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Sync only index option?

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It seems Evernote tries to sync all the notes?

Is it possible to have it only sync the index? Or maybe a selective sync? (hint: think Dropbox).

Maybe only sync the title and snippet instead of the whole note?

This helps saves space for notes that are rarely access on other machines.
Very helpful for laptops with limited SSD space.

Personally, I save large documents that I use only from my desktop and I don't want them taking up space for nothing on my laptop.

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  • Level 5*

By design, the Win/Mac platforms maintain a full copy of the Evernote data

However, the recent Windows beta release (v6.5) implemented a Demand Sync feature,
and we were informed that Selective Sync is being looked at
Either option will reduce space requirements

edited: v6.5 is no longer in beta and is a production release

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  • Level 5*

I can confirm I'm using the Windows beta with 'on demand' sync on one laptop.  My main PC has a 17GB Evernote database;  the laptop hasn't got to 1MB yet.  And in general it's faster - though sometimes you have to wait for a note to download,  like using a mobile device.

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  • Level 5*
8 hours ago, DTLow said:

By definition, the Win/Mac platforms maintain a full copy of the Evernote data

This is no longer true for the Windows client because of On Demand Sync. When On Demand Sync is enabled (Tools / Options / Synchronization / "Enable on demand sync"), Evernote will only download note content for notes you've actually filtered for (the terminology is "Check this option if you want note content to be downloaded only when you see the note in the note list view"). Index information for all notes is downloaded (otherwise how could you display note information in the note views?).

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