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Evernote for Mac 7.10

Nick L.


Hi there,

Evernote for Mac 7.10 is now available to our users on direct download. Mac App Store's release is on its way! You can download 7.10 here

  • Your notes will now load even faster. Like, “Wow, that’s fast” fast.
  • If you’d had the nagging feeling that something was missing, you were right: Your notes had stopped appearing in Spotlight Search. But we fixed it, so any existential angst should be easing soon.
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18 replies to this idea

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  • Level 5*
11 minutes ago, trenchantly said:

Once again, cannot edit PDFs in this version. Which is one of the features I pay to be able to use. This STILL is a bug.

Can you add more details.1943058733_ScreenShot2019-05-18at12_05_06.png.3f6c5ee615d703c9021baea52d97da6e.png
It's not a feature I use but I can annotate PDFS

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17 hours ago, horaceking1992@gmail.com said:

The newest version is totally a disaster. First time I opened the new version, the search isn't work anymore, whatever I typed in, it told me there is no result. And the second time I open the app, all my notes disappear, there is still a label "61 notes" there, but no note showed.

I tried to send some feedback, but your support webpage is like a puzzle. In the main page, I select multiple section, it told me to attach activity log, and there is no submit button, so I click the "activity log" link. And in the activity log page, I click the "new support ticket" link, and it bring me back to the previous page. Then I tried to click the 'Contact us' button, it brings me to sign in page, after signing in, nothing happened!

The terrible stupid support page link: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=176617

So I am here, Could you please tell me how to submit a ticket? I want my notes back!


Please try reindexing your searches. Hold down Option on your keyboard and select Help > Troubleshooting. You will see two search reindex tools in there, apply both and wait a few minutes. If the issue persists then contact support with your activity logs. 

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The newest version is totally a disaster. First time I opened the new version, the search isn't work anymore, whatever I typed in, it told me there is no result. And the second time I open the app, all my notes disappear, there is still a label "61 notes" there, but no note showed.

I tried to send some feedback, but your support webpage is like a puzzle. In the main page, I select multiple section, it told me to attach activity log, and there is no submit button, so I click the "activity log" link. And in the activity log page, I click the "new support ticket" link, and it bring me back to the previous page. Then I tried to click the 'Contact us' button, it brings me to sign in page, after signing in, nothing happened!

The terrible stupid support page link: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=176617

So I am here, Could you please tell me how to submit a ticket? I want my notes back!


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On 5/6/2019 at 4:17 PM, Nick L. said:

@ewoks, thanks for bringing this up. This issue is still open and being investigated. 

@Nick L. Is it possible to share some progress on fixing this bug? After 6 months we are still with "it is being investigated"... 🤷‍♂️

One would think Evernote is trying to get rid of users by leaving them with editor that causes eye strain !!! 

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On 5/9/2019 at 12:01 AM, DTLow said:

Bug report: there are two reports of database errors after updating


We're thinking this is being caused by users who upgraded to the beta (creating the new migration directory) and then moved back to the general release version before 7.10 came out. They are hitting an error because the migration directory already exists. You can avoid this by doing a proper uninstall (removing all directories) of Evernote 7.10 Beta 1 or 2. If anyone has run into this issue without ever installing Evernote for Mac 7.10 Beta 1 or Beta 2, I'd love to know more. Thanks for grouping those here @DTLow

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  • Level 5*
On 5/6/2019 at 7:34 PM, JMichaelTX said:

BUG Report:  Spotlight NOT Working
Evernote 7.10 (457732) on macOS 10.12.6

I just confirmed this bug with a colleague who also just upgraded to 7.10, also running Sierra.

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  • Level 5*
On 5/3/2019 at 3:01 PM, Nick L. said:

Your notes had stopped appearing in Spotlight Search. But we fixed it, so any existential angst should be easing soon.

BUG Report:  Spotlight NOT Working
Evernote 7.10 (457732) on macOS 10.12.6

I upgraded my test Mac from Ver 6.11.1 to 7.10.  All appeared to go well from the Activity Log.

But any new Notes created, or sync'd, since the update are NOT being indexed by Spotlight.  I waited 2+ hours after the update to make sure all indexing was complete.  Activity Monitor did not show any activity when I ran this test.

Spotlight Works on Mac running Evernote 6.11.1 (455059) on macOS 10.12.6
Spotlight Does NOT Work on Mac running Evernote 7.10 (457732) on macOS 10.12.6
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  • Level 5*
54 minutes ago, Nick L. said:

Can you and @DTLow give me more details around the scripts that aren't working? 

My AppleScript issues relate to the Mojave OS and sandboxing.  

Authorization is required before apps can access other apps.1488835242_ScreenShot2019-05-04at19_04_20.png.fea4fa382b6c3504b5feab422cb08be4.png.2ecd55e8466a0561ec8979aca9bf8b5f.png
I still don''t have the complete authorization chain worked out.

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  • Level 5*

@Nick L., thanks for actively looking at AppleScript bugs.  AppleScript bugs are the only thing at this point keeping me from upgrading to Ver 7.10.  Would you mind listing the AppleScript bugs you have identified so far?

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On 5/3/2019 at 10:01 PM, Nick L. said:

Evernote for Mac 7.10 is now available to our users on direct download. Mac App Store's release is on its way! You can download 7.10 here

  • ...
  • If you’d had the nagging feeling that something was missing, you were right: Your notes had stopped appearing in Spotlight Search. But we fixed it, so any existential angst should be easing soon.
  • ...

Hi Nick,

thread with my comment here:

 is closed and issue is still present in Version 7.10 (457732 Direct), Editor: 69.1.8237 (1f0aea9) so I have no other choice but to point to it here again.

It is about 6 months that this issue appeared for the first time in Evernote updates and there is no sign that it will ever be fixed

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