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Can I download my old notes without signing up for the pay service?

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I just signed in after a long time and to my surprise evernote is now a paid service. It wants me to sign up for the payed service but i don't want the service, i just want my notes. Part of the reason I used it back in the day is it was free, I would have just used google drive had I known evernote would restrict access to my own notes in the future

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  • Evernote Expert

Evernote continues to offer a free service subject to the normal limitations.  This includes a restriction on the number devices registered on the account. Basically you can only have two devices registered at any time.  It is likely that when you were using Evernote before you managed to connect the maximum number of devices and you renewed access is identified as different and therefore exceeds the maximum of two.  To regain access you will need to disconnect devices to ensure you are currently linked with no more than one.  Then you can rejoin with the current device.

Be warned, though, you can only disconnect two devices in any month.


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  • Level 5

Access to notes is still Free. But since you seem to have left quite in a hurry, probably your old devices are still registered in your account. And now, coming back with shiny new gadgets you exceed the device limit.

Either you go through the trouble to unsync your old devices, or you pay to get unlimited access. Your free choice …

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  • 8 months later...

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