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Everything posted by rmw

  1. Must not be working for MAC yet. The full page task view nor the task on calendar work on my MAC after logging out and back in , deleting app and re installing. I checked all the info on X and EN website and no mention of it not working for MAC. Hope this will be corrected soon
  2. Where do I find the lock screen widget? Not showing up when I attempt to customize the lock screen? IOS 10.43
  3. It does look like that but when I click on date it adds the current time to the date?
  4. Whenever I add a task on IOS and then add date it automatically adds the time as the time task is created. I do not need the time on tasks as most are date specific but not time specific. Any suggestions on how to over ride time being added?
  5. Seems to have resolved after rebooting three times.
  6. How do I stop the popup telling me to try recurring tasks every time I open EN on Windows Desktop? I have already updated and am using recurring task
  7. I tried this several times with no success.
  8. I updated to v 10.29 on windows. The task drawer does not load and all that is there is a green circle updating. Tasks drawer works on mobile and web fine.
  9. @gazumped no it was just a blank white icon....if I clicked on it it went to EN as a new note...once I right clicked I could chose what app to open with
  10. The issue is that once I import to EN every time I open from shortcut on desktop it creates new note in EN. Solved the issue by right clicking on the desktop icon and selecting open with Excel
  11. Windows 10 Laptop using latest version.
  12. Attempting to save excel spreadsheet sent to me to desktop to edit. I saved the email to EN. Every attempt to open the spreadsheet on desktop opens a new note in default notebook. Not sure what I have done to create the issue. Have submitted a support ticket just wondering if it is quick fix. Windows 10 latest version.
  13. Gazumped.. thank you for your reply... I know the forums are for user to user... I was merely attempting to see if a user had similar issue and quick fix...last support ticket I submitted took more than a week to resolve so wanted to check here first as support suggests to check here first
  14. Tried logging out three times and still no linked notes...
  15. I am on Windows 10 using latest version. As of a couple days ago the note linking to Google Calendar stopped working. I have deleted calendar widget and re installed on home page multiple times with no success. I tried going to templates and linking a template I have and that does not work either. Any suggestions?
  16. rmw

    Calendar Sync

    Well the success was short lived...its back after turning off computer while away...sent ticket to support...
  17. rmw

    Calendar Sync

    HMMM....after two hours events were not there....must be a scheduled sync with google....all good now
  18. rmw

    Calendar Sync

    I am on Windows...same issue with events remaining on Web and IOS. Have signed out of all platforms and back in and sync but still there. Tried your suggestion and did not work. Kind of irritating
  19. rmw

    Calendar Sync

    I have my Google Calendar connected and have really liked the visibility on the home page. However this morning I deleted some canceled events on Google calendar but the events remain on the Evernote calendar widget. I have disconnected and reconnected calendar and signed out of EN but the appointments still show in EN but not on Google calendar. Any suggestions on how to delete events in EN?
  20. HMMM....can't see the new calendar or task widget on windows desktop or web as premium user...on IPHONE new calendar widget shows...added it and connected to google calendar...said contact support...tried again and connected then calendar showed blank...tried again said contact support...logged out 2x and still same issue
  21. Yes there was...I had same issue and submitted a question to support...the answer I received was that it was initially there but due to some technical issue was removed until the issues were resolved
  22. I typically don't like to see completed task for more than a couple minutes. If I need to see one in my current task manager I can always search or look in trash folder. In the new EN task manager for tasks that are standalone once I check off I don't need to see. If it is part of a note or project I have liked being able to see the progress in the note. My view is once done get it out of my view so it won't distract. Have used multiple task managers and am optimistic EN may be able to handle what I need for tasks going forward
  23. The only time I have need to see a completed task is since intro of EN tasks. In notes of ongoing project or task it has been nice to see the progress. The only irritant so far is that once a task in a note is complete the note stays in the task tray. If the task is not part of a note and just an individual task I do not need to see the task after completion. In my outside task manager I never go back to look for a completed task.
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