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Disable the Google Calendar Nag Pop-Up

Go to solution Solved by PinkElephant,

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I don't use Google Calendar; I don't intend to use it.

But every time I open Evernote on my Mac, up pops the nag screen, with the only options either to set up the widget, or "not now".

How about "Not Ever and Quit Bugging Me"?

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  • Randall V changed the title to Disable the Google Calendar Nag Pop-Up
  • Level 5
  • Solution

I got rid of it without radical measures: Just installed the calendar widget on my Home screen. I confirmed, closed the Home view, reopened it and removed the calendar widget again.

The message box has not returned since.

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Thanks for that workaround, it seems to have done the trick.

My main complaint was that there was no option to simply opt out altogether instead of "not now", which forces users to go through hoops to get rid of the pop up.

Honestly, do the developers ever think about the end user experience at all? Just make it work, and don't annoy us.

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FAIL!!!  - I followed PinkElephant's recommendation to add the Calendar Widget to my home page, then remove it and sure enough the nag stopped.  BUT, for only one day.  Today, the nag is back!  I continue to be disappointed in Evernotes decisions - they just don't think things through very well.


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I have the same issue, but since I lost the premium user toin coss, I have to buy the premiumer plan to get rid of the popup. Customer Service doesn't say anything useful, I'm tempted to write a script to close the window automatically.

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