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I am running Evernote for Mac version 7.2, and cannot find templates.  I do find them in the online and ios versions, but they do not show up in the desktop version.  I have read on these forums that in the desktop version, the templates should be found in the grey dots on the right hand of the notes, but I do not have dots there.  Instead, I have icons for reminders, icons etc.






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  • Level 5

The actual version of EN for Mac is 7.10 - you say you are still on 7.2.

Maybe your version simply does not reflect templates because it was developed before templates were released, and does not cover this feature ?

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  • Level 5*
On 6/12/2019 at 12:49 PM, Leslie-Jean said:

I am running Evernote for Mac version 7.2, and cannot find templates.

Is this the template feature implemented in version 7.5?

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What I am wanting to do is save a note as a template on my desktop version, and use it as a template in other notes.  I am able to do that with the online version of Evernote.

I think I am up to date on Evernote, as when I hit check for updates, I get the "You're up to date" message.  I am running 7.2, and  the pop up says that is the most up to date version.

According to the help documents, when I hit compose, I should get the option to use a template.  That option happens on the online version, but not on my desktop.  Also, according to the help documents, I should see three dots on the right hand side of my Desktop evernote version.  As you can see in the second attachment, those dots are not there.  I have icons.

Shortcuts are also not working on the desktop, but they are working online.

Thank you all for your suggestions so far.  I have read them carefully, but have not yet been able to solve my difficulties.




Screen Shot 2019-06-13 at 9.10.47 PM.png

Screen Shot 2019-06-13 at 9.11.57 PM.png

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In reading Pink Elephant and DT Lowe more carefully, and investigating this further, it does look like I am stuck in version 7.2 of Evernote, but should have 7.10.  Is there a reason for that?  Is there a way to force an update?

Thanks again,



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  • Level 5*
1 minute ago, Leslie-Jean said:

it does look like I am stuck in version 7.2 of Evernote, but should have 7.10.  Is there a reason for that?

MacOS version?

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  • Level 5

@Leslie-Jean What DTLow expresses with his question is that the „available“ version of many apps depend on the version of your MacOS.

When you do not bump your MacOS up (for whatever reason), you will get stuck with older app versions as well. The Mac will not let you install programs that are not supported by the current OS version.

Currently you would be on Mojave 10.14.5 if you want to run the latest MacOS. And Evernote will then have 7.10., including templates and many other changes.

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