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Brendan Murphy

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Everything posted by Brendan Murphy

  1. Also, did you take a look at the logs? Curious if there is an error logged there that may give a clue. Click on the Help menu then Activity Logs -> Save Most Recent Logs. Once you save the file, open it and scroll to the very bottom for the most recent logs. Then look for any messages with "Level:error" and see if they are related to merging or syncing. (Note: I had trouble opening the file with Macs TextEditor. It kept freezing. But I could open the file preview fine and view it that way.)
  2. This is after reinstalling EN fresh? Have you opened a support ticket? I wonder if there is some sort of sync issue with your account.
  3. I checked the web version and my merge notes are completely synced with no issues.
  4. That's interesting. I've done merges several times in the New version with no issues, even before the current release. Maybe try deleting the new version and reinstalling it fresh?
  5. @AlbertR, Yes, you can open individual notes in a new window on Mac, but that's not what I was referring to. In the Legacy version you can open the entire EN application in multiple windows. So I could be viewing one Notebook in the first window, and a different Notebook in the second window as an example.
  6. @iMarc, what specifically is the issue you're seeing? I've downloaded the latest version (10.5.6) and I'm not seeing any problem merging notes. Are you on version 10.5.6? As far as logging a support request, maybe try clearing the cache on your browser. I'm assuming you're logging the issue from this page? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  7. You can install the Legacy version of Evernote for now to get the share feature back. Install an older version of Evernote I currently run both versions on my Mac. I try to use the new version as my primary, but in scenarios like this, I have to revert to the Legacy version. It works just fine, and once the item is added in the Legacy, it will show up in the new version as well. The print PDF to Evernote is also part of the Legacy version, so installing it will give you that back as well. I think as other's have noted elsewhere, for heavy EN users the Legacy version is going to be your best bet for now until the new version gets a bit more built out. But it nice you can run both of them still. And the comments about it not being supported shouldn't concern anyone. All that means is that they aren't fixing any bugs or adding any new features. But the Legacy version is pretty stable so there's nothing to worry about.
  8. I also miss this feature. I know a lot of people are complaining about missing tabs, but I used this more often as I liked being able to put the different windows on different monitors, or put them in a different Mac Desktop that I could quickly swipe back and forth between. This is helpful when you're working on different stuff and don't want to lose your place.
  9. To help with navigating back to a previous note, it would be helpful if you could add the navigation history to the back/forward buttons, so that when you click and hold the back/forward button, a list of the previous visited notes, notebooks, etc would display and allow you to select them to quickly navigate back. Most browsers have a feature like this. As an example, if I use the EN Web version, I can click the back button in the browser and see the the previous notes I've looked at, although it shows the url and not the note name, which isn't helpful. If this type of functionality was added to the app and displayed the names of previous visited notes, notebooks, etc, this would be a huge help in navigation. If I navigated back to a previous note in the history, then the forward button would work the same way to show the items I visited after that note.
  10. Not only are tabs missing, but you can't open multiple windows. I tended to do that more often than tabs, but it's a similar use case in that you have a separate space you can quickly flip back to when you're working. Definitely voting for this.
  11. I use emoji's in my notebook names to help visually distinguish different Notebooks. I've noticed (not sure which EN release) that in the new version the emoji's overlap with the text that comes after. When I view the same notebooks in the Legacy version, this doesn't happen. I have to add extra spaces now between the Emoji and the name to get it to display correctly in the new version. Hoping this can be fixed in a future release.
  12. I just downloaded the latest version, and was surprised (and excited) to see that there is now a Home Dashboard for Evernote. However I didn't see this mentioned anywhere in the release notes. Also, I have yet to figure out how to get back to the Dashboard once you leave it (other than hitting the back buttons). I'm wondering if this got into the release by accident? Even if that is the case, anyone know how you get back to dashboard once you navigate away from it?
  13. Did you try logging out of Evernote and then logging back in? If that doesn't work, maybe try deleting the program and reinstalling it. While you're trying to fix it, you should be able to login to the Evernote web version to get your notes.
  14. Oh, Evernote Helper. I thought you were referring to some sort to native Mac feature.
  15. Also, I second the idea of being able to append a clipping to an existing note. There are many use cases where this would be a handy feature.
  16. What is this "helper" you speak of? I have had a Mac for years and don't know what you're referring to.
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