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Problems with the Evernote legacy

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I couldn't use the evernote legacy after 13th of January. It rejects to synchronize. And the attemt to reinstall finished with the "no connection" message.
It is still the best to use, new versions are absolute disaster to me. Slow and inconvinient. I would like to keep the legacy version. 

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I'm using the last public version of 6.25,  which is syncing fine.  

Try restarting your device.  If there's still a problem and you see a red flash on the sync icon,  try Ctrl+Clicking on that to see whether you get more explanation...

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Currently I couldn't install the Legacy. Because at the beginning of installation I get the message "no connection" and installation process is breaking.

So that was a mistake to try reinstall. So I have to use the new version which is may be 30% of what I can have in the legacy. Very slow. Every step is which earlier took less than a second here I can wait 5-15 second :(. I apply to all issues about the legacy to the support but all they answered is "we do not support old version anymore"

The synchronization function was lost after my plan finished the synchronization was blocked. After I pay and renew my plan the synchronization was not restored.

Computer restart didn't help.


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  • Level 5

Probably it would have synced if you would have thought about cutting your device count back before the subscription expired. This milk is spilled, but because there is a sync limit, and an unsync limit as well, the devices count should be corrected before a subscription it ending.

Are you sure you are back on a subscription plan ? If not it would explain why you can’t connect.

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  • 1 year later...
  • Level 5

With legacy you are practically on your own. It is deprecated, and if it stops working one day, it’s gone.

If you have a syncing problem, you need to solve it, because everything collected since exists only in your local database. There is a significant risk of loosing data while not synced.

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  • Level 5

Welcome to the forums. Please be aware that we are other users here, not Evernote staff, and cannot "give back" anything. That said, I use Evernote v. 6.25 on one computer. I am not having any problems with sync, so it is still working. You may need to contact Evernote support about this: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. They may just tell you to install the latest version, but perhaps they can offer some suggestions to fix the sync issue. Have you tried using the Web client by going to https://www.evernote.com/? Yes, it's the new version, but at least you can check that your notes are intact, and perhaps work with it till the sync problem with the Legacy app is resolved.

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