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Evernote, please, talk to us about the slowness.

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So many people have so much invested in Evernote. I've been a paid subscriber for many years. Perhaps that is why Evernote management feels that they can afford to simply ignore everyone's concerns over the snail-like speed of version 10.

My most frequent use is to grab-and-go with some information to archive or organize later. Evernote used to simply Do It, and I could get on with my work. Now Evernote calls attention to itself while I wonder what has gone wrong and when or if it will respond.

Someone bet the farm on the Javascript-based technology. So now they just hunker down, trying to ignore the withering criticism, hoping that they can introduce new features (restore old features!) and improve the speed fast enough, before users abandon ship and find a suitable replacement. 

We users would be much more patient and understanding, I feel, if management directly, forthrightly addressed the speed issue. Then keep addressing it until it becomes a non-issue. As things stand now, I've no idea whether management cares, how much they care, what priority they are putting on fixing it, whether it will ever be fixed to any significant degree.

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  • Level 5

Could you be more specific ?

We are running v10 on a bunch of devices, some new, some aged, bought between 2012 and 2019, everything except Android, all with the latest OS versions.

On the older ones v10 is usable, on the newer ones it runs ok. When I take into account that an iPhone 6S had only about 1/10th of the transistor count of an iPhone 12, it pretty much explains the difference.

There is IMHO no reason to avoid v10 on the older devices - when I want to do some computing or memory intensive tasks, I rather switch do a newer one.

This is our experience. 

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PinkElephant, my post was to address Evernote management about their lack of empathy for users' concerns over the speed. It strikes me as management not trusting users themselves to have empathy and be reasonable in turn when we have good information on which to base our decisions.

I am speaking from using Evernote on modern 64-bit up-to-date Windows 10 PCs, as well as latest version Android devices. Waiting up to 10 seconds for a button/hotspot press to be acknowledged in any fashion is unacceptable.

Huh! Maybe that could be part of the solution. If there were some way for action requests to be immediately acknowledged, "I'm working on it," even if it took some time to complete. A huge problem is the uncertainty, "Did I actually press it right," "What is wrong?" "Did it crash?"

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I use evernote on an Intel Core I5 7th Gen, 12 Gb Ram, Win 10, and a Motorola One Fusion with 128 Gb, 4GB Ram, Android 10. I had to uninstall the latest versions of evernote on both devices, install ver 6.25.1 in my PC and ver 8.13.3 in my mobile to be able to work with my information. I think DavidP is right, we deserve an explanation and a stable version. Not all of us have the time to be beta users.

On my phone I've lost one work day trying to upload a note with multiple photos. Fortunately, the photos still on my phone, because the note never syncronice. When I open the app (mobile) it freezes and after several seconds or a couple of minutes, I get a crash message saying the app does not work. I really lost confidence in the app.

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, DavidP said:

If there were some way for action requests to be immediately acknowledged,

Hi.  As a subscriber,  if you're seeing slow processing speeds,  the best way to bring it to Evernote's attention,  get some direct feedback, and maybe even find a cure - is to raise the issue as a support ticket.  https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new

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  • Level 5

Personally I am not sure what this „acknowledgment“ game is all about.

Let’s just assume this:

„Look, with hindsight we made a terrible mistake 2 years ago, but we can’t undo it without sinking the company. So we decided to muddle through, until you caught us doing this …“ 

And what do we say: „Oh, great, they ACKNOWLEDGED (cheers & applause)“.

Personally I am doing better by taking others by their action, not by their words. Talk is cheap …

So far I am cautiously positive about the continuous flow of releases, but still have some unchecked items on my undo-legacy checklist / checkboxlist / checklistboxeslist (whatsoever).

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Thank you both, Gazumped and PinkElephant. I have tried the paths that each of you have suggested.
 o Support has no solutions, aside from returning to the legacy product.
 o The continuous flow of releases has done nothing to improve the speed, which for me has been the biggest issue.

The idea of corporate/customer communication is that I could be much more inclined to patience if I felt that our concerns were being hear and acted upon, with some evidence that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, I know that talk is cheap. That doesn't make it unimportant.

So, yeah, taking action ourselves. I am currently evaluating Nimbus Notes.

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17 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

So far I am cautiously positive about the continuous flow of releases,

As am I. I have also used Evernote of as *the* example of doing so as the only path forward for a company of its size to innovate again.

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23 hours ago, DavidP said:

Thank you both, Gazumped and PinkElephant. I have tried the paths that each of you have suggested.
 o Support has no solutions, aside from returning to the legacy product.
 o The continuous flow of releases has done nothing to improve the speed, which for me has been the biggest issue.

The idea of corporate/customer communication is that I could be much more inclined to patience if I felt that our concerns were being hear and acted upon, with some evidence that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, I know that talk is cheap. That doesn't make it unimportant.

So, yeah, taking action ourselves. I am currently evaluating Nimbus Notes.

AFAIK, Nimbus is also an electron application...

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5 minutes ago, eric99 said:

AFAIK, Nimbus is also an electron application...

Huh! I'll have to check on that.

Googling evernote slow versus "numbus note" slow shows 100x more Evernote hits, but maybe that mostly or only reflects a larger user base?

In an interview with the Nimbus Note CEO, he seemed highly engaged with user input.

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I wonder if part of our performance problems with Evernote is not the strength of our platforms, but the latency of our networks? But, darn it, the app should be buffering things locally and hiding those delays from us. I can't afford to wait 10 seconds every time I do any . little . thing on Evernote.

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53 minutes ago, DavidP said:

Huh! I'll have to check on that.

Googling evernote slow versus "numbus note" slow shows 100x more Evernote hits, but maybe that mostly or only reflects a larger user base?

In an interview with the Nimbus Note CEO, he seemed highly engaged with user input.

I would strongly encourage you to be cautious with nimbus. It is an electron app, like Evernote and I’ve found it very slow. I have modern devices and have 3 notes in my nimbus, each takes at least two seconds to load! If you look into their forums it’s littered with issues of slowdown with even minimum content of notes. 

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