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I saved some 30 screen captures into evernote, across some 5 notes. And waited for the green arrow (uploading) to disappear.

That was in the morning.

in the afternoon, i looked at the notes, no green arrow. Then I deleted the app cause I needed the space (600mb) for someting. 

now when I reinstalled the app, I’m seeing the notes there but THEY ARE EMPTY!! No pictures in them!!

please don’t tell me this means it didn’t upload them and I lost them!! 

any Help please??

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  The notes will have to be downloaded from the server. If they were big images that might take a while. Meantime have you checked on a desktop to see whether the notes exist on the server?

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  • Level 5*
6 minutes ago, Josue Alexander said:

I checked on evernote.com and the same happens, the notes are empty :( 

Hmmn.  When you say 'deleted the app' - did you delete the notes individually,  or just uninstall the app?

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  • Level 5*
27 minutes ago, Josue Alexander said:

Maybe the evernote staff can help retrieve them? 

You could try contacting Evernote support via Twitter - @EVernoteHelps  -we're a (mainly) user-supported forum,  so don't have any access to other users' accounts or storage.  If the notes no longer exist though,  there may be nothing left to recover.  Have you looked in the Trash notebook?

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Josue Alexander said:

please don’t tell me this means it didn’t upload them and I lost them!! 

The master data on the server can be viewed with the web platform at www.evernote.com

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56 minutes ago, gazumped said:

You could try contacting Evernote support via Twitter - @EVernoteHelps  -we're a (mainly) user-supported forum,  so don't have any access to other users' accounts or storage.  If the notes no longer exist though,  there may be nothing left to recover.  Have you looked in the Trash notebook?

They’re not int the trash, the notes are actually where they are supposed to be, but they are empty, they don't have the pictures. 

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The sad part is that I was going to take the 40% off deal to upgrade. Now I don’t think this is reliable. Every time I put files In notes I’m goin to have to check on the server (evernote.com) , to double check if the files were uploaded.  that’s not convenient. 

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  • Level 5

Up to now I have never lost a note due to syncing issues, and no note content. If I know my internet connection will be weak (like it is on the train), as a precaution I stop syncing at all and postpone it until the connection is stronger.

The only reason I can imagine is that deleting the app caused the trouble. iOS is sensitive to that because it treats memory for data as part of the individual app, not as part of a global shared  memory space. Maybe the notes had synced, but the attached pictures (which are much larger than the notes itself) were still under  way.

iOS is know to cut background activities of apps off shortly after the app is closed. So if the app was deleted, the data still waiting for the next sync probably got axed as well. Conclusion: make sure everything is on the server before you / do not delete an app.

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

Maybe the notes had synced, but the attached pictures (which are much larger than the notes itself) were still under  way.

iOS is know to cut background activities of apps off shortly after the app is closed. So if the app was deleted, the data still waiting for the next sync probably got axed as well.

I can understand all of that, but Evernote is at fault, for not showing the green arrows, indicating that the content was still uploading. 

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4 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Then be it ....

Will it bring your pics back ? Probably not ...

But if you know so much about faulty software, you could make a living of it by writing better one ! Good luck.

Ok so Don’t criticize Evernote on this forums, got it.  I’m sure they’ll reward you. 


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Here’s  how it looks on the server. Again I didn’t touch anything until the uploading process stopped (green arrows disappeared)

I guess is easier for evernote fans to blame iOS, but if the upload wasn’t done for whatever reason, Evernote shoud reflect that on the app, instead of showing the upload completed. 


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  • Level 5

You are fast with your fingerpointing.

Maybe you will one day find out that you are responsible for what happens, and that a little bit of awareness about how these gadgets work make life easier and less bug-infested. They work, within limits. When I uninstall an app, usually there is a little box saying „Are you sure. this will delete the app and all related data ....“. Yes,yes,yes - oooops.

But much better to blame green arrows that were misleading you, eh ?

P.S. This does not mean I agree with every design decision EN or others take. I did only explain to you what from your own words has probably happened, that your decision to delete the app with its data was probably causing the final syncing error, and that is it. Good or bad is not up to me to decide, this you can do yourself.

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11 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

. When I uninstall an app, usually there is a little box saying „Are you sure. this will delete the app and all related data ....“ 

You just made the whole case for me, hehe thanks ;)  And thanks evernote for the faulty software. 

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I’m thinking that I’m going to take advantaje of the 40% promo. This error from Evernote actually makes the decision easy. I would never pay full price now that I know the uploading process is not reliable. But with the offer I’m going to be paying the equivalent of $1 dollar per month in me country. It’s so cheap. I’m willing to pay that for faulty software and the 10g of monthly space. And will not renew when the year is up. 


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