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Evernote location and space

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Hi everybody.
I got many times a message telling me "insufficient space storage" (French translation...) .
How to solve? Is it possible (computer under windows 11) to transfer Evernote from 😄 to another space (D: as an example) ? 
Many Thanks and have a nice day

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  • Level 5

The option is in the app’s settings.

It is only available when the direct install is used. Installations from the Store don’t allow this, due to restrictions applied by the Store installation. In this case you need to uninstall the Store version, and install the direct download. Then you can switch off the warning, and move the database to another drive.

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  • Level 5

Why do you want to export ?

The master copy of your data is on the EN server. The local copy will automatically be created after you install the direct install.

What is more important is to remove the local copy in the uninstall step. There is a switch in the apps settings that confirms that it shall delete all local data when logging out.

Set it to remove the data, and log out. Only after the logout quit the app.

As an additional security in uninstalling all parts you could use Revo Uninstaller (PC) or AppCleaner (Mac). Both are available for free.

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The only risk of data loss exist if you used local notebooks on legacy. There it was possible to save a notebook only locally, without syncing. This always meant you need to backup it yourself.

All other data is stored in the master copy on the EN server. All local data is only a copy of this master repository.

If a client is uninstalled, the local data can be erased. When installing fresh, the local copy is (re-)created from the server.

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  • 3 weeks later...


not really satisfied because I still got the same (bloody!) message!
And of course I do not want to lose my data.
My point as I have several disk is:
- Where is located my local data 
- changed it from (I Guess C:\) to something like D:\
- do not lose any data
- do not have this message
Is that possible?
What is to be done?
Surely there is something I do not understand, sorry for that
Have a nice day

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If you are using version 10 of Evernote and the direct download version, not the one from the Windows app store, then you can move your data to any drive.

Preferences --> Application --> Evernote local data

Evernote does the move for you but this works only on version 10 of the software.

This article may help a bit: https://tamingthetrunk.substack.com/p/how-to-move-your-evernote-data-to

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OK thanks but...
Unfortunately if I have version 10, I do not have the "ddl.public" but the "windows.public" 

10.63.4-win-winstore-public (20231006121931)

what is to be done to transfert and of course do not ose any data?

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  • Evernote Expert

The data is retained on the Evernote severs.

You can safely logout and uninstall the Windows Store version. Then download the direct version from evernote.com and install. When you log in your data will be retrieved from the servers and be accessible to you.

It isn't clear whether you have a paid subscription or use the Free plan. It is particularly important to logout before uninstalling if you are on the Free plan.

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I have a paid subscription, 60€ per year.

I am an old IT guy and so very prudent, so please confirm:

- as the data is retained on the Evernote severs I can lose them.
- I logout
- I uninstall the Windows Store version
- I download the direct version from evernote.com
- I then  install : I guess I will be then prompted to know where my local could be (in my case D:\) ???
- I log in: then my data will be retrieved from the servers and be accessible on D:\ ???

Thank you to confirm (the ???)
Have a nice day

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  • Evernote Expert
16 minutes ago, papoudu34 said:

- as the data is retained on the Evernote severs I can lose them.
- I logout
- I uninstall the Windows Store version
- I download the direct version from evernote.com
- I then  install : I guess I will be then prompted to know where my local could be (in my case D:\) ???
- I log in: then my data will be retrieved from the servers and be accessible on D:\ ???

You should not lose your data stored in the Evernote servers in the cloud. Just be sure you know the correct username and password for your account and you will have access.

Once you install the direct download you will be invited to login and the default storage location on your main drive will be used.  Let that process complete which may take several hours.  Only then choose your new storage location in the app settings. At that point the data will be transferred.


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  • Level 5

@papoudu34 The master copy of your data is on the server, And all syncing goes through the server, so in general this is the complete copy of your notes. It may happen there is unsynced content stored in a client, but this usually will sync fast, at least while you are online.

When you uninstall you can decide to dump all data, or keep the local database. The switch is in the desktop app settings.

If it will reconnect when the local database is in a non default location, I have my doubts, When the app is uninstalled, the pointer will likely be gone as well. Furthermore when you come from a Store version, the local data will always be in the default location - you can‘t select another in that version.

Only the direct download client allows to alter the database location. If the database is in a different location, and you install the direct download, you can then go to app settings and choose that folder.

If it is respected by the app I don‘t know. Worst case (which is no bad case) it will download it all again.

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