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Hi all,

Question for you, is there a reason why this forum is more active than the Evernote forum on Reddit? Just compared to the competition, the Evernote sub reddit seems light on responses to questions/issues, etc.

Not moaning, just asking the question :)

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43 minutes ago, REjaz said:

Question for you, is there a reason why this forum is more active than the Evernote forum on Reddit? Just compared to the competition, the Evernote sub reddit seems light on responses to questions/issues, etc.

Because this forum is nicer and much more polite 😂

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  • Level 5

I‘m no Reddit regular, but I took a peep now to place an informed posting here. It’s from my personal quick review:

The EN subreddit in my opinion simply doesn’t create value for those who go there for genuine help. Most answers posted under substantial questions are from users who don’t know *****, but answer anyhow. 

And those who just want to vent find companions - some of those again posting answers where I doubt they are actually users.

Which leaves a rest, which probably is not enough to draw and keep attendees.

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34 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

I‘m no Reddit regular, but I took a peep now to place an informed posting here. It’s from my personal quick review:

The EN subreddit in my opinion simply doesn’t create value for those who go there for genuine help. Most answers posted under substantial questions are from users who don’t know *****, but answer anyhow. 

And those who just want to vent find companions - some of those again posting answers where I doubt they are actually users.

Which leaves a rest, which probably is not enough to draw and keep attendees.

Agreed. I almost question why does it exist if it brings no value to Evernote.

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