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Everything posted by Cristiano478

  1. Apparently they are already releasing the new UI because for me it is already appearing in the desktop version and also in the web version.
  2. It would be great if Evernote implemented this.
  3. I've been using the legacy version (309348) Public (CE Build ce-62.6.10954) on Windows 10 Home for over a year and so far it's been running without problems. Some notices appeared a few months ago saying that it was an old version and advising you to install the new one, but they disappeared.
  4. I hope that this new UI brings some Legacy features to version 10, such as the possibility of filtering and mainly sorting notes in the "side list" option.
  5. I agree with everything you said. The problem boils down to the fact that Evernote has not yet migrated all Legacy features to version 10. This makes me angry.
  6. There are features in the legacy version that are not in version 10. They are simple things and so I don't know why they haven't been implemented until today. These are things that are needed in daily use. I will only mention two but I believe there are others, so anyone who remembers others is free to speak. 1 - Put colors in notebooks and labels. "Style" option 2 - In the list of notes in the Side List view Possibility to classify notes by Location, Tags and Size. In version 10 it is not possible to do this. Note: I don't speak English so forgive me for any errors in writing.
  7. I want to suggest the inclusion of the possibility to add colors to notebooks and labels in all versions of Evernote. This existed in the old version for Windows with the name "Style" (it still exists in the Legacy) and helps a lot to highlight mainly in the visual part. Who agrees with me please comment here
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