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Tags hierachy & searching tags starting with...


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I'm using Evernote with very few notebooks, as I prefer to organise and to search with tags.  As I'm using Evernote also for task management, I've created tags for recurring tasks: 'REC - 1 Day', 'REC - 2 Months', 'REC - 6 Weeks', etc.  Until recurring reminders is implemented one day (if at all), this is working very well for me.

Now my question: How can I search for all notes with a tag for recurring event?  (So, how to search for notes with tags starting with 'REC'?)  For a second, I thought I've found the solution myself by creating a tag group called 'RECURRING', with all my 'REC-tags' nested in it.  Except tag groups are not really groups, but in fact just...a tag, referring to 0 notes.  I was hoping it would show me the total of all notes nested within it.  I hope I'm making sense here as english is not my native language : )

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!




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  • Level 5*
On 11/24/2017 at 7:11 AM, vderoy said:


I'm using Evernote with very few notebooks, as I prefer to organise and to search with tags.  As I'm using Evernote also for task management, I've created tags for recurring tasks: 'REC - 1 Day', 'REC - 2 Months', 'REC - 6 Weeks', etc.  Until recurring reminders is implemented one day (if at all), this is working very well for me.

Now my question: How can I search for all notes with a tag for recurring event?  (So, how to search for notes with tags starting with 'REC'?)  For a second, I thought I've found the solution myself by creating a tag group called 'RECURRING', with all my 'REC-tags' nested in it.  Except tag groups are not really groups, but in fact just...a tag, referring to 0 notes.  I was hoping it would show me the total of all notes nested within it.  I hope I'm making sense here as english is not my native language : )

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!




Try a search for tag:rec*.  As long as all of your recurring tags start with rec, and no others do, you will get all your recurring notes.  For whatever context you are in, All Notes or a specific notebook.

The * is the typical wildcard.  It does not work for beginning searches however.

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  • Level 5*
8 minutes ago, CalS said:

I thought I've found the solution myself by creating a tag group called 'RECURRING', with all my 'REC-tags' nested in it.

As @CalS advised,    search  tag:Rec* would work
I've also used parent tags in scripting on my Mac           set theTags to every tag whose parent is equal to "aaaaaa"

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