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Tricked upgrade to v10

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Legacy just invited me to upgrade - but didn't tell me I'd be upgrading to New EN.

Now when I open Legacy I just get New EN.

This is not the way to treat a 10 year+ customer...

I'm pretty annoyed.

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  • Evernote Expert

You can go back to Legacy if that's what you want. Lots of links to the old software in these forums or use the OS system restore/roll back.

Before you do, why not give the new version a good trial since it seems clear that the Legacy package is on its way out.

You can download the old version and go back at any point until Legacy is completely withdrawn.

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I can see how it seems like a trick -- especially for people that know there is a Version 10 and are purposefully remaining on Legacy for as long as they can.

Perhaps these nag screens are leading up to some kind of countdown to when Legacy will stop syncing altogether. I remember one discussion forum thread where it was mentioned that the company had discussed if the legacy syncing should be shut down with the introduction of the new RTE syncing mechanism. Ultimately, they decided "no - not yet", but it's coming.

They are going to stop syncing notes on the Legacy version at some point and people will either have to migrate to Version 10 for sure at that time or migrate to a different product.

I think the time is now to migrate to Version 10 or to be ready at a moment's notice to migrate to a different app that will work better.

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Like many, I did not like V10 when it was introduced, but I am so happy that I persevered with the learning curve, and there is no way I would want to go back to Legacy now.

I understand that some people are not too fond of the new version with Home, Widgets, Calendar, Connection, Tasks, Links etc, but these items have revolutionised my use of EN from a simple note keeper to my Main Dashboard, keeping me focused on what I need to do.  I have become much more productive in my use of EN.  The many updates from V10's initial launch have made it better.  I know there are some who will not agree, but I can only describe my experience.  Prior to V10's launch, I had around 10,000 notes collected over around nine years.  Since its launch, I have amassed nearly 30,000 with the difference over the last two years

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Based on what I've read in recent days about people losing data in EN v10 I am more than happy that I stuck with older version, except the hour-ish with a Mac v10 and maybe a few days with v10 on an iPad but didn't use and uninstalled when I realised (never really used it)

The irony being right when there are a bunch of sync issues and data loss issues EN is pushing legacy (and pre-legacy) users to "upgrade" - would say now is definitely NOT the time to switch.

I'm "test driving" Obsidian and last time I put in any research v10 had export limits so if I HAD switched I would NEED old versions to export as I have several "diary" notebooks with 360+ notes (usually a note a day, occasionally two)... Test export (to ENEX) of a notebook with about 170 notes converted perfectly well with YARLE.

Home? Widgets? Tasks? Links? Not interesting for me... For me right now it seems like too much effort on "new and shiny" and the core functionality of being a NOTE app is being compromised. Now if I could only stop those nag boxes when I use an official client (mostly Mac) then I'll be as happy as when I use NixNote2 on my personal "daily driver" Linux laptop which is where in the past three or four years about half of my Evernote usage has been - probably about five years of almost exclusive Mac usage before that, which reminded me of how un-Mac like v10 seemed when I looked at it.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Brian Handscomb said:

would say now is definitely NOT the time to switch.

Hopefully you've moved your data across to Obsidian then and won't have any issues if Legacy becomes inoperative.

I just did this dance over here - 

...and for the TL:DR group - it's increasingly urgent to use the off-ramp or the upgrade to avoid an inevitable data-geddon.  If you have issues,  work with the company and/ or oher users in the Forums to get over or around them.  Ignoring the issue is not an option.

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  • Evernote Expert
42 minutes ago, rosee said:

After the update in 2020, there are still features that are not yet available. I really don't want to use it and it's annoying.

But what will be really annoying will be when Legacy stops altogether. So make your plan for what next. Either commit to the transition to v10 or make a plan for whatever program you will use instead. Price/Value for Money, features and the ability to move your data elsewhere as needed are all things Is be considering. Without doubt the easiest option in terms of moving data is to switch to v10. So the concerns are likely to be features and value for money.

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  • Evernote Expert
2 hours ago, Brian Handscomb said:

The irony being right when there are a bunch of sync issues and data loss issues EN is pushing legacy (and pre-legacy) users to "upgrade" - would say now is definitely NOT the time to switch.

I'm "test driving" Obsidian and last time I put in any research v10 had export limits

A lot of the issues that have arisen are linked to trying to run the new sync alongside the old Legacy.  Hence the press to get folk to switch.

In v10 you can export all the notes in a single notebook. No limit and that approach keeps your notebook structure.

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