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Expand note list sort options



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5 hours ago, DTLow said:

I wasn't aware that tags & locations were sort options pre version 10

I see a problem with sorting by tags since a note can have multiple tags.
Would notes be listed multiple times?

Yes, notes have multiple tags.  But you'll notice that each note has the tags listed in alphabetical order.  Sort by tag would sort by the first tag in a note's list.  

In my workflow, I use a combination of tags and notebooks.  So being able to sort based on both of these note attributes is important.

For example, after I filter notes by a particular tag, I want to see the various notes sorted by location.

I use 'sort by tag' mostly when I am sorting, organizing, and tagging notes in bulk.  For example, those in my inbox.

They  are useful features for me.   I hope they return.


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As part of my GTD workflow, I used to sort my notes by tags.  Sorting by tags doesn't seem to be an option in the new version.  Can we get this back?

Also, I liked having my notes list on top instead of the side. How can I move it?

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21 hours ago, jblukens said:

As part of my GTD workflow, I used to sort my notes by tags.  Sorting by tags doesn't seem to be an option in the new version.  Can we get this back?

Also, I liked having my notes list on top instead of the side. How can I move it?

THIS!!! No top view and sorting by tags? GTD / The ultimate weapon etc. toast with this new version. Who comes up with these changes? don't understand how a service we pay huge for each month compared to free options can mess this up so royally and not understand their users. Anyone have alternative software that you use? I don't want to use OneNote due to it being through my work account, I use evernote for both business and personal. It's time to start evaluating better options. Been an evernote premium user since it first really took off. 

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I just upgraded to 10.3.7, and I'm very disappointed that they changed the sorting function to be more steps and lest functional.

In the prior version, if viewing in list mode, I could easily sort by any viewable column just by double clicking on the title of the column. 

Now, I have to click on the sort options icon, and from there I can ONLY sort by Title, Date updated, and Date Created. Not only is this more clicks, but it's highly restrictive. I base my sorting on tags, which I can no longer do. Why was adding another icon where I"m then limited better than the old way?  Perhaps the old way wasn't intuitive for someone who didn't know you could just double click on the title of a column (which is extremely common in other apps by the way), but for the love of all that is right, please leave the other and easier way intact.

I find this particularly annoying because in a prior version the removed the garbage can icon so that every time you go to delete a note you have to right mouse click, then scroll down to the bottom of all the choices to get to delete note. Allegedly this was to make the interface "look less cluttered". Here we are now adding an icon that only reduces usability.

Am I totally missing something here?  


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Being able to sort a notebook by tag is essential to my workflow that I have been using for like 7 years. Why is the ability to sort by anything other than name and date of the note removed? Is there a plan to bring the ability to sort by other attributes back? Evernote is far less useful to me as a productivity tool without this feature. 

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@KellyB This has been a complaint since beta when, which impacts my workflow since you can not sort by Reminder Date in a notebook or search results.  Fortunately, it appears they are working on this based on the for 10.4, which indicate:



We're aware that most of the list columns are not sortable and are working on addressing that limitation.


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On 11/23/2020 at 9:35 AM, KellyB said:

Being able to sort a notebook by tag is essential to my workflow

Your post has been merged with an existing request   
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If this is critical to your workflow, use the Legacy peoduct

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In version 10.8.4 the ordering of notes by tags is not working for me. I was broken in the last version and is still broken. I opened a ticket  ( 3251699 ) and the representative confirmed there was an issue with ordering notes by tags. Does anyone have that problem ?

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Used to be, back in the glory days of pre-10.0, when looking in a folder I could sort notes by tag. This feature needs to come back.

Also, if I'm looking at all notes in a particular tag, I need to be able to sort by folder. 

And while you're at it, why can I no longer select a folder, then select a tag, and see only notes in that folder with that tag? This used to be a thing. Why is it not?

Come on, guys. I hate to say this is a feature request, because they all used to be features in Evernote. This is more of a feature resurrection request. Without those features, Evernote is a lot more ungainly for me. Surely I'm not the only one who needs these features to be brought back.

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