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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Sorry, I meant Evernote/IOS feature If you're not accepting its an IOS limitation (there are a few), you can follow up with a support ticket for a bug, or repost as a feature request and we can vote on it.
  2. I've had the same experience. Must be an IOS feature; it works ok on the Mac
  3. What were you looking for? I know there's an HTML export. AppleScript might give you more options.
  4. I use a default notebook @Inbox as my default notebook. I then process the notes and assign notebook and tags. I could do this right away, but I usually do it later.
  5. Have you considered using Linux applications to access your Evernote data. I'm not a Linux user, so I don't have much insight on this - a quick Google search brought up Everpad
  6. There are all sorts of conspiracy theories out there. Do you think it could be that Evernote has considered expanding to the Linux platform with the following views - where to best allocate limited resources - number of users impacted
  7. That's a feature that I use quite often, however I'm resigned that it's not an Evernote feature, I can simulate an Outline with bullets/number lists and links to sub-documents, or I go to a dedicated word processing app.
  8. I thought the inferred response was: No, not at this time ? I'm sure they've taken note of the suggestion, and all the +1s and voting. Its so nice of you OneNoters to participate in the Evernote forums. Do you see much Evernote posts in the OneNote forums.
  9. I voted this up too The link process seems complicated, but I guess EN is trying to cover internal access, external access, external public access ..... Regardless, in IOS, when you're retrieving the note link - you get two choices - Public Link and Private Link I'd like to see a third choice - Classic Link @gazumped >> Surely a 'classic' link points directly to the disk space that a note occupies. Which doesn't exist on a mobile device. The link seems to work ok for mobile devices. I don't know how or why, but its connected with the data on the web server since on the desktop you have to sync before obtaining a link
  10. I have edited my post to clearly indicate the platform and product I was referring to. Sorry for the confusion.
  11. That is good news. I also have another issues (it never stops ?) My preference is to have the encryption displayed as in item 1 below Currently an encrypted pdf shows like this With your product, the encryption show as
  12. Understood I agree with your decision to not go through Evernote to get to Saferoom. It would be a mistake to put the unencrypted pdf into Evernote. (IOS with no local folders) I don't see a seamless solution, other than encrypting the pdf outside of Evernote. It's too bad, I liked the single master key feature of Saferoom.
  13. This was a discussion about the iPhone (IOS) The Adobe Acrobat app on this platform is for the reader. Is it possible you're thinking about Adobe Acrobat on other platforms?
  14. Is this still about @Boots problem with his iPhone and scanner?
  15. I just downloaded and tested Foxit MobilePDF I was able to open it with a PDF from my scanner app, encrypt it, and it interfaces with Evernote. I don't know too much about it; it was free
  16. I think that would be the best approach. I don't think Adobe Acrobat (IOS Reader) has the feature, but I read that PDF Expert 5 does encryption. Of course you lose the Saferoom master password feature. This does have the advantage of allowing you to add some unencrypted text to the note.
  17. That is true, there is no default tag - not sure I'd want it I have a default notebook (@inbox) where everything goes until I process it. On my mail-to-evernote process, I have the option of specifying notebooks or tags; I don't use it too much because I prefer the inbox process. How do you handle the situation where a note belongs in more than one notebook?
  18. There has been much concern expressed about this. Aside from the usual complaints about anything different, can you explain from your point of view why this is so important to you?
  19. There's nothing to stop you, but I think a more accurate term is keyword Disadvantage; - The Evernote tags are a more precise list. - You will never have spelling variations. - When tagging, you get a list of possible choices. Advantage; - When typing a note, you don't interrupt your chain of thought. - When exporting your notes, your information is sure to be there I do an html export as part of my backup procedures but it doesn't show my tags; Correction - Tags are included in the HTML code as Meta
  20. On the Mac, when printing, there is a PDF option list, with Evernote as one of the options
  21. This has been discussed before and various solutions were suggested. You might try a search of the forums. The method I use is a tag; !HotNotes. This is saved in my shortcuts section and allows quick access to a selection of notes.
  22. As you found, having one mass note is problematic. You can't assign reminders, scheduling etc. My process would be; After the meeting, copy each of tasks to separate task notes. (I would put a link into the original note) This allows me perform various actions on the individual task notes, such as reminders, scheduling
  23. On my Mac, I can click on the top menu View and select Hide Sidebar At the top right of the notes list, there is an option box. I can have the notes list on the top, and I can resize it.
  24. I haven't seen any solutions being proposed for this. Mostly, the discussion was about archiving notes.
  25. I saw it more as a solution, but then I'm into making things work
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