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Sorting by create date doesn't include time

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I've opened a ticket, but thought users might like to know. When sorting by create date (and possibly modified date) it sorts properly by the date but it doesn't take the time into account. In the screenshot you see that of the three dates for June 6, 9pm appears before noon, and then 8 am.  ( (308489) Public (CE Build ce-62.3.7750))



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  • Level 5*
19 minutes ago, lisec said:

When sorting by create date (and possibly modified date) it sorts properly by the date but it doesn't take the time into account.

That's odd because the value is not stored as a date/time, just a number (number of seconds since an epoch date)
It's a simple sort

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45 minutes ago, John in Michigan USA said:

Shouldn't it sort properly, whether it is sync'd or not?

It probably does under normal circumstances. I had duplicated a note then changed it's date. Come to think of it if Evernote accepts new titles for duplicate notes without a sync one would think it would take all edits including the date. Hmm. I think I'll look at the sorting by title (of a dup without sync) to see what happens.


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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, lisec said:

It probably does under normal circumstances. I had duplicated a note then changed it's date. Come to think of it if Evernote accepts new titles for duplicate notes without a sync one would think it would take all edits including the date. Hmm. I think I'll look at the sorting by title (of a dup without sync) to see what happens.


I did a quick test and when I changed the created date on a duplicated note it did move in the sort sequence. 

Check Tools - Options - Search and see if Search when note is updated is unchecked.  Check the box if you want to update the view without a sync.

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23 hours ago, CalS said:

I did a quick test and when I changed the created date on a duplicated note it did move in the sort sequence. 

Check Tools - Options - Search and see if Search when note is updated is unchecked.  Check the box if you want to update the view without a sync.

There you go.  It was indeed unchecked.  Thanks CalS!

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