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How do you turn off real time editing?

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  • Evernote Expert

RTE is always on. Can you describe the issue you gave in more detail? Someone may be able to point you to a solution. Please confirm the device and version of Evernote.

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I do not use or need RTE. All it gives me is a complete pain in the neck by making opening older notes a horribly s-l-o-w process. Would be great to turn it off or opt out of this wonderful new feature. Not a fan at all. Thanks.

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  • Level 5

As @PinkElephant said, you can "opt out" by going offline. Perhaps after editing a note or notes and going online, they will have their structures converted to the new format on the Evernote servers. Perhaps not. But it needs to be done sooner or later. I know you think you don't need it. So did I. Then I was editing an important note at deadline in the Evernote Web client when I got a Blue Screen of Death. Just before melting down, I remembered I could continue working on my laptop with the Evernote Windows app. I turned it on, and there was my note, exactly as it was when the BSOD hit. I suddenly realized that the new sync structure enabling RTE might be useful to me after all.

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  • Evernote Expert

The realtime sync which is what supports RTE is what you do need. The roll out has left a lot to be desired. However, I don't think there is, now, anyway back.  You can opt out by reverting to the Legacy program but that will only delay the pain. Once Legacy has gone the data structure change will need to be delivered but, possibly, with less interruption to our workflows.

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