local currency so I think they're managing to restrain any urges to self-destruct quite well.   Bye!

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7 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Actually, I could probably have gotten by with the free version. But after a few months I realized I was getting something really valuable, and I thought I should pay for it. I don't know if that thought occurred to you or not. But hopefully we could agree that you got a long, valuable, free ride, which was, as you say, in accordance with the terms in which it was offered; and that you declined every reasonably priced offer of a subscription. Evidently the only reasonable price for the service, in your thinking, is $0. But when the free ride came to an end, as it had to, you declared this a "hack-job." Nope, no sense of aggrieved injury there. You got much more than you paid for for a decade; and you continue to refuse to pay $2.50 a week to keep getting that value. You came in here with a chip on your shoulder. So call me any name you can think of. But don't expect the people who pay the bills to be sad to see you go.

So, let me get this straight. You really didn’t need the premium version all these years but decided out of the good of your heart to send money to Evernote, and now you’re shaming legitimate free users for not doing the same? Give me a break.

I simply came to this board to give a positive data point to others who might be considering an alternative to EN. It's quite amusing that some of you fanboys took it personally. Although it's of no consequence, I can assure you there is no chip on my shoulder. I'm actually grateful this all came to a head as I've got a better note-taking system now than I did 3 months ago. And after all, according to your assertion, I successfully stole services from Evernote over the past decade without having to spend a dime. I should be laughing myself out the door.

On the other hand, if someone unnecessarily paid $2.50 a week for the past decade for an outlay of $1,300 bucks, and was now having donator’s remorse due to the new management and direction the app is taking, that person might certainly have a sense of “aggrieved injury,” and feel the need to lash out at more nimble “free-loaders” who are jumping ship.  And if Evernote got its hooks so deep into said user that they were at the mercy of any pricing plan the new management might impose, that might be further cause for feelings of resentment and betrayal… In which case, I would tell that user that there are options, and Joplin’s a very good one.

Now let me go cry in my pillow because Dave-in-Decatur isn’t going to be throwing me an Evernote going away party.

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  • Level 5
1 hour ago, RJameson said:

… I should be laughing myself out the door. …

Oh, yes, just go ahead. I don’t see in your lengthy posting the relevance for other users coming here. But maybe I missed that grain of value, and you can point the direction ?

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  • Level 5
13 hours ago, RJameson said:

So, let me get this straight. You really didn’t need the premium version all these years but decided out of the good of your heart to send money to Evernote, and now you’re shaming legitimate free users for not doing the same? Give me a break.

I simply came to this board to give a positive data point to others who might be considering an alternative to EN. It's quite amusing that some of you fanboys took it personally. Although it's of no consequence, I can assure you there is no chip on my shoulder. I'm actually grateful this all came to a head as I've got a better note-taking system now than I did 3 months ago. And after all, according to your assertion, I successfully stole services from Evernote over the past decade without having to spend a dime. I should be laughing myself out the door.

On the other hand, if someone unnecessarily paid $2.50 a week for the past decade for an outlay of $1,300 bucks, and was now having donator’s remorse due to the new management and direction the app is taking, that person might certainly have a sense of “aggrieved injury,” and feel the need to lash out at more nimble “free-loaders” who are jumping ship.  And if Evernote got its hooks so deep into said user that they were at the mercy of any pricing plan the new management might impose, that might be further cause for feelings of resentment and betrayal… In which case, I would tell that user that there are options, and Joplin’s a very good one.

Now let me go cry in my pillow because Dave-in-Decatur isn’t going to be throwing me an Evernote going away party.

OK, done with this, except to point out a couple of misrepresentations. I didn't pay for Evernote out of the goodness of my heart, but out of a sense that people who do good work and create value for me ought to be paid. By me, not somebody else. There were eventually some features that were unavailable for free that I wanted too.

As for "fanboy" ... no, you give me a break. 😅 Check my posts in this little dialog. I never said Evernote was better than Joplin (I have no idea, not having used Joplin). The only thing I'm a fan of here is people paying for what they use. You're a fan of not doing that. Kindly go on being that. If Joplin works endlessly as you need it to for free, then yay for free lunch culture. Believe me, I don't envy you, or whatever that long fantasy was about, one bit. I like the way I live. You like the way you live. Neither of us particularly understands the other one's choices. There I leave it.

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