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When I create a new note, sometimes I get a popup, other times it stays in the main window, which is what I prefer. What makes it pop up or not? I prefer no popups, always close them down immediately, which is irritating, so if there is a way to force Evernote to stay within the main window all the time I would like to know.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Windows or Mac?  In Windows check Tools > Options - there's a setting in there for 'open new note in its own window' which might cause you an issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Level 5

What may have an influence is the second option from top down „Open note links ....“. You have switched it off, so no new window from there.

Another may be in the clipper tab the topmost option „Clip forward. ... „ (or something, have to translate this stuff)

In the Mac client these two are those that may have an impact on this new window creation.

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Thanks @PinkElephant! I checked that option and that works. Although this is very confusing...

I checked the "Open note links from other applications in new window". I don't even know what this means in this regard. If it would say "open new notes in new window", then I understand, but then it should be left unchecked. How does this text relate to what I want? I really don't understand.


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  • Level 5

Sometimes it is just try and error.

As an example: When I scan something from my ix500 into my Windows Evernote, it goes straight into the database, without an extra window.

When I do the same scanning into my Mac, each scan opens its own little window, that I will have to close later.

Why ? No idea ! I have not yet found the switch to kill it.

And the scanning interface is very different in Windows and Mac. But this is Fujitsu, not Evernote.

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  • Level 5

When I scan documents with my iPhone, and send them to Evernote, it just creates a new note with the scanned document as content, and the properties (title, tags) assigned to it by the scanning app. No new window.

Just when I use the ix500 ScanSnap, a window is created. This is an Evernote window, not a scansnap-app window. So somehow the transfer of the scanned document into Evernote makes EN show a new window, with this note as content. For each scanned document a new window is created. When I scanned a lot, I have some housekeeping to do.

For me, scanning things is the most important source to create content in Evernote, followed by Webclipper and forwarding E-Mails into the account. Creating and typing notes in EN I do comparatively scarcely.

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  • 7 months later...
On 5/20/2019 at 3:29 PM, PinkElephant said:

What may have an influence is the second option from top down „Open note links ....“. You have switched it off, so no new window from there.

Another may be in the clipper tab the topmost option „Clip forward. ... „ (or something, have to translate this stuff)

In the Mac client these two are those that may have an impact on this new window creation.

..I tried all combinations (on Mac) and it doesn't work. Sometimes the new note open in new window, sometimes in existing window... its not predictable to me and quite annoying :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm using Evernote 7.14 on a Mac. I agree that the Mac client seems to be missing this configurable option, it would be great to see it added.

That said, I think the logic behind whether or not a new window opens when you start a new note is what view you're currently on in the main window. If you're looking at a Notebook, or at All Notes, starting a new note adds it to the currently viewed notebook, and the UX continues in the main window without a popup. However, if you're viewing notes by tag, starting a new note pops up a new window. I guess the logic here is that all new notes are created without any tags by default, so the app won't add it to the selection / list that you're already viewing, so has to open a new window over the top.

So the workaround for me for now is to always try to create new notes in the Notebook view.

I agree it is frustrating though - would be lovely to see a fix for it!

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  • 5 months later...
On 1/13/2020 at 10:27 AM, PinkElephant said:

The only option I know is this one in the EN settings on the Mac. It controls whether new notes created by other apps into EN should open as a new window (if checked) or not (if unchecked):



This is the correct answer. It works for Mac. Preferences > General > Uncheck "Open note linked from other applications in a new window"

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  • 2 months later...

This looks like an easy fix, then why in the heck cant I find preferences in EN 10.2.4 for mac. EN never used to open a newly scanned note in a new window, now it does(even if I'm sitting in first notebook) and its ruining my experience. I scan a bunch of docs and have to close all the windows; not gona work.  I want to change and get off evernote if I cant work the right way. Errrrr......

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  • 1 year later...

Seams like a very simple request.  Please give us back a Preferences window (because even that's gone) so we can customize our experience and prevent scanned items from opening in a new window.  Thank you.  We have all been living like this for a year now with no "Coming soon" to give us hope....

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  • Level 5*
54 minutes ago, GlennK said:

Seams like a very simple request.

It may seem simple.  but I'd bet it's not - Evernote are still in process of adding new processes and features to the app,  so they'd have to work out ways to potentially include properties for things that don't exist yet...

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