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Web clipper changing stackoverflow page layout

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         I am facing this issue recently that whenever I clip a page from stackoverflow, the page layout gets distorted. Any help is appreciated.

Chrome Web clipper version 7.12.8











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I find that most web clips I try do not properly display. (MacOS 10.10.5 Yosemite, Evernote 6.12.3, so yeah, old mac, old OS). If its an article or page I particularly want to retain, I will do multiple clips, first full page, then simplified article, and finally a screenshot version so I can see how it was supposed to render. The screenshots nearly always get resized and distort the fonts, making it look bad though. It is increasingly frustrating. The whole purpose of this application and service for me is to save articles and information that is important or interesting to me. Yet when I revisit them, it can be hard to see why I would have clipped such a jumbled mess.

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Hi.  Web pages are built by dozens of different applications with varying degrees of accessibility.  The fact that Evernote is able to get anything off some pages is an achievement,  an exact copy would be a miracle.  I use a variety of methods to get clips from cut and paste to using any "print this page" built in options,  or displaying it (on my desktop) as a mobile page.  I also use third party page capture,  printing to PDF and even taking a photograph or the desktop screen with my mobile.  You just have to keeo trying until you can find a way that generates the least worst copy!

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  • 1 month later...

I think you're mistaken about whats going on here. Please accept my sincere apologies If I taken your reply in wrong way, but We are not talking about how clipped content seen in evernote. We are talking about how is the actual page is seen (transforms) after we press Save Clip button.


The first post contains 2 screenshots. Both screenshots are from browser and from stackoverflow.com. Not from evernote note. Evernote's web clipper breaks original web content while clipping it. Currently only on stackoverflow and other StackExchange sites.


P.S.: In first post it looks a little bit deformed than the original when compared side-by-side. With last updates, it becomes much more worse than that.


Screen GIF:



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Hi again - Not sure what you're looking for here - if using Clipper breaks the page anywhere,  then the obvious step is: don't use Clipper. 

If it is a general issue and not just on a handful of pages,  then report it to Support with URLs.  It'll take a while for them to get around to it,  but they will look into the issue and try to fix it.  That might take some months. 

Meantime the workaround is to use some other recording method to capture pages - there are plenty of options around from browser add-ins to online page capture tools.

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Any website today is a complex setup of frames, sometimes more than 100. What you see is the interpretation of your browser of how it should look.

Webclipper needs to do his own interpretation, which may differ from the browsers view. And browsers evolve permanent, so what it looks like today may look different in 6 months from now.

You could help the devs to keep things closer together if you post sites where the differences are massive either as support ticket, or using the new feedback feature of the v10-apps.

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  • 3 months later...

The web clipping from EN was pretty good.  That was the main reason for me to use EN over any other software.  Now it is getting more and more behind of modern webpages.  Maybe other more modern web clipping and note keeping software is the solution.  For example:

"Joplin is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organized into notebooks. The notes are searchable, can be copied, tagged and modified either from the applications directly or from your own text editor. The notes are in Markdown format.

Notes exported from Evernote via .enex files can be imported into Joplin, including the formatted content (which is converted to Markdown), resources (images, attachments, etc.) and complete metadata (geolocation, updated time, created time, etc.). Plain Markdown files can also be imported."

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/16/2021 at 3:42 PM, gazumped said:

Hi again - Not sure what you're looking for here - if using Clipper breaks the page anywhere,  then the obvious step is: don't use Clipper. 

If it is a general issue and not just on a handful of pages,  then report it to Support with URLs.  It'll take a while for them to get around to it,  but they will look into the issue and try to fix it.  That might take some months. 

Meantime the workaround is to use some other recording method to capture pages - there are plenty of options around from browser add-ins to online page capture tools.

"Dont use clipper"? This is not a logical approach. You cant say like "just dont use it". I have been using this feature for many years without problem especially with this website. And its broken with recently updates. And yes we will use this feature, and wont ask you about it. And the problem is not about only one website. And clipper feature is the main reason I'm using Evernote for.

