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Enex export - some notes without titel

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I've not seen that issue reported before - have you tried exporting to HTML too?  Depending on how many notes are involved here it might be feasible to copy missing titles from one archive to another,  or maybe isolate the affected notes to determine why this is happening?

Which versions of Windows & Evernote are you using?  Can you see any common factor in the missing titles notes?

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Tried to find an issue like "ä" or "é" in titel - no common factor found.

I have a notebook with 32 notes - 6 titels missing and another one with over 1000 notes, 200 titels missing.

I´m using Windows 10 and Evernote 10.67.2 as a free version. HTML-Export seems to be working, but to migrate to joplin I need an enex-file.

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  • Evernote Expert

My first step would be to rebuild my local data.  File, Sign Out, Remove my Evernote data.

When you sign back in the data will be rebuilt.  But you should wait a cpouple of days to be sure that your data has synchronised before exporting again.

I cannot reproduce this issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw this behaviour on my installation with EN 10 for windows as well. Never figured out the reason for this. For me the workaround was to export via Evernote legacy for windows. As legacy seems no long-term option for the future I am now using Evernote Backup from github as well. Works good.

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