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Sequential Moves

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I've got tons of files in my inbox that need to be moved.  And I've got some things in the wrong notebooks.  I need to move all of the stuff to the right notebook.  Is there a better way?

I will start in a notebook.  I will come to a note.  I move it to the correct notebook.  Now I have to move back to the "From" notebook and scroll down to the next note.

1) Is there a better way where I can remain in the orignal notebook and move down to the next note each time?  I don't want to move to the notebook or lose my place in the sequence

2) I can't remember all the notebook names?  Is there a way to perhaps have two windows open so I can see the notebooks?


I thought I might be able to tag all the notes to move into a particular notebook then move all the notes with that tag.  Might that be a worikaround?

Might some sort of automation program help?    I'm a Mac user./

I have so many notes in my inbox, I wouldn't be surprised to find the LIndburg baby there.


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  • Level 5*
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Hi.  I'm not a Mac user,  so others might have better suggestions - but here are some comments that might (or might not) be helpful.

  1. Selecting more than 50 notes at once can be problematic: it's possible,  but a nuisance to get around that up to (I believe) about 400 - but the limit exists.
  2. Mac scripting is (currently) disabled and I don't think many automation apps have the ability to move notes within Evernote.  You can add stuff,  but not change it.
  3. Installing the Legacy app gets around both the above - you can use scripting and select as many notes as you wish.
  4. Alternatively.  One external app I use a lot - https://filterize.net/ - can apply various tests to notes as they sync - as in: "If this note has the tag <xLIndburg>,  move it to the <Ransome> notebook and remove the tag".  They have a 30-day free trial,  which might be about what you need...

On which basis I'd say tagging is the way to go - get Filterize set up,  and every time you want to re-home a note,  just tag it with a unique version of the notebook name -"xLIndburg" in the example above - to avoid confusion with that word if it's used as a tag elsewhere...

Hope that helps!  :)

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  • Level 5

Multiple notes selection works, by <shift> for a continuous range of notes or by holding <cmd> while clicking on individual notes.

You can use the move command in the little blue multiselection menu that appears once more than a single note is selected.

It is not possible to have 2 app windows running - you can open several notes in individual windows, but not the main app window.

About your strategy in general: From what you describe you try to organize notes only by moving them into (many) notebooks. I think it would be better to use less notebooks, and apply tags to the notes. Tagging is the preferred organization method in EN, and it allows to place each note in several categories at the same time. Using less notebooks makes the movement more efficient.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks, Gazumped and Pink Elephant.

Tagging may be a better option.  Can I do a string search with a tag at the same time?  for example search for "Samsung" with a tag "manuals"?

I have over 4400 notes in about 100 notebooks.   Did Stacks disappear?

I will need to go through notebook by notebook then tag the notes.I know I want to go through in an organized fashion, removing unneeded or duplicate notes, then tagging.  Can I print out a list of tags?  Can I change a tag name....will all the notes have the new tag?  And is there any way to tag a group of files?

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  • Level 5

For tagging starters:


Samsung tag:manuals    Will produce all notes containing the word Samsung aged with manuals. No space behind tag:  !


The following is working in the Mac client:

To move a notebook to a stack, select the notebooks tab in the left column, select the notebook, tap on the 3 dots at the end and select „move to stack“.

The tag list is right below the notebooks list. It can’t be printed (make a screencopy, print it if you want). If you move the mouse pointer over a tag, a dropdown menu appears. One of the option is to rename the stack, which will rename it for all places where it was applied.

When you select a number of notes (click the first, hold shift an click the last for a range, click the first and then cmd-click the next ones for a free selection), a blue popup menu appears. Tagging all notes with the same tag(s) is in there.



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