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1 minute ago, Eser K said:

You cant say like "just dont use it"

I think I just did - but I did suggest work-arounds. There's no point in using a feature that is broken. If you want a clip of the web site, better to use a third-party service that actually works!

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6 minutes ago, gazumped said:

I think I just did - but I did suggest work-arounds. There's no point in using a feature that is broken. If you want a clip of the web site, better to use a third-party service that actually works!

Congrats.. And leave from this topic with your senseless response. we are paying for key features of Evernote. And we have right to expect to work these main features. If feature fails use another software? Great. this is not a solution nor a workaround. We will not use another software each failing main key features. And also you cant decide for it.

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Stackoverflow.com is a very bad example to prove any deficiencies of WebClipper.

When I open the page on a normal browser, I get right on the first page this error message:

Stack Overflow requires external JavaScript from another domain, which is blocked or failed to load. Retry using another source.

If I get this message on a browser, it means WebClipper has only 2 options:

  1. load the page „as is“, without the additional code, which probably leads the page to malfunction 
  2. load the external code from a unknown source, which may lead my computer to malfunction, or my complete network to be send into havoc or encryption.

Option 1 is the only responsible reaction WebClipper can choose. It is completely out of discussion to load external code by „clipping“ on to a computer - my computer, your computer, anybody’s computer.

It is no paid feature that WebClipper must load every and any page, broken as that Page may be. First because WebClipper is NO paid feature at all, it comes with Basic. And second given the diversity and complexity of modern web pages, it can only try to reproduce most pages - nobody can guarantee this for 100% of all pages.

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10 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Stackoverflow.com is a very bad example to prove any deficiencies of WebClipper.

When I open the page on a normal browser, I get right on the first page this error message:

Stack Overflow requires external JavaScript from another domain, which is blocked or failed to load. Retry using another source.

If I get this message on a browser, it means WebClipper has only 2 options:

  1. load the page „as is“, without the additional code, which probably leads the page to malfunction 
  2. load the external code from a unknown source, which may lead my computer to malfunction, or my complete network to be send into havoc or encryption.

Option 1 is the only responsible reaction WebClipper can choose. It is completely out of discussion to load external code by „clipping“ on to a computer - my computer, your computer, anybody’s computer.

It is no paid feature that WebClipper must load every and any page, broken as that Page may be. First because WebClipper is NO paid feature at all, it comes with Basic. And second given the diversity and complexity of modern web pages, it can only try to reproduce most pages - nobody can guarantee this for 100% of all pages.

Probably you didnt read my comment. As I said before, I am using this feature sooo many years with stackoverflow without any issues...

Im not saying WebClipper must load every page. Also I didnt say webclipper is a paid feature, dont distort the words.If webclipper comes with basic subscription, it makes the feature more important and fundamental. Its a main feature of Evernote. Nobobdy told you it should work with ALL webpages. Again dont distort the words.

And if you will not offer useful, helpful suggestion. Dont try to make the situation more complicated.

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You can clip every page as pdf, when you just need content. For some it works better than for others.

You can use a number of page clipping / page copying tools.

It is never a good sign when first thing what happens on a page is that it displays an error message in the browser view. From what I see, this website may have been altered, if it worked in the past.

WebClipper will be adapted in the future, maybe it will clip this page one day. You can report it to support, which may increase the likelihood that they will take a closer look at this page.

And that is it …

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  • 11 months later...

so the official reply of EN support is to use another product? noted.

just to recap:

this is not an issue with this web page, or an issue with complex web-pages in general as stated.

pointing the blame at the source website in not an acceptable answer in this case.

stating that it is acceptable just because it was given, is even more unacceptable from entities representing EN.


as mentioned, this also breaks the page view in the browser. not in EN.

do you consider this acceptable??


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Really, I don't care. Not about what you think, not about who to blame, not about your state of mind.

I am another user, you got a reasonable answer, and that is it. How you decide to take it is entirely up to you.

Ask support if you are unhappy. The probably won't make you happy either (since things are pretty much as I said they are, talking from a little experience), but they get paid to give it a try. And who knows, maybe they know another trick to get that page into the bag.

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