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Evernote Mac on Mojave -- Anyone have any version running well?



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Evernote Mac on Mojave -- Anyone have any version running well?

I'm getting closer to being ready to upgrade from macOS Sierra to Mojave.  Currently I'm running Evernote 6.11.1 (455059) on macOS 10.12.6.

Does anyone have any version of Evernote Mac that runs well on Mojave?  If you do, but still have some issues, please list the issues.


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On 6/1/2019 at 3:37 PM, JMichaelTX said:

So, I plan to do an upgrade to the latest version (7.10 I think), and see how that goes. 

Upgrade to Evernote 7.10 Complete

I have now upgraded to Evernote 7.10 (457750) on macOS 10.14.5 (Mojave).

Although it was a bit scary in the beginning (like reporting no Notes found), after I reindexed both "full text" and "Spotlight index" (Evernote menu OPT-Help > Troubleshooting), and gave Evernote a day to fully complete the upgrade and reindex everything, all appears well as of today.  As reported above, it does appear that Spotlight is only indexing the Note Title.  Since Spotlight is so good at full contents indexing, I do hope that in the near future Evernote will fix this to also search Note Titles and Tags.

I can also report that so far I have NOT has any AppleScript issues specific to Evernote.  In fact all of my frequently used AppleScripts are working fine with Evernote.

If anyone has any specific questions I will be glad to answer.  Thanks to everyone for sharing your experience with Mojave.

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23 minutes ago, DTLow said:

There are two types of Evernote Windows, Note Windows and Note List Windows

OK, thanks for reminding me of that.  In Ver 6.11.1, I just opened two "Note Windows", and then "Merge All  Windows" was enabled in the menu.  When I clicked on it, the two Notes were merged into one window.

Not very intuitive or helpful, but I won't complain until I see how Ver 7.10 behaves.

19 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

On Mojave and the latest regular EN release, spotlight is said to work only on the note titles, not on content nor on tags.

Where did you see that "said"?  Not in the Release Notes.  IAC, better titles than nothing, but to be really useful we need Spotlight to also find text in the body and tags.

20 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

It is proposed to install the EN direct version

I have only used the direct version.  No advantage to the App Store version, and many disadvantages.

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On Mojave and the latest regular EN release, spotlight is said to work only on the note titles, not on content nor on tags.

It is proposed to install the EN direct version, not the one from the App Store. They carry the same release number, but the direct version seems to work better. My Mac is already down for the night, otherwise I could tell the release number ...

I am not using Apple script, so no experience with that feature.

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28 minutes ago, JMichaelTX said:

Opening Notes in a new tab shows either "All Notes" or the Notebook name as the Tab Title -- not very useful

There are two types of Evernote Windows, Note Windows and Note List Windows

Note Windows show the note title as the tab title

>>If you open a Note in its own window, you can't then move it to a tab

I'm also seeing this issue.  Right now, new notes show as tabs.
Other times, each note opens in it's own window.  Window > Merge All Windows is not active


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Upgraded to Mojave

Well, I received my new 2019 iMac-27 running Mojave (of course) last weekend, and migrated all my apps/data using the Migration Assistant.  This included Evernote Mac 6.11.1.

EN Mac 6.11.1 seems to run well on Mojave, except for the following:

  1. Spotlight does NOT find any EN Notes
  2. If you open a Note in its own window, you can't then move it to a tab
  3. Opening Notes in a new tab shows either "All Notes" or the Notebook name as the Tab Title -- not very useful
  4. No Dark Mode, of course.

Issues #2 and #3 may have been there on Sierra -- I'm not sure.  But Spotlight worked great on Sierra.

So, I plan to do an upgrade to the latest version (7.10 I think), and see how that goes.  A colleague who did that found that Spotlight did not work, so I may have to do a clean install of Ver 7.10.

FYI, here's the 7.10 Release Notes from the "Check for Updates" button/link:


Version 7.10


  • Your notes will now load even faster. Like, “Wow, that’s fast” fast.


  • If you’d had the nagging feeling that something was missing, you were right: Your notes had stopped appearing in Spotlight Search. But we fixed it, so any existential angst should be easing soon.

I will update with my results.

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2 hours ago, JMichaelTX said:

Are these still not working?  Any progress on latest EN Mac release?

I'd say still not working

There was a spotlight fix, but I think it still has problems.
I'm not a spotlight user so I'm not sure

Applescript and sandboxing is still a problem for me.  
Supposedly I need to authorize access but I'm having difficulty with scheduled scripts accessing Mail

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MacBook Pro Mojave 10.14.4. It came out of the box with Mojave, so no way (?) and no need to go back.

Evernote Version 7.9.1 (457703 App Store), installed via AppStore

Everything running as it should. I would not assume myself as power user, with scripting and other fancy integrations. When I search, I search through Evernote etc. . I just switched to a Mac after 20 years Windows (last version was Win10 Home, running Office, Evernote and the full metal package) and am still learning the issues and potentials. But so far no negative surprises. I am lacking the comparison to older versions, so maybe I am missing something without knowing.

Scanning from my ix500 is not as smooth as it was with Windows, but it is working, scans and attached info is o.k., and this is clearly no Evernote issue.

The integration of my Mac with my iOS devices is a complete miracle, every day again ! Wish I had switched earlier.

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  • Level 5*
On 3/24/2019 at 10:40 PM, DTLow said:

Spotlight search doesn't work.  I think it's an issue on the OS side and applies to all Evernote versions.

I'm having an issue with sandboxing and applescript.  I still have scripts that don't run.

Are these still not working?  Any progress on latest EN Mac release?

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@Hamburglar, nope, have NOT upgraded to Mojave, and don't have any immediate plans to.

The latest version of Evernote Mac still does NOT support macOS Spotlight, which I use a lot.

I've been running macOS Sierra for over a year now, and really like it -- no problems.

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JMichaelTX, did you end up moving to Mojave? If so, what EN version did you settle on? Any problems (or regrets)? I'm thinking about doing the same, but I've been cautious about upgrading (still running EN 6.7.1 on El Cap). Thanks! 

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Spotlight search doesn't work.  I think it's an issue on the OS side and applies to all Evernote versions.

I'm having an issue with sandboxing and applescript.  I still have scripts that don't run.

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