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Everything posted by Michaelh1234123

  1. BTW -- with the Us Internal keyboard this does not work. But when I switch the standard keyboard it does work. (Alt-ctrl-L in windows app) Thought I would just mention it.
  2. I really think this idea is essential. Also, make the size of the pinned note usable. Why are we stuck in just a little square ? I was looking at it and thinking I might upgrade, but it's not really that usable like this. The navigation of Evernote still feels kind of archaic - I can only focus on one note at a time unless I pop them up in a separate window and then navigating between them is not perfect either. (To clarify, if I had a particular tag specified to look at a list of notes and then I open 1 note via this link, all I will see is that one note + PLUS if I am not mistaken the back button will not work either to go back to that prior list)
  3. I completely agree with this post - especially having internal links and a TOC. While it isn't in the original post, why can't we have a functional back button that really can "go back" and not get stuck because of the tags - it's almost as if it only works if you never use tags - which I guess is how Evernote was a very very long time ago. Talking about basic navigation
  4. Hello -- just noticing this now in my iOS Evernote....... Having to do this to be able to see the subtags in IOS is not cool. I don't seem to remember this being this way, but it definitely is that way now
  5. Similar concern: Lately seeing this sort of thing -- this is really not appreciated at all. I pay for evernote, and it's not free like some cheap antivirus that spams you every hour or so.
  6. When the recent survey came out I was somewhat excited about providing feedback about what I would like to see. Instead, I was treated to what seems to be an hour long marketing survey, designed to figure out which of several "shiny objects" Evernote seems to be pondering and whether I would pay more for those shiny objects - including a whole lot of things I really don't care about at all. I am quite pleased overall how Evernote has transformed over the last few years for example: Contextual Formatting (and simplified font choices) Embedded help Added dictionary (but how can I do other languages?) Modernization of the UI This is enough to keep me going with Evernote. However, the survey seemed to go off on some other tangents and I am totally confused about who the suggested features are even relevant to. Since I was given no opportunity in the survey (maybe if I spent an hour to do it) some things I would like to see: Fix the antiquated navigation - back should be back and forward should be forward regardless of tags Add hyper links to parts of notes - maybe even something radical like a Table of Contents Be able to link to Tags / Notebooks etc from within a note Tables that can scroll and have headers - maybe even something radical like sort Enable some sort of automation / plugins Have some sort of real library of REAL SOLUTIONS - is there a reason every last Evernote user has to create their own personal system for tracking their media usage and problems X Y and Z that have been resolved by thousands or not millions of other users - this is a large topic, but generally speaking, why is everyone trying to implement the same things over and over again? What would a library of complete solutions look like vs. this is your todo template or your calendar template? Some of your features are just broken - the web clipper is pretty useless and just butchers a lot of pages - maybe you should just dispose of it? (That has to be hard to code) Thanks!
  7. Hello Evernote : Would be really nice to implement at least a jump to anchor sort of feature. Even better a real TOC inside of a note. I don't see what the big deal is with creating something like this. Onenote has it already. I would something like this has far more value than adding tasks and calendar integration.....................................
  8. I am just going to post here about my frustration with this. It's one of those behavior quirks that becomes acceptable simply because it has always been there. Back and forward is broken in Evernote. It gets hung up all over the place (in one tag or another as described by the original poster). Onenote search is simply fantastic in comparison with Evernote - you just search and it navigates super easily - AND foward and back mean forward and back. Please fix this There are many nice features in evernote and nice improvements, but basic quirks like this should also be fixed. Please other people add your two cents so this can be fixed Thanks
  9. Actually Mike, that's not quite what I had in mind. This would be a bunch of subnotes that are automatically put together on the same page and refreshed that way via some script running in the background. But at any rate, this is not the right place to discuss this
  10. I love this idea. It really makes it hard to follow if your same category is all chunked up. Here's another idea - have a summary page which is a bunch of other notes all stuck together. It's kind of the opposite idea.
  11. I vote that this should be fixed. It's completely broken for any rational user. When I do back and forward in Onenote, it does exactly that and that is really nice... Evernote gets stuck in certain places because apparently it doesn't keep track of the complete state to know that at step X a filter was being used etc.
  12. To whom it may concern: When it comes to the back button, shouldn't back be back ? What makes the most sense is for the complete state to be saved at each step and for it to be restored as you go back. (notebook / tag etc) Currently, I routinely get stuck in either a notebook or a tag gets stuck on so that even sometimes even following links fails (!) because Evernote doesn't just follow the link as is. I think this sort of behavior ranks up there as a classic case of dysfunctional behavior that everyone is forced to accept as normal. It's really broken functionality. Thanks for the various other improvements -- the shortcuts, etc. in the editor ... Thanks, MIchael Hoffman
